All bullets fired!

The countless daggers shot towards Artorius in an instant!

Artorius put his wand in front of himself, put his left hand against his right and used the wand to prop up an Iron Armor Curse!

After the daggers passed the Iron Armor Curse, they turned into gravel and fell to the ground.

Hermione suddenly felt that she was just playing house before!

Even Kashan Della felt that she was a little too arrogant, even Kashan Della remembered the previous battle between herself and Artorius. Kashan Della seriously doubted that Artorius was not serious at all!


Kashan Della couldn't help but cursed out.

The battle between Artorius and Voldemort is still going on. Voldemort's grasp of spells and combat is obviously stronger than Artorius's, so Voldemort directly cut his throat after catching a flaw in Artorius "057" Cutting Artorius' throat, Hermione and Cassandella couldn't help but twitch their brows when they saw the spurt of blood.

They have not forgotten that Artorius feels 100% pain, not like they are only 1%!

"I said why did that fake Artorius like to use the throat-cutting curse so much in the previous battle with us!"

Hermione couldn't help laughing at what Cassan Della said.

"I think there should be nothing wrong with this appearance. It must be that this bastard was cut by Voldemort using the throat-cutting curse during the battle with Voldemort, so that fake Artorius is doing experiments on us."

Hermione found that Artorius, who was killed by cutting his throat, quickly stood up again, and then continued to fight with Voldemort, again and again, every time after being killed by Voldemort, Artorius would stand up and continue to fight, as if those Death had no way of affecting Artorius at all.

And the appearance of death is more and more tragic every time!

The first time was with his throat cut.

The second time is directly a body smashed to pieces.

The third Fiendfire directly burned Artorius to ashes.

For the fourth time, he was directly pierced into a hedgehog by all arrows.

However, Artorius was like a robot, every time he died, he would immediately get up and fight Voldemort again. In less than half an hour, Artorius had already died seven or eight times.

You know it's 100% pain.

Although the number of deaths of Artorius is not as frequent as that of Hermione and Kashan Della before, the pain is not comparable to them at all.

"Suddenly, I seem to understand why Artorius is so powerful. As long as he looks like a fighting lunatic, it doesn't make sense if he is not strong."

Hermione nodded in agreement after hearing what Cassan Della said!

Hermione and Cassan Della looked at Artorius, even forgetting how many times Artorius had died.

After Artorius died again, instead of continuing, he retreated.

After stepping aside, the Voldemort in front of him disappeared.

"Are you all right?"

Even though it was just a dream, Cassandella and Hermione knew that the painful memories of those deaths were definitely not that easy to bear.


Shaking his head, Artorius put his wand on his heart, and with a burst of white light, those negative emotions in his heart were eliminated, and then he said to Kashan Della and Hermione.

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing. You have to learn the Patronus Charm, otherwise the negative emotions accumulated from death after death will affect you sooner or later!"

"You just used the Patronus Charm to eliminate your negative emotions?"

Seeing the white light blooming from Artorius' wand, Hermione asked curiously!

"Yes, the Patronus Charm is a kind of positive magic that relies on the positive emotions of human beings to use the magic spell. Magic is a kind of idealism, so emotions are the fuel that triggers magic. The more emotions you have, the stronger you will be." , the magic used will be more powerful, just like the Avada Kedavra, when you use this magic spell, the more you think about killing the other party, the more powerful the Avada Kedavra will be. The greater the power, the same reason when you use other magic, the more emotions you have, the greater the power.

Hermione and Kassan Della apparently had never heard of such a statement, but they were indeed lost in thought, and it seemed that what they said had some truth.

Then Hermione and Kashan Della looked at each other: "So let's give it a try?"

Both of them are very wise not to choose to find Artorius......


Hermione and Cassan Della went to test the spell by themselves.

Artorius insisted and said nothing more.


With Artorius' call, Meili appeared in front of Artorius.

"Then what's the matter, my lovely Artorius!"

"Don't talk to me in such a nasty tone!"

"Continue to study the dream-making technique!"

A dream within a dream!

Artorius can't do it by himself, but Mellie can!

The reason why you want to use the dream in the dream is very simple, because the time flow rate of the dream in the dream is different.

The flow of time in the dream space is the same as outside, but the flow of time in this dream is indeed slower than outside. According to the maximum limit that Artorius can bear today, the time ratio of dreams in dreams can reach one to three. That is to say, the real time is one hour, and the time in the dream space of the dream is three hours.

But there is a price for doing this, and the price is mental consumption.

Ordinary dream-making techniques will not consume too much energy, just sleep once a week, but the dream in the dream is different, it is no different from the waking time.

Waking up the next day, Hermione looked at Artorius with a tired 2.5 on his face, wondering, "Why do you look more tired?"

"It's nothing, I just haven't had a good rest."

Hermione and Cassan Della rolled their eyes directly, using the dream-making technique to not even have a dream is equivalent to being in a deep sleep, but what did Artorius say in the end?

Didn't sleep well? Please, even if you want to lie to others, why don't you go for a snack?

Artorius also realized what he said, and immediately changed his words: "It's just that there were too many deaths last night, so some of them didn't have a good rest for a while.

Hermione and Kassan Della were skeptical.

Go wash up and get ready for class. "

Artorius decisively changed the subject and couldn't let this topic continue. .

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