Chapter 708 A letter

 “What did Kangna give you?”

 “Hurry up and open it and take a look.”

As soon as Dumbledore left, Fred and George gathered around Kyle, looking at him teasingly.

Kyle didn’t hesitate and opened the box directly.

 There is a robe inside, but the style is completely different from the common style in the UK. It is relatively more gorgeous, similar to a dress robe.

The brown fabric has a special light-colored texture, like a pattern, but if you look closely, you will find that it is because the fabric itself has two colors.

 The two ends are brown and the middle is light gray. After being braided together in a specific way, this unique pattern is formed.

“I’ve seen a scarf in Hogsmeade before, and it was made of similar material.” Fred said thoughtfully.

George thought for a while, "I remember that the shop owner said that it was... Lake, what is Lake? In short, it is the neck hair of a rare magical animal."

 “Lecrota,” Kyle said.

"It's August now..." Kyle looked at him in disbelief, "You want me to wear this?"

 “Let’s try it, it’s not like we’ll wear it all the time,” said Fred.

 The reason why I say this is because Lecrota likes to stay in cold places. For example, wizards in Denmark or Norway like robes and cloaks made of Lecrota wool. The thermal insulation effect is much better than wool.

 When its mouth is fully opened, it can even easily swallow a cow... Of course, it is a herbivore and has a gentle temperament.

“Sorry,” Kyle said with some embarrassment, “I used this box to temporarily contain the dementors, but when things got busy later, I forgot about it.”

The dementor turned his head and immediately floated over after noticing Kyle.

“Be careful, don’t come in!” Hermione screamed and reminded: “Is there a dementor here?”

"Of course you're not hot anymore..." Fred shivered all over, rubbed his arms and said shivering: "It's because the surroundings suddenly became cold..."

"Ah, it's okay." Harry glanced at Kyle, and then said calmly: "We accidentally opened a joke prop just now, and Ron was scared."

 “Oops!” Kyle suddenly thought of something, turned around and ran upstairs.

In the room, a Dementor was floating in the air blankly, while Harry, Ron and Hermione were hugging each other, huddled in the corner and shivering.

Before he finished speaking, a panicked scream came from upstairs.

 Hermione was a little confused.

“Strange,” Kyle straightened the wrinkles in his clothes, “Why don’t you feel hot?”

Lecrota is a large magical animal that looks like an elk and is characterized by an incredibly large mouth.

“By the way, where did Conna go?” George asked, “We wrote her many letters, but we didn’t receive a single reply.”

This magical animal itself is not uncommon, but it is relatively rare in the UK.

"What happened!"

 George also tightened his thin clothes, "What happened? Is it already winter?"

 In fact, after Lupine's teachings, he was basically not that afraid of Dementors anymore, mainly because what happened just now was too sudden.

 “That’s it, I really hope she can succeed.” Fred said sincerely.

“I only know that Snape took her to take the assessment of the Association of Extraordinary Apothecaries.” Kyle shrugged and said, “But I don’t know where exactly, after all, I haven’t received a reply.

"No, it's okay..." Harry stood up tremblingly.

 Because Hermione watched helplessly as Kyle opened a box, and then the dementor jumped in obediently. The whole process went smoothly, as if everything should be like this.

 At this time, the adults who heard the commotion also came.

“I just heard someone screaming.” Sirius ran in first, looked at the situation in the room carefully, and asked at the same time: “Are you all okay?”

“Tsk, okay.” Looking at the excited looks on their faces, Kyle sighed and could only take out his robe and put it on.

 “Yes, that’s the name.” Fred nodded repeatedly.

He opened the box with joy and was about to put something inside. As soon as he opened the lock, a dementor came out right next to his face. He could even clearly see the skull-like face under the other person's cloak. .

Not to mention, the size is neither too big nor too small, and it fits perfectly, as if it was custom-made.

 The next second, her voice stopped abruptly.

“But Kyle, why do you carry a dementor with you!” he asked with lingering fear.

 “Kyle, do you know?”

In order to rush for time, Kyle directly apparated to Harry's room on the third floor and pushed open the door.

"I captured this." Kyle explained: "I originally wanted to give it to the Ministry of Magic, but as I said just now, I forgot about it."

Who wouldn't be afraid of this? Harry was very brave if he didn't faint on the spot.

