Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 116 The Marauder’s Map failed

"He is indeed a born master of disarming spells."

Avada, who was rubbing her temples in the audience, admired in her heart - to be honest, Harry is considered a natural master in the entire Defense Against the Dark Arts, almost all magic used in combat: Iron Armor Curse, Stunning Curse, Disarm Curse, the Golden Bell invented by Snape, the Shadowless Blade, and even the Imperius Curse... he could learn them all quickly and master them at his fingertips. It was also because of this that he became the leader of D·A.

However, the way he used the disarming curse against Avada Kedavra was really impressive...


Avada suddenly felt like she was being targeted by something.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get those messy thoughts out of his mind: "However, Malfoy's behavior is a little different today."

"I remember in the original book, Malfoy not only made a sneak attack first, but also made a surprise attack and conjured a snake, which forced Harry to speak Parseltongue... Why is he so abiding by the rules this time?"

Without magical senses, he might have suspected that Malfoy was influenced by Voldemort's Horcrux diary. But under his observation, Malfoy's mental power showed no signs of being disturbed by external forces, and there were no extra soul fragments in the items on his body. It was just that his mental state showed that he was quite nervous.

But it makes sense when you think about it - anyone who hears that his nemesis suddenly killed his idol will probably not feel very good about it. In addition, in the recent frequent coma incidents, Slytherin had the largest number of victims, so it was only natural that he would be nervous and restrained when facing Harry. In other words, those who can still remain arrogant and domineering under such circumstances have something wrong with their brains...

"So, the demonstration is over."

Lockhart announced triumphantly: "Next, let's ask Professor Snape to explain to you how to release the disarming spell - I think we should give Professor Snape a chance to show that he can teach It's so easy to cast a disarming spell, Mr. Malfoy was just too nervous just now..."

Snape's hand was on the wand again at some point, and veins popped out on the back of his hand.

"……very good."

He finally stood up and explained in detail how to release the disarming spell, how to use it and some tips in a small but very clear voice. His explanations are very clear and meticulous. If he appeared in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it would definitely be a very valuable class.

But for some reason, the students present felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave when they heard Snape's voice. This caused the entire auditorium to be almost silent, with only Snape's voice echoing around, like a large Potions class...

"...That's it, I hope there are enough of you who are not stupid enough to understand what I'm talking about."

After Snape walked off the stage with a straight face, Lockhart spoke again with a smile, diluting the terrifying atmosphere created by Snape just now: "Very good, I believe that under Professor Snape's explanation, everyone will You should all have a preliminary understanding of the disarming spell. Next, I will divide you into groups of two and start practicing this spell... Professor Snape, could you please help me."

They walked through the crowd and paired people up. Neville and Justin were paired, Harry was naturally paired with Ron, and Hermione was going to give guidance to Ginny, who was still a little confused. Over at Hufflepuff, Cedric hooked up with Gabrielle Truman, and Shabby was mentoring Hannah Abbott. Balon