Ye Shu is now being accused by thousands of people, and the business of the potion shop has also plummeted. This is entirely due to Rita Skeeter. Seeing that the other party dared to appear in front of him at this time, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

As if sensing Ye Shu’s malice toward her, Rita Skeeter’s body that was stepping forward couldn’t help but pause. She thought for a moment and stopped moving forward!

“Classmate Ye Shu is joking, I’m just a reporter. All I do is report the facts!”

“You are a big reporter and a small reporter. As long as you bring news to the wizarding world that they don’t know, you are a good reporter!”

“I don’t think you, classmate Ye Shu, will hate me or resent me because I tell the truth!”

Rita Skeeter smiled like a fox, and her words were so impeccable that it was impossible to fault her.

First of all, let me make it clear that although I have reported a lot of big news and have an unshakable position in the journalism world, I will not take credit or be arrogant. I and other reporters are “good colleagues”, which gives those young reporters enough face.

Secondly, I just told the “truth”. If you, Ye Shu, care about me, then you are narrow-minded or even guilty!

As a veteran in the journalism industry, Rita Skeeter asked herself who she has never lost to!

“Yes, Miss Skeeter is just stating the facts. If some people feel guilty, they should hide as soon as possible!”

“Not bad, not bad. I’ve been hiding for two months anyway. It’s not a big deal if you continue to hide!”

“What a bullshit Hogwarts genius, what an assistant to the principal, a combination of a coward and a puppet!”

“That’s right, we are all on the side of the truth and we are the spokespersons of the truth!”

Those few young reporters found the opportunity and started making sarcastic remarks!

They have even thought of the headline for tomorrow’s news: “The genius of Hogwarts showed up after two months and was left speechless after being scolded in public!”

This news will definitely come into people’s attention again. Although it cannot overpower Sirius’s jailbreak, it can still get a lot of hot spots!

“You…you bastards!”

Wei Gusi’s pretty face turned red with anger. She clenched her fists quietly, her eyes full of anger!

Ye Shu is her most important person besides her brother. If Ye Shu hadn’t saved them, the two brothers and sister would have been living on the streets.

In the past two years, as she grew older, Ye Shu’s handsome and majestic figure had already been engraved in her heart. Wei Gusi knew that she had fallen in love with this outstanding Chinese man!

“You are looking for death!”

Charlie took out his wand angrily. His eyes were red with anger, and he couldn’t help but want to kill these bastards!

It’s just killing people anyway, it’s not like he hasn’t killed before!

At worst, he would be on the run afterward. As long as he took everything into his own hands, his boss and his sister would be fine.

Like Vigus, Charlie also regards this potion shop as his home. Now that his home has been invaded and is about to fall apart, he is willing to risk his own life to protect it!

“What do you want to do? Are you going to kill someone in front of so many people?”

“Lawless, simply lawless, your store is a gathering place for dark wizards!”

Seeing Charlie pointing the wand at him, the faces of the reporters changed slightly, and even the onlookers couldn’t help but retreat quietly towards the door.

Not only the onlookers, but also the few staff in the store quietly retreated to the back.

If a fight really breaks out, they will definitely be the first to run away. Just kidding, it’s just a job, why bother working so hard!

“Don’t get excited, there is no need for this kind of person!”

Unexpectedly, Ye Shu suppressed Charlie’s arm, then patted his shoulder and said lightly!

“But boss…” Charlie wanted to say something more, but seeing the look in Ye Shu’s eyes, he swallowed the rest of his words.

“You are right. What journalists represent is the truth. There is no doubt about this.”

“But you say…you represent the truth? But are you really worthy of being a reporter?”

Everyone thought that Ye Shu wanted to be submissive, but they didn’t expect that what the other party said was so sharp!

“You…you actually insulted us again, you…you impolite brat!”

“Report it, I must report this matter. The people at Hogwarts simply don’t understand etiquette!”

“No matter how outstanding a person like you is, even if you graduate, you will become a dark wizard sooner or later. I ask the Ministry of Magic to control you!”

Several reporters were furious, and even Rita Skeeter had a bad look on her face!

Did Ye Shu’s words slap them in the face nakedly, or did he do it in front of so many people?

Human face!

“Oh? Classmate Ye Shu said that we are not worthy of being reporters, so do you have any advice?”

Liskit sneered, Ye Shu said she was not worthy of being a reporter? It’s so funny, she’s the face among reporters!

If she is not worthy of being a reporter, who else is?

“You said you are all reporters, well, let me ask you!”

“Journalists are people who are engaged in information collection and news reporting. Their main responsibility and mission is to go to the scene of the incident on behalf of the wizards, or to contact the parties involved in the news incident, and to present the truth of the incident and its significance through reports. On top of mass media, it can achieve the functions of watch, education, discussion, entertainment, etc., am I right in saying that?”

Ye Shu’s words stunned the reporters for a moment. They didn’t expect that Ye Shu had such a deep understanding of the reporter industry.

Although Ye Shu’s words were brief, the reporter’s interpretation this time was simple and clear!

“Yes, Ye Shu’s interpretation is very accurate. This is indeed what our reporters mean!” Even Rita Skeeter nodded, indicating that Ye Shu was right.

“Then let me ask again, do you know what the mission of a reporter is?” Ye Shu then asked another question, this time still making everyone look at each other!

They are all reporters, but they only know how to swarm in to interview people with traffic. As for their responsibilities and missions, they have not considered it at all, and the world has not even taught them.

“Oh, you don’t know, do you? Then let me tell you!”

“The core idea of ​​a reporter is loyalty to the wizarding world, love for wizards, calling for justice, and unremitting pursuit of ideals!”

“Be loyal and unswerving to the journalism of the wizarding world; work tirelessly and diligently in journalism; be full of hatred for evil forces, support the good and eliminate evil; have great love for things that are true, good and beautiful, and regard the interests of the wizarding world and wizards above all else , and even fight tenaciously and sacrifice one’s life for truth and justice. This is the mission of journalists!”


The crowd exploded, everyone was surprised that Ye Shu actually had such a deep understanding of the journalist profession, which was even more dedicated than the journalists themselves.

However, the most excited ones were the reporters in the crowd!

Isn’t it what Ye Shu said that they have been pursuing what they are looking for? For a long time, they have just mechanically recorded various things, but they have already been confused as to why they do this.

Now, Ye Shu, an outsider and a student who has not graduated, has cleared up the confusion that has been plaguing their hearts for a long time!

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