“Okay, don’t talk about this, won’t you know when school starts?” George said, “Kyle, put it on quickly and try it on.”

“But I guess it’s Northern Europe.”

 But that's a dementor... not a pet owl.

Really, how could he forget such an important thing!

 Sure enough…

 “Yeah, that’s right, that’s it,” said Ron.

"A joke prop?" Sirius looked around suspiciously, "It's strange, why is it so cold, it feels like being possessed..."

 “I guess it must be something like a snowflake tree.”

Before Sirius finished speaking, Dumbledore walked in from the outside and said in a very nostalgic tone: "That was the most popular thing more than ten years ago. It only takes a few seconds to make someone... The trees were covered with snow.”

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry stood up and glanced to the side guiltily.

But Dumbledore didn't seem to notice his little move, and just said to himself: "But I must remind Mr. Weasley, Professor McGonagall will definitely not agree to someone bringing this kind of thing into the school. of."

"Ah, really?" Although Fred didn't know what happened, he still said subconsciously: "Then we won't sell it."

“That’s right.” George agreed, “We definitely won’t have anything like this in our store anymore.”

"That's great." Dumbledore smiled, "Sirius, if possible, I would like a glass of whiskey to warm up."

"No problem, Professor Dumbledore." Sirius nodded, "I remember there are still a few bottles of aged firewhiskey in the underground cellar."

 The adults left the room one after another.

 Harry patted his chest, "Do you think Professor Dumbledore discovered it?"

"I must have found it." Hermione said firmly: "Nothing can fool Dumbledore."

 “Then why didn’t he expose us?” Ron wondered.

"I probably don't want to cause panic. Don't forget, Sirius still has a shadow over the Dementors." Kyle said, "Anyway, thank you for helping me cover."

"It doesn't matter, we are friends." Harry said nonchalantly. He glanced at the box on the ground subconsciously, "There won't be anything else in here."

"Don't worry, it's definitely gone." Kyle said, "Of course, if you have concerns, I can help you change it."

“No, no, no.” Harry waved his hand, “As long as it’s not there, I quite like this box.

"But Kyle, I think it's better for you to tell everyone. I mean, can you sleep at night with a dementor?"

Harry felt that if he and the dementors were in the same room, he would definitely not be able to sleep, even if they were separated by a box. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Kyle said, "It's just one night anyway. I'll hand it over to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow."

"Okay." Seeing that Kyle had already made his decision, Harry said nothing more.

"This robe of yours is so beautiful." Hermione stared at Kyle's clothes, "Where did you buy this? Madam Malkin's robe shop? But I didn't seem to see anything like this when I went there a few days ago. shape."

“Oh, this is a gift from Kangna from abroad.” Kyle explained, taking off his robe.

After the dementors disappeared, the coldness also disappeared. Lecrota's hair also worked. In just a few minutes, he was covered in sweat.

 “No wonder.” Hermione glanced at the robe again.

Harry invited Kyle to stay and play wizard chess for a while, but Kyle refused.

 He has more important things to do and is not going to waste time anymore.

Harry invited Fred and George again, but they also refused. Dumbledore's words just now provided them with a very good inspiration.

Even Dumbledore’s memory was still fresh, and it would definitely be very popular. They decided to recreate something like the snowflake tree overnight.


The room Sirius prepared for Kyle was also on the third floor. To be precise, it was right next to Harry, just two steps away.

Kyle returned to the room and carefully closed the door, then he came to the table and sat down with confidence. He excitedly took out the pieces of parchment he had always kept in his pocket.

Things related to the famous wizard Merlin, no matter if it is replaced by any wizard, it is impossible to be calm. Even if Kyle has met the Big Four of Hogwarts before and communicated face-to-face with Rowena Ravenclaw, the same I can't calm down either.

Although the Big Four are also great magicians, none of them would say "Gryffindor's beard" when excited.

  To a certain extent, the name Merlin has become a symbol that no one can replace.

When he was at the dining table, Kyle just glanced at it and put it away. Now when he took it out, he found that there were five pieces of parchment in total.

However, there was nothing on the top parchment except the line he saw before. It should be for protection, protecting the real content from being seen by others.

The same goes for the parchment at the bottom

 After all, Diana reminded him when she gave him these things. If a second person sees them, the contents will disappear instantly.

Kyle took off the blank parchment and read the letter related to Merlin carefully.

