“Back, Hogwarts!”

“As expected, the bed in the school is more comfortable. Of course… the most comfortable one is the one in the orphanage!”

In the Hogwarts dormitory, Ye Shu’s body was lying straight on the bed in the shape of a big letter, with an indescribable sense of comfort on his face.

They returned to school in the morning. As soon as they came back, Qiu Zhang and Cedric were taken back to school by their respective deans.

School started as early as a month ago, and they have already missed many classes, so the first thing they did after coming back was to make up for the missed classes. Even Cedric, the number one Hufflepuff, was no exception. !

As for Ye Shu, this guy is just an exception. Are you asking him to make up lessons? His store of knowledge can even dwarf that of school professors!

Therefore, the first thing Ye Shu did after coming back was not to make up for classes or to find Dumbledore, but to go back to the dormitory and have a peaceful sleep.

If something happens to Dumbledore, he will notify him. If nothing happens, then take your time!

As for the faint blue light group in his body, Ye Shu was not prepared to tell anyone else about it, not even Dumbledore.

Although Dumbledore treats him well, sometimes, he has to keep some secrets after all. This is also the way to live in the world!

During this sleep, Ye Shu slept from noon to evening. When he woke up, the red sun was already setting in the west!

“Ah…” Opening the curtains and looking at the students walking outside on the playground after class, Ye Shu stretched lazily!


Feeling his hungry belly, Ye Shu struggled with what to eat at night!

After eating Chinese delicacies for more than a month, I suddenly returned to Hogwarts. For a while, I was not used to the food here.

“By the way, what can we eat in the cafeteria? Isn’t there some good food here!”

Thinking of the things in his storage space, Ye Shu patted his head, washed up, got dressed, went out, and went straight to Hagrid’s cabin!

Along the way, all the classmates who saw him greeted him humbly and respectfully shouted “Senior Ye Shu!”

Ye Shu didn’t give much, and responded with a smile all the way. When he arrived at Hagrid’s hut, the muscles on his face were almost twitching with laughter!

“Oh, Ye Shu, my little family, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

“I heard that you went to China, how was your time?”

The hut… no, it can no longer be called a hut. After Hagrid’s house was rebuilt, it looked far more majestic than before.

Now Hagrid lives in a two-story small bungalow. However, this small bungalow is a bit ridiculously big. The height of an ordinary house is only three meters on a single floor, but Hagrid’s house is five meters on a single floor.

The combined height of the two floors is at least ten meters, which is comparable to the third or fourth floors of others!

This was built by Ye Shu based on the common structures in the countryside of the previous life. In Country Y of this era, the shape of the house seemed rather peculiar.

At this time, Hagrid was sitting in the corridor at the door, quietly wiping his hunting tools. The moment he saw Ye Shu, his bearded face was filled with joy.

“Hagrid, did you catch anything good today?”

Ye Shu waved his hand and looked at Hagrid’s harvest. Except for a rabbit, there was nothing else!

“Oh…Hagrid, don’t you get tired of eating rabbits every day?”

Ye Shu’s eyes were filled with disgust. Every time he came to Hagrid’s place, as long as Hagrid cooked, he would almost eat rabbits, which made him almost vomit!

“What’s wrong with the rabbit? Rabbit meat is delicious!”

“This is a pure hare. It drinks dew when it’s thirsty and eats grass when it’s hungry. It jumps around in the forest every day. It’s almost all lean meat.”

“Also, from time to time, you can eat some magic potions from the Forbidden Forest. Maybe the rabbit’s flesh and blood contains some special power!”

Hagrid rolled his eyes at Ye Shu, then picked up the rabbit and began to bleed and skin it!

The huge hare, in Hagrid’s hands, looked like a teacup dog in the hands of ordinary people, looking extremely mini!

“Ah, yes, yes, you are not afraid that the rabbit will eat the transgender grass, and then you will also become transgender!”

Ye Shu’s words made Hagrid pause slightly, with a trace of hesitation on his face.

But then, he still said stiffly: “Impossible, I have a lot of experience, you kid, don’t fool me!”

As he said this, he couldn’t help but cut open the rabbit’s stomach to see what food the other party had eaten!

“Haha, look how scared you are!”

“Okay, I’m not kidding you anymore, put this rabbit aside, I’ll treat you to something good today!”

Ye Shu waved his hand, and the rabbit in Hagrid’s hand came out and landed in the corner!

“What good stuff? You went back to China, did you learn any new dishes?”

Hearing this, Hagrid’s eyes sparkled. It had been a long time since he had eaten the dishes cooked by Ye Shu, and he missed it so much!

“It’s not a new dish, it’s just barbecue!”

“What? Barbecue?”

“Yes, it’s just barbecue, with at most one soup added!”

“Okay, okay!” Hagrid looked a little disappointed!

It’s not that Ye Shu’s barbecue is not delicious, it’s just that he thought he could have new dishes, so he was inevitably a little disappointed!

“Let’s go, let’s talk in our house!”

Ye Shu pulled Hagrid and walked into the house. Then he peeked out furtively and saw no one around, so he closed the door!

Hagrid was confused. He wanted to ask Ye Shu what he was doing, but before he could speak, the next moment he couldn’t help but widen his eyes, as if he had seen something incredible!

“you you…”

Hagrid pointed at the corpse of a creature that appeared out of thin air in the middle of the room, stretched out his fingers tremblingly, and was speechless!

“Hey, why are you dazed?”

Ye Shu patted Hagrid’s broad back. After being so aroused, Hagrid just calmed down!

“Oh…my old mage Merlin, is this the legendary magical animal of the Celestial Dynasty – the croaking snake?”

“Ye, tell me, what exactly did you do in China? You damn executioner!”

Hagrid was very emotional. His red eyes were staring at Ye Shu in front of him, as if he wanted to eat someone!

“Hey, hey, hey… what are you doing? Don’t get excited, just listen to my excuses… No, listen to my explanation!”

Ye Shu took two steps back, regretting in his heart that he had forgotten that Hagrid loved magical animals!

Due to his giant blood, Hagrid has no human friends at all, so he regards those magical animals as his friends, and after encountering them, he always wants to take them home and raise them!

In Hagrid’s opinion, magical animals are far more reliable than humans, so he would never take the initiative to harm magical animals, let alone hunt them.

Seeing the corpse of Ming She at this time, a feeling of anger inevitably arose in his heart!

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