After spending half an hour, Ye Shu finally bought all the things he needed, and then walked out of Knockturn Alley, which made him feel uncomfortable.

This was not his first time in Knockturn Alley, and he knew the layout very clearly. He could find what was where by just following his memory.

As for watching him rip off customers at a young age? That’s the behavior for a novice who’s new to this place!

He knew the market price well, and Ye Shu would have the courage to put down his face as long as the other party dared to quote a penny more. Under the cold murderous look on Ye Shu’s face, those shop owners were often honest.

Although I earn a lot now, I earned it all by virtue of my own ability. Why should I be ripped off by others? I only have my share of robbing others, and no one else can even think of taking an extra penny from me!

(Charlie: Yes, yes, you earned it by enslaving us two brothers and sisters based on your ability, evil capitalist!)

Ye Shu walked out of Knockturn Alley with empty hands. He did not hold the things he bought from inside. It was not that he had someone send them back to the store, but put them somewhere else.

Under Ye Shu’s loose black robe, there is a black bag on his waist. This bag is extremely small, just like the waist bag used by the elderly to store mobile phones in previous lives.

This bag looks ordinary, but there is a lot of mystery inside. As mentioned before, this world has magical research on space.

A small tent that looks like it can only accommodate one person turns out to be a complete three-bedroom and one-living room after entering. This is the ultimate transformation of space.

Similar to Newt’s suitcase from decades ago, this one is even more extreme. It has its own small ecological world, and the animals inside can open a magical creature zoo!

Even so, Ye Shu still rarely saw people in this world using space magic to create portable storage items. Even on the first day of school every year, students from all families would go to Hogwart with a bunch of things in big and small bags. tz.

Ye Shu didn’t understand the brain circuits of these people. He could obviously make some changes and make himself a portable storage device to facilitate travel, but why didn’t anyone do it?

Even on the market, he couldn’t find such an item that could enlarge the internal storage, so he had no choice but to make one himself!

With this thing, Ye Shu can go empty-handed wherever he goes, truly freeing his hands and making life extremely convenient.

“Let’s go and find Harry and the others. Let’s talk…”

“According to the trajectory, Voldemort’s diary should be coming out here!”

“Haha, I hope that arrogant Lucius won’t change his original trajectory after being frightened by me!”

Ye Shu smiled softly, and then walked away!

Stepping into Diagon Alley, the environment here is completely different from Knockturn Alley. Even the twisted and strange buildings in Diagon Alley have become much more pleasing to Ye Shu!

According to the original trajectory, Harry and the Weasley family should be buying books in the bookstore at this time, but Ye Shu was delayed in Knockturn Alley for a long time, and he didn’t know if they were still there.

After finding the right direction, he walked quickly towards the bookstore. It wasn’t that he wanted to see them so much, he just wanted to see the diary.

Although there is a chance to get a diary after entering school, it will always be a waste of time!

Before he even got close to the bookstore, Ye Shu saw the crowds of people outside. A playful smile appeared on his lips, and he naturally knew what was going on.

It’s nothing more than Gilderoy Lockhart, the popular star in the wizarding world, announcing a new book signing here, and then attracting a bunch of people to come and ask for his autograph.

Not only that, this person will also become a trusted professor of Defense Against Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Outsiders think that he is extremely powerful, but Ye Shu knows that this person is just a swindler!

“I hope you can have such good luck after entering school!”

“Lockhart, this school year has been quite boring. I hope you can give me more fun!”

Ye Shu, the assistant to the principal, naturally knew that Gilderoy Lockhart had become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Ye Shu even personally sent the invitation letter after the school made the decision!

He did this purely because he wanted to have some fun in his boring new semester!

Before approaching the bookstore, Ye Shu saw a bunch of familiar people outside, including Harry, He Min, the Weasley family, and even the Malfoy family.

“Let me think about it, red hair, a stupid face, and… dirty second-hand books…”

“You must be the Weasley family, you really have family characteristics!”

Lucius looked proudly out of Ginny’s cauldron

A book was pulled out from inside. This book was full of pulp and had obviously been used for a long time.

As if aware of the movement here, old Weasley, who was talking to Hermione’s parents, walked towards Lucius with a wary look on his face!

“Kids, it’s a bit messy here, let’s get out first!”

Old Weasley didn’t want to quarrel with Lucius in public. It would be very rude, so he said to his children!

But Lucius was obviously not ready to let it go. He said angrily: “Yeah, isn’t this old Weasley?”


Seeing this, old Weasley couldn’t pretend not to see it, so he said hello with a cold face.

“You must be very busy at the Ministry of Magic, right? There are so many surprise inspections every day. I really hope they pay you overtime.”

“But judging from your current appearance, they probably don’t have any!”

“If the Ministry of Magic can’t even pay you a decent salary, then why…why would you ruin the reputation of wizards?”

Lucius’s words were extremely heartbreaking. He spoke frankly about their poverty in front of the Weasley children. An ordinary child would probably feel inferior because of this, but the Weasley family deserved to be Gryffindors. Damn it, they automatically blocked Lucius’s words.

“I think we have different opinions about disgracing wizards!”

Old Weasley’s counterattack was very sharp. He alluded to the Malfoy family’s style problem!

“Indeed…” Lucius was obviously also a good talker. He took over the topic from the old Weasley, and then looked at Hermione’s parents.

“Associating with those Muggles, huh… I think your family has really fallen to the extreme!”

Lucius shook his head, his face full of disdain. As a supporter of the concept of pure blood supremacy, he never wanted to see Muggles, even if these Muggles gave birth to a wizard child!

Lucius stepped forward and stuffed the books he took from Ginny back into the crucible, but no one noticed that there were two books when he stuffed them back. Harry saw it, but he just thought he had made a mistake. !

Ye Shuqing outside the door saw this scene clearly. He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled happily! !

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