From Dobby’s mouth, Ye Shu knew what the other party was doing!

Just like in the original book, Dobby came to warn Harry that there was danger in the school and asked him to be careful and even leave the school!

This very dangerous person is of course the Malfoy family!

Although Lucius Malfoy bet part of his chips on Ye Shu, in essence, he is still a Death Eater.

He had Voldemort’s Horcrux in his hand. Lucius was worried that sooner or later he would get into trouble, so he wanted to deal with it secretly. As long as the thing was not in his hands, the Ministry of Magic would not be able to find him.

Even if Voldemort asks about it in the future, he can just find a reason to stop it!

Although he will inevitably be punished and may have to suffer some physical pain, but compared to being sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic, what’s the harm!

Therefore, Lucius took the risk and secretly mixed the diary containing the fragments of Voldemort’s soul into Ginny’s books.

He wanted to use this diary to stir up trouble in the school. As long as he made the matter bigger, he would have evidence to exonerate himself in front of Voldemort.

This can be known from the beginning of the first half of the school year. At that time, Harry was successfully blocked from the station by Dobby. In the end, it was Ye Shu who successfully led them into the platform.

But what Lucius didn’t expect was that this diary had already been cut by Ye Shu, so half a year had passed without any movement in the school.

This made him confused and full of anxiety at the same time. He was worried that this matter might have been exposed!

So, they secretly plotted other methods, which happened to be overheard by Dobby. This little guy was concerned about Harry and would rather risk being discovered by the Malfoy family and then wiped out by sneaking into the school.

It can be seen that this little guy is definitely in love with Harry!

Harry: What? I’m actually loved by a house elf? Oh no!


“Don’t worry, the Malfoy family’s conspiracy will not succeed. You’d better go back!”

Ye Shu nodded to Dobby and said in a gentle tone!

The house elf in front of him can be said to be different from ordinary house elves. This does not depend on the strength of the opponent’s magic power, but on his thoughts.

Dobby dares to think and do. When faced with wrong things and those he cares about and wants to protect, he dares to disobey his master’s orders. Although he is still stubborn and ignorant in many things, he already has Free thoughts.

Deep in his bones, he longs for freedom and liberation!

Therefore, Ye Shu still has a good impression of Dobby and doesn’t want to embarrass him too much!

“You…are you going to let Dobby go?”

“Dobby disobeyed his master’s orders. Dobby did not listen to you humans. You are also a human. Aren’t you going to punish Dobby or hand Dobby over to Master Malfoy?”

Dobby’s big eyes were full of doubts. Ye Shu’s actions seemed to be beyond his understanding as a house elf.

“Listen, Dobby!”

“I know that deep down in your heart you long for freedom, that’s right!”

“The relationship between humans and house elves should not be the current enslavement relationship. House elves should also be free, and they should coexist peacefully with humans!”

“So, I can understand your inner feelings, and I can also understand your desire to help the important people in your heart!”

“In fact, I also have a few house elves. They were all rescued by me from others. In my place, they work like humans and enjoy the treatment that humans should have… Well, of course, they don’t You have such a detached heart, so you still regard yourself as a slave!”

“However, I will never enslave them. Regarding this, if you have time, you can go to the Global Magic Store and have a look. They are there. Maybe you can become friends!”

“As for Lucius’s conspiracy, don’t worry, he can’t stir up trouble!”

Ye Shu shook his head and smiled, then waved his hand to lift the barrier in the room!

Seeing that Ye Shu had really lifted the barrier and really wanted to let him go, Dobby stood up slowly. He tentatively opened the transmission channel, and the channel actually appeared!

“You are a good man, thank you, Dobby will thank you!”

“The place you mentioned, the Global Magic Store, I will go to…wait, the Global Magic Store?”

“Oh my god, isn’t that the place where Master Lucius suffered a loss? You are actually the master there? Oh my god, you are the greatest genius in Hogwarts in the past century – Ye Shu!”

Dobby suddenly realized that buying magic stores around the world was Ye Shu’s industry, wasn’t it?

What I overheard that night was that Ye Shu asked Lu Xiu

Si suffered a huge loss, and sometimes Lucius even had to “cut off territory and pay compensation”. How could Dobby forget this!

“Yes, it’s me!”

“It seems like you little guy has eavesdropped on a lot of secrets!”

Dobby even knew about this, which made Ye Shu not know what to say. Is the Malfoy family’s confidentiality measures so poor?

“Dobby can’t be counted as eavesdropping. Some things… some things were said by Master Lucius in front of Dobby. He didn’t hide it from Dobby at all!”

“There are other elves, they actually heard a lot of things, but they are all cowards!”

Dobby said disdainfully, obviously he was full of dissatisfaction with those of his fellow tribesmen who were willing to remain slaves!

“However, if it were you, you would definitely be able to prevent this from happening!”

“Dobby, please, please stop the Malfoy family’s conspiracy, not only for Harry Potter, but also for everyone else in the school!”

“Dobby has been out for a long time. If he doesn’t go back, Master Lucius will be suspicious. Dobby needs to leave first!”

After that, Dobby bowed deeply to Ye Shu, then entered the transmission channel and disappeared!

“Lucius, you are really arrogant!” Looking at Dobby who had disappeared, Ye Shu sneered at the corner of his mouth!

The things planned by the other party should be secrets that no one can know, but this guy is so arrogant that he plans it in front of the house elf. He is simply reckless!

Maybe he thought that house elves were subject to a magical contract that allowed them to live and die, but he never thought that the other party would also have the idea of ​​freedom!

People often fail because of their own arrogance!

“Fortunately, this kid Malfoy is not like his father…well, I should say not like the original, otherwise I wouldn’t even be interested in taking a second look, let alone improve his strength!”

“It’s just that now…it’s time to resolve some things first!”

A diary suddenly appeared in Ye Shu’s hand. This notebook was covered with barrier after barrier, sealing it firmly!

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