“What is “unintentional shit”? It’s called unintentional insertion. You are an uneducated thing. If your Chinese teacher finds out, I’m afraid he will jump up and strangle you to death!”

No. 26 was lying on the floating boat and looked at No. 32 with disdain!

“Fuck…fuck, f*ck…”

However, No. 32 exclaimed one after another, as if he had seen a ghost!

“When I say you’re done, you’re addicted, right?”

“There are all big men here, and there are no women. You shouldn’t have a problem with your orientation, right?”

No. 26 stood up suddenly and looked at No. 32 with a rather unkind look, but the expression on the other person’s face made him stop suddenly!

I saw the expression on No. 32’s face at this time was extremely exciting, some were shocked, some were happy, but most of them were confused!

Then, under the gaze of everyone, No. 32 suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself!


In the silent night, this slap was extremely loud. Everyone on the floating boat stared at him blankly, wondering what was driving No. 32 so crazy!

“No, I said brother, don’t do this!”

“Let’s talk about anything, and you must not do anything that hurts yourself!”

“Aren’t we just looking for that bastard Ye Shu? Let’s just look for him. I’ll listen to you!”

“At worst, I won’t sleep anymore. If I die suddenly, it will be a sudden death. I’ll stay up all night with you today!”

No. 26 panicked. He thought No. 32 was too stressed out because he couldn’t find Ye Shu, so he went crazy!

Although the two of them bicker frequently, they still have a good relationship in private. No. 26 cannot just watch his comrade go crazy!

“Look… look quickly, is there someone there?”

“Is that person the Ye Shu we have been looking for?”

No. 32 ignored No. 26, let alone the confused staff. He pointed blankly at the cliff not far away and said in a trembling voice!

No. 26 was stunned for a moment. He looked in the direction pointed by No. 32. The next moment, his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

The place they were at at this time was on the top of Mount Tai, but it was not a tourist attraction open to the public!

Mount Tai is so big that even if the Tourism Bureau develops it, it will only develop a small part of it!

There are towering peaks in this area, and the entire area is a cliff. It is too difficult to develop!

Even if it can be developed successfully, tourists who want to climb here are still in great danger. After comprehensive consideration, this mountain peak has been retained in its original state, and all those who climb Mount Tai can only watch from a distance!

But at this time, a small fire was burning on the top of the mountain. A figure was sitting cross-legged in front of the fire. He was holding something in his hand and was roasting it on the fire!

“This is…”

No. 26 frowned. Although the sky was dark, they could still see some outlines clearly under the light of the fire.

After following him all day long, he was extremely familiar with Ye Shu’s body shape and appearance!

Without caring about anything else, No. 26 hurriedly revealed his clairvoyance. As the camera zoomed in, he couldn’t help but gasp!

“Hiss…it’s really him, it’s Ye Shu!”

“Found it, we finally found it, hurry up, send the news back to the headquarters!”

. . . . . .

On the top of the mountain, Ye Shu held a wooden stick in his hand. On the wooden stick was a plucked pheasant, which was exuding an alluring fragrance under the heat of the fire.

As the temperature rises, the surface of the whole roasted chicken is grilled until shiny oil and water ooze out. As the oil and water slide down, it drips into the fire and makes a “sizzling” sound!

“I didn’t expect that this group of people from the Tiandao Alliance would come here so quickly!”

“I have to say that the work efficiency and investigation methods are quite powerful!”

Ye Shu slowly raised his head and glanced at the floating boat not far away, his eyes filled with wonder!

After running for hundreds of kilometers, he stopped. With nothing to do, he didn’t know where to go for a while!

In the Celestial Empire, he only knew Qiu Zhang’s family, and he had no contact with them at all in other places.

Ye Shu wanted to go to the place where he lived in his previous life. He wanted to know if the place where he lived in this world existed, but then he thought about it. The place where he lived at this time had not been built yet, so it would be useless to go there!

After thinking about it, he simply ran to the top of Mount Tai!

He himself is in Shandong, and running hundreds of kilometers has brought him very close to Mount Tai. In his previous life, he rarely went out, let alone traveled to places like Mount Tai.

Now that you’re here, let’s take a look for yourself!

So Ye Shu flew directly to Mount Tai. This was also

Why did they go to Ye Shu’s footprints on the 26th!

He was on the top of Mount Tai, using the ground as his bed and the sky as his quilt. When he looked up, he could see the stars all over the sky, and his breath was filled with fresh air. At this moment, Ye Shu felt an unprecedented peace of mind!

It has been fifteen years since he traveled through time and came to this world. Whether he was in the orphanage before or after joining Hogwarts, Ye Shu has always had a sense of urgency in his heart!

The purpose of being in the orphanage is to study hard and earn a lot of money, so that I can help the people in the orphanage grow up safely.

Joining Hogwarts is naturally to make yourself stronger as soon as possible and be able to deal with crises that come at any time.

No one knew how much pressure Ye Shu, who was said to be extremely talented and stunningly beautiful, secretly put on himself!

Nowadays, it is rare for Ye Shu to let go of many worries in his heart so that he can have a short period of indulgence!

Of course, Ye Shu also waited. Just as Lao Li had guessed, he was waiting for the people from the Tiandao Alliance to find him.

The Heavenly Alliance is very powerful. This is what Dumbledore warned himself when he left Hogwarts. Even someone as powerful as Dumbledore would not dare to cause trouble in Heaven!

Dumbledore warned himself that he must not mess with the Tiandao Alliance in China. Although he was from China, they would not deliberately find trouble with him, but there were some things that could be avoided as much as possible.

But Ye Shu discovered that sometimes if he didn’t look for them, they would find him.

From the moment he got off the plane, no less than three eyes were watching him in the entire airport, and the taxi driver was even disguised as a wizard.

When I woke up in the middle of the night and went out to exercise, I was closely followed by people from the Tiandao Alliance!

Ye Shu doesn’t like this feeling very much. Since you, the Tiandao Alliance, want to keep an eye on him all the time, then let you watch as much as you can.

However, if there are only two or three kittens and puppies below, that’s fine. If you want to see me, ask your leaders above to come over!

So Ye Shu set up this test, not only to test the strength of the Tiandao Alliance, but also to show these people that you can’t stop me from leaving, and don’t bring out some things that are not worthy of publicity!

I thought it would take some time for the people of the Tiandao Alliance to find me, but I didn’t expect that they had successfully found me before four o’clock!

“The Tiandao Alliance is really powerful!” Ye Shu thought in his heart!

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