Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord In History!

148. Dementors Out Of Control, Attacking Little Wizards On A Large Scale? (Kneeling To Customize!)

"Hi, Harry, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time indeed."

Compared to the smile on his face just now, Harry's expression at this moment is a little cold.

Seeing this, Lucas smiled and said, "What? Still angry about the Chamber of Secrets? I've already explained that I didn't see any basilisks.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care anymore, what else do you need? If there is nothing else, I want to talk to Ron about something else."

Seeing the other party's attitude of seeing off the guests is so firm.

Lucas shrugged, originally he wanted to know the Lycan.

Now it seems that we can only look for another opportunity.

Just as he turned to leave, there was a stretching voice behind him.

Lupine tore off the clothes covering his head and said, "Little wizards, friends are very important during school."

"I see that your friends seem to want to be forgiven, and sometimes it is more generous to be a human being."

After Lupine said this, he looked at Harry and blinked.

It was as if it was said specifically to him.

Wait until Lupine looks towards the door of the carriage.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dazzling blond hair and deep blue eyes.

The next moment, a personal guest appeared in Lupine's mind.

There are very few people in the British wizarding world who don't know Lucas Grindelwald.

"It turned out to be Mr. Grindelwald from the Saints Investment Group, nice to meet you.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Professor Lupine."

Lupine looked puzzled, not understanding how the other party knew him.

Due to the sensitive identity of a werewolf, Lupine couldn't help looking at Lucas with a little more vigilance.

Lucas didn't care, but pointed to the box on the luggage rack with a smile.

All eyes fell on the box.

I saw it said "Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Remus John Lupine.

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief.

When he looked at the young man in front of him again, he found that the other party was extending his right hand towards him.

"Welcome, professor, and I am also looking forward to your Defense Against the Dark Arts course. I still have something to do, so I will leave first."

The so-called reach out and don't hit smiling people.

Not to mention Lucas's politeness.

Lupine and Sirius had had a discussion before coming here.

According to Sirius.

The surname Grindelwald destined Lucas to be a supporter of blood theory.

And he's a Slytherin.

The two only had the impression of Slytherin being arrogant and obnoxious.

But now after Lupine got in touch with him personally, he found that the other party seemed to be a little different from other Slytherins.

At this moment, the boy who had already walked out of the carriage turned back.

"Forget one very important thing, Harry, you must lock the door of the car later, otherwise something bad will happen, please believe me!"

"This is the Hogwarts Express, what can happen? Is it possible that someone will be so bold as to attack us?"

After all, Ron couldn't hold back, and said some weird words.

His behavior seems to have become a habit.

It seemed uncomfortable not to say something to rebut Lucas.

Lucas saw that Harry also seemed to agree.

Shrugging his shoulders, he turned and walked towards the other carriages.

Anyway, he has already made a reminder, don't blame him for being kissed by a dementor at that time!

After Lucas left.

Laughter and laughter resumed in the carriage again.

Lupine sat in the corner and looked at Harry in front of him, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

After a while.

Lupine fell asleep again.

No way, because of poverty, he often does not have enough to eat.

Sleeping can reduce consumption and make people forget about hunger.

Back in the carriage, the two women greeted Lucas with blank eyes.

He smiled and sat between the two of them.

One left and one right hugged the two of them and said something nice.

The originally clear sky turned cloudy at some point.

The pouring rain made the distant scenery look hazy and beautiful.

Time has entered the evening.

Dark clouds let the weather into the night ahead of schedule.

Lucas knew that the dementors were coming.

"It's really strange that it's raining so hard all of a sudden.

With that, Hermione stood up and was about to leave.

Lucas grabbed the other's wrist and pulled him into his arms.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Damn, I just go on the train, it's always too boring in the car."

Qiu Zhang nodded after hearing this, and looked at his wrist.

I saw a big hand holding it tightly.

"You two can't go out now, there will be danger soon."

"Dangerous?" The two women frowned.

"Yes, Sirius Boo Laike escaped from Azkaban, and the Ministry of Magic feared he was hiding on the Hogwarts train, so a Dementor inspection was arranged.

