Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 111 The intervention of the school board

Tormented by that wonderful idea, Avada successfully broke the doctor's order on the first day she was discharged from the hospital - she didn't sleep much all night.

Fortunately, he was discharged from the hospital on the weekend, otherwise he was not sure whether Snape would be merciful because he had just been discharged from the hospital.

So, early the next morning, he gathered his energy and went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then immediately carried the box worth more than thirty galleons to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor, not forgetting it along the way. Always use your magic senses to alert the surroundings to see if you can find the culprit who attacked others - unfortunately, you can't find anything. I don't know whether to call it good luck or bad luck.

After pacing back and forth three times in front of the wall opposite the tapestry of the giant monster beating Barnabas silly, the long-awaited door of the Room of Requirement was once again summoned by Avada.

In order to concentrate on dealing with Voldemort, he had not been to the Room of Requirement much last semester. In addition, after a whole summer vacation, the door was a bit unfamiliar to him now. Avada looked around, opened the door and walked in - it was still the "hiding room".

He planned to take back the Ravenclaw diadem during this trip, so he wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.

"Well, it doesn't seem to have been touched... It seems that Voldemort didn't revisit his old haunts on a whim last year."

Seeing that Ravenclaw's crown was placed in its original position, and the Horcrux magic on it had not changed at all, Avada breathed a sigh of relief, put the crown away, and then took out the box. , found a table and sat down, intending to start his research.


Chi la - bang!

"Hiss...oh ho ho ho..."

Avada was covering the back of her hand that hit the corner of the table because she didn't hold it tight when tearing off the tape, gasping in pain.

"It is indeed a magic tape that can stick to a magic wand. Even if there is a special spell-breaking device, it is still so difficult to remove..."

He awkwardly held the wand with his left hand and put it on the back of his hand to restore it to the original state. Then he continued to release the spell and dug at the tape bit by bit with his fingernails. It took him an unknown amount of time to completely remove the three large circles of tape. Picked it out.


He shook his numb hand, then opened the lid of the box, and observed the Resurrection Stone lying quietly inside without any disturbance——

"Sure enough! My guess was right!"

From Avada's perspective, there are lines inside the Resurrection Stone that are very similar to those of the soul, but the differences are clearly visible!

And those magical structures that originally seemed chaotic, with the introduction of a new perspective, have become regular, precise, and beautiful in another dimension.

"The Deathly Hallows really involves the secret of the soul..."

He not only sighed in his heart: "It turns out that thousands of years ago, the three Peverell brothers had already understood the mystery of the origin of the soul and were able to use it to some extent?"

"But now that they have reached such a terrifying state, how can they die? Only the most basic Horcrux magic can prevent natural death, how can they die? If they are killed, who can kill them? Three powerful and terrifying wizards?”

"Where did their research results come from? Could it be that they were like the dark wizards in Professor Baker's book, who obtained them by taking human lives? Or do they have the talent to sense souls and magic similar to me?"

"And if the three Peverell brothers are so powerful... then why are their descendants so miserable? They should have passed on their research results, otherwise the Gunter family and the Potter family would not hold the Resurrection Stone and Invisibility cloak..."

"Is it possible that Salazar Slytherin was able to write Parseltongue into his soul because he inherited their research results?"

For a time, countless doubts filled his mind, giving him a headache while feeling how long and mysterious the magical world was.

Moreover, Parseltongue and the Deathly Hallows also confirmed one thing for him - that is, the soul, like magic and spiritual power, can be edited, modified, or even simply used as a material.

"To be honest, it's pretty scary."

Avada lowered his head and looked at the Resurrection Stone in his hand with complicated eyes: "You really gave me a surprise."

"A life's true self is like a ball of plasticine to be manipulated at will..."

"...Should I go down this road?"

He sighed, put the Resurrection Stone back into the box, and then wrapped it with tape three times again.

Regardless of whether he intends to continue researching along this path, at least now he does not understand the structure of the origin of the soul at all, and summarizing the rules through observation is an extremely long task. Thinking about this now has no meaning other than causing trouble. It is better to focus on the recent coma incident...

"Well, useless knowledge has increased."

He rubbed his face, tried an ugly forced smile, and then put away the box and Ravenclaw's diadem - he had no intention of putting the diadem and the Resurrection Stone together in the box. God knows the two souls What will happen if the tools come together every day?

Although there was a high probability that nothing would happen, he still planned to avoid accidents as much as possible. Anyway, the crown will not act alone, and there are no messy curses on it, and it is probably not as autonomous as the diary. It is not a big problem to store it directly in the pocket.

"At worst, I'll spend thirty Galleons on a box later."

Avada was thinking as she pushed open the door of the Room of Requirement, and then jumped at the sound of roaring coming through the crack in the door——

"It's been more than a month! Dumbledore! It's been more than a month!!"

A deep male voice was roaring loudly:

"Students have been comatose since the beginning of school, and now a month has passed, but you can only let them open their eyes for ten minutes a day?! Not even enough time to go to the toilet?!"

"Do you know how noisy it is outside! I, and all our school directors, receive more than a dozen letters from parents of students every day! Maybe there are also shouting letters that can scare people into heart attacks What a surprise! During this period of time, even I feel like I’ve lost ten years of my life, let alone my poor daughter!!”

"Be patient, Mr. Parkinson..."

Dumbledore's voice came from deep in the corridor. Avada quickly poked her head and confirmed that the conversation was not taking place in her section of the corridor. She quickly went out and closed the door, making the door disappear into the wall again. She then cast a disguise spell on herself and continued. I heard the conversation between the two people——

"Calm down a little bit? Is it useful?! Can it make the outside world feel reassured about the school? Can it make those students feel better? Can it make Pansy feel better?!"

"I assure you, Mr. Parkinson, we are already doing our best to develop the potion. Professor Snape told me that the results will be available this month..."

"Ha, yes! Get results! Then let the students drink medicine while unconscious! Do you run a school or a pharmacy?!"

"It seems that not only do I have to send Pansy to St. Mungo's, but I also have to consider letting her transfer to Ilvermorny!"


"...We are very disappointed in you, Dumbledore."

After a moment of silence, the male voice finally stopped roaring, but his suppressed anger could still be heard: "I'm here today not only for Pansy, but also for all the school directors."

"The school board will set up a special investigation team to take over the investigation of this matter. We will hire the best defense masters and the most professional curse breakers to investigate this matter, and the school directors will personally come to supervise. We must give an explanation to the outside world... You just need to sit in your ridiculous office and write letters to parents of students every day!"

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