Of course, the letter in his hand was definitely not the original one. After all, even the parchment was new. It didn’t take much to think about it but it was rubbed by magic, but that didn’t matter.

Kyle only took one glance and was sure it was Merlin's personal letter.

 Because the real contents on the parchment are all ancient runes, and they are the most complicated original runes without any simplification.

This is a bit uncomfortable. Whether it is taught by Riddle, Professor Babling, or the content in the textbook, they all use runes simplified by Rowena Ravenclaw in the Middle Ages.

Although Merlin was also a medieval magician, judging from the time when Hogwarts was founded, he was at least five hundred years earlier than the Big Four.

This kind of primitive runes are completely different from the ones Kyle has learned. They are not a little bit more complicated. After looking at them for a while, Kyle felt his temples pounding and he had a headache.

Although he was not completely incomprehensible, it was still very difficult to read. He didn't recognize at least half of a paragraph, and he couldn't even guess it.

Originally, Kyle wanted to memorize the content and study it slowly when he had time.

 But he soon discovered...that he couldn't remember.

These words seemed to have wings. As soon as he finished reading them, they flew away from his mind the next second.

Kyle took a new piece of parchment and tried to copy the contents... but it didn't work either.

 After he finally finished copying, he looked back and realized that he had copied everything wrong. None of the runes on the two parchments were the same.

Kyle was sure that this was definitely not his fault. This was copied from a comparison. No matter how complicated it was, it couldn't be that every word was wrong.

 The only explanation is that there is something wrong with these parchments. There should be some kind of magic on them, prohibiting all forms of copying and recording.

 There was no other way, Kyle could only put things away again and went downstairs to find Sirius.


“Rune translation?” Sirius looked at Kyle in confusion, “What do you want that kind of thing for?”

“I got something, but I can’t understand it,” Kyle explained.

Although he didn't know if there was such a thing in the Black family's private library, he could only give it a try now.

As one of the oldest pure-blood families, there should be one.

“Original runes?” Dumbledore, who was drinking at the side, glanced at Kyle thoughtfully and said softly: “It seems you have received an incredible birthday gift.”

 The people here are all trustworthy, and Kyle has no intention of hiding it.


He just opened his mouth, but found that he was speechless.

“Don’t worry, everything in the Department of Mysteries is like this, there are always some weird restrictions.”

Dumbledore seemed to have grown accustomed to the strangeness and said calmly: "Actually, I am the same. Sometimes I know something but I can't tell it. But don't worry, this won't last long. "

Hearing his words, Kyle nodded and didn’t try to say anything more.

At this time, Sirius also reacted and said: "The Black family should have a lot of books related to ancient runes, but I don't know if they have what you want.

“Well, I’ll ask Kreacher to bring all the books over, and you can look for them yourself.”

"No need to bother." Dumbledore stood up and said, "If it's the oldest rune translation, I have one. Please wait a moment."

 With that said, Dumbledore disappeared.

 It was not until five minutes later that he appeared in the restaurant again and handed an old book to Kyle.

 “I’ve been thinking about what gift to give you, now I don’t have to think about it.”

Kyle reached out and took it.

 The book is really old, probably because it has been read frequently, and even the paper inside has faded.

But this is indeed what Kyle needs. Inside is a comparison chart of original runes and simplified runes.

 “Thank you, Professor,” Kyle said.

"You're welcome." Dumbledore said, "Go back quickly. If I guess correctly, there should be a time limit on what you get."

Kyle nodded, and then apparated back to the third floor.

 With the comparison, it is not that complicated to read the contents on the parchment.

  Although you have to check the translation every other word, it is enough.

And more importantly, Kyle discovered that this was a teaching letter. Merlin was teaching someone to use the Iron Armor Curse... The letter called Armor Defense. I don't know if it was a translation problem, but the effect should be the same.

  【Integrate 'firmness' into 'guardianship' and combine it with 'city wall' to form a magic circle on the top of the staff...]

  【‘Earth’ is the key…】

"That's wrong." Kyle shook his head and muttered in a low voice: "This should not mean earth, but 'continuous growth'."

 The same rune text originally has many different meanings, especially if it has not been simplified, so even if there is a translation, it is not that easy to read.

Kyle could only list all the possible situations one by one, and then make changes little by little according to the meaning of the context.

I have to say that this is a very time-consuming job, but Kyle enjoys it.

 (End of this chapter)

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