"Dementors? Are they crazy?"

As the top students of La Wen Keluo, the two girls know exactly what a dementor is.

Hermione said dissatisfiedly: "Facing the laughing underage wizards on the train, how could those dementors control themselves.

She didn't understand the Ministry of Magic's approach, let alone support it.

At the same time, it also strengthened her determination to join the Ministry of Magic after graduation.

This time it wasn't just about standing by Lucas' side.

She also wanted to truly change this stagnant magical world.

Not long after Hermione finished speaking, the train stopped suddenly.

The two girls, who already knew what was going on, suddenly became nervous.

"Ladies, draw your wands, remember the Patronus Charm I taught you?"

Seeing the two nodding, Lucas said in a relaxed tone: "If those dementors dare to come in, use your Patronus to slap them in the face."

Lucas' relaxed tone dispelled the tension in the hearts of the two women.

A few seconds after he finished speaking, all the lights on the train went out.

The three of them clearly heard the noisy voices of the little wizards coming from the passage.

Lucas walked to the door and looked towards the front of the car.

The little snakes of Slytherin performed very well under the leadership of their respective chiefs.

Even the seventh grade students walked to the carriages where the freshmen were led by the grade chief Carl and the prefect Gemma.

"Lucas, look!"

Hear voices behind him.

Lucas turned his head hastily.

I saw the rain on the window condensed into ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two women opened their mouths and tried to let out a breath of hot air.

In an instant, it turned into a cloud of white mist.

"Watch out, the dementors are on board!"

As soon as the words fell, a figure in black cloth appeared outside the carriage.

It sticks out a rotting, dry, scabbed palm.

It seems that they want to open the carriage door and come in to check.

"Go away, there is no one you are looking for here."

Hear Lucas' voice.

The dementor paused.

These eyeless guys are very sensitive to human breath.

The dementor in front of him seemed to recognize Lucas.

It slowly let go of its palm, intending to go to other compartments to check.

Just at this time.

Two voices shouted from behind Lucas: "々`Call the gods and call the guards!"

The light from the two clusters of silver and White illuminated the entire carriage.

The light group gradually turned into two patron saints.

It's worth mentioning because of Lucas.

The patron saints of the two women are actually a cat and a swan.

Moreover, Hermione, who was not very good at the Patronus Charm in the original book, does not have any difficulty in casting it now.

For the two women, just think back a little bit about the experience with Lucas.

Just enough to make them happy and happy.

Two patron saints jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards the dementor who hadn't reacted yet.

They seemed to have found a fun toy, and kept chasing the dementor off the train.

In the middle of the train, inside Harry's compartment.

Hear noises all around.

Harry felt even more uneasy.

He suddenly remembered the words Lucas left before he left.

"Ron, lock the car door now!"

It's a pity that classmate Savior spoke slowly.

Before Ron got up, a dementor had already arrived at the door.

Ron's mouse got into (Qian Zhao's) wizard robe immediately when he saw the dementor.

Harry's owl also tucked its head under its wings.

No creature in the wizarding world likes a dementor.


The door handle is turned, and the carriage door is opened.

The dementor entered the carriage and sniffed curiously in Harry's direction.

Here is its favorite food --- happy!

A transparent air flow was suddenly drawn away from Harry's body.

Dementors devoured his happiness.

As it devoured more and more, the dementors began to lose control of themselves.

Devour the soul of the human being in front of him.

At this moment, Lupine who was sleeping opened his eyes.

He didn't know when he drew his wand.

The moment he got up, he uttered the Patronus spell to the dementor.

at this time.

Two naughty patron saints passed by the door.

Seeing that there was another dementor in the carriage, the patron saint rushed towards the new dementor with flapping its wings.

Lupine raised his wand.

Watching the dementors being chased away, Hall was a little curious for a moment.

There are still people on this train who can use the Patronus Charm.

And it's also the patron saint of the second stage.

Just when he was about to find out.

Lucas's sonorous voice rang out from outside the car. .

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