The five puppet beasts lying sprawled on the ground, covered in tatters, were recovering at some point.

The parts scattered on the ground, pulled by a force, flew towards the bodies of the five ferocious beasts, and upon contact, they quickly turned into water and merged into them.

Every time a piece of part is fused, their bodies will recover one point!

In just a few seconds, most of the bodies of the five puppet beasts had recovered. They roared and stood up, and then rushed towards the basilisk again.

During this process, many parts flew in and integrated into their bodies. With every step they took, their bodies became more complete!


The basilisk was angry, and he beat him for a long time, but the opponent returned to his original state in the blink of an eye. Looking back at himself, the scales all over his body were in pieces, and even his flesh and blood had been cut off in several pieces.

There were several deep bloodstains at the corners of its eyes. The big black bird was extremely insidious. It specifically targeted its own eyes, and was almost blinded by the opponent several times!

If the tiger doesn’t show its power, you think it’s a sick cat; if this giant snake doesn’t show its power, you think I’m a loach!

The basilisk’s heart was fierce, and the snake’s tail charged up and swept across the field again!

Facing the snake’s tail carrying the strong wind, each of the five ferocious beasts used their abilities to avoid it. However, the most cumbersome Hunter was a step slower and was knocked away by the opponent with a “bang”.

This time it was a hateful blow from the Basilisk. It dealt 12 points of damage with 10% of the force. The force was far greater than the previous attack. Hunter’s body was shattered into pieces while still in the air.

clang clang clang…

There was a sound of metal falling to the ground, and Xunxun’s body turned into countless fragments, but it did not die. After all, it was already a dead thing!

The Basilisk’s blow knocked Hunter away, but it ignored the attacks of several other puppet beasts. You Chang saw the opportunity and struck it hard in the right eye.


Blood splashed in the air, red blood scattered on the ground, accompanied by the painful roar of the basilisk!

Tick ​​tock…tick tock…

Huge blood beads dripped from the basilisk’s head and hit the ground with a loud noise.

The blood spread along the ground and flowed into the pools on both sides. The pools were slowly dyed bright red from the initial light red.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

The heartbreaking pain drove the basilisk completely crazy. After living for thousands of years, this was the first time it had been so seriously injured, and its heart was completely filled with rage.

Compared to the physical pain, what was even more unacceptable was the fact that it was blind in one eye!

Most of its combat power comes from the petrification power of a pair of snake eyes. Now that it is blind in one eye, its combat power is greatly reduced.

After the attack was successful, Youchang flapped his wings and tried to escape, but the angry basilisk had completely taken away its hatred.

No matter where Youchang flew, the basilisk followed. For a while, a chase broke out in the secret room.

Youchang is in front, the Basilisk is behind, and the three puppet beasts are constantly attacking. As for Xunxun, he is quickly reorganizing his body. In just a short time, Xunxun’s body will be reorganized and he will be able to join the battlefield again.

“Oh, no matter how powerful you are, how can you withstand their immortality!”

“In the end of this battle, you will only be eaten alive!”

Ye Shu had sneers on his face. Although the basilisk had gained wisdom, it was still too low-level and did not understand tactics at all.

Its size is very large, but equally, every attack consumes a lot of its physical strength. It has been sealed for thousands of years. Even if it was briefly released fifty years ago, how much strength can it replenish.

It won’t be long before the basilisk will be completely exhausted and eventually become a lamb to be slaughtered!

As for escaping? Ye Shu just wanted to see the strength of the five puppet beasts. This didn’t mean that he really wouldn’t take action. If the other party wanted to escape, they had to see if they had the strength to escape!


Youchang flew around in the air, but the underground space was only so big after all. After the two sides chased for a while, the basilisk suddenly opened its mouth and bit Youchang, who was unable to evade.


There was a swallowing sound, and Youchang, who was several meters in size, was swallowed into the opponent’s belly without even having time to struggle!

Even though Youchang was made of gold and iron, even though it was unpalatable, and even though it made you feel uncomfortable,… the Basilisk still swallowed it in order to relieve his anger!

“No, is it…so brainless?”

Ye Shu was stunned. It was not because Youchang was in danger. The other party was just a puppet. As long as the soul was intact, he could still be reshaped by then.

What shocked him was that the basilisk actually dared to swallow Youchang. How dare it?

The other party is a dead thing, not a body, and it will not be digested so quickly if eaten.

Moreover, even if a living creature is swallowed like this, it will not die for a while. The vitality of magical animals is extremely tenacious!

“I wanted to wait for it to be eaten alive, but now it seems that this battle will be over soon!”

Sure enough, after swallowing Youchang, the basilisk wanted to continue killing the other puppet beasts, but its huge body suddenly twisted.


Painful screams continued to come from its mouth, and at the same time, blood gurgled from its mouth.

The basilisk’s belly kept surging, and it wanted to spit out the Youchang it had swallowed, but sometimes it was easier to ask the gods than to send them away, and it was not so easy to spit out the swallowed things.

On its abdomen, you can see something protruding from it with the naked eye. It is Youchang’s sharp claw!

The sharp claws of Youchang who were swallowed were constantly destroying its abdomen. The basilisk’s esophagus had been completely scratched, and even its stomach was riddled with holes.

The highly corrosive gastric acid contaminated Youchang’s body, but it only caused it to smoke a little. The materials Ye Shu chose to make the puppet were considered to be of the highest quality and could withstand many attacks.

“Tsk, tsk, this is a “petty problem” for myself. The basilisk also suffers from being uneducated!”

The scene in front of him reminded Ye Shu of a passage in a famous book he had read in his previous life.

Princess Iron Fan: “Uncle, come out quickly!”

Sun Wukong: “Sister-in-law, I’m coming out, open your mouth!”

Anyone who has seen the scene where Sun Wukong enters the body of Princess Iron Fan will not be so arrogant as to swallow Youchang, so people…so whether they are humans or beasts, they must study hard!

Suddenly, Youchang in the basilisk’s belly stopped moving. It stopped struggling and seemed to be corroded by the basilisk’s stomach acid. But Ye Shu knew that the basilisk’s death was coming!

“it’s over!”

As Ye Shu’s words fell, a jet-black flame broke out from the basilisk’s abdomen. Wherever the jet-black flame was contaminated, the flesh and blood kept burning.

That is Youchang’s natal magical power, just like the petrification power of the basilisk, it is the most deadly killing move of magical animals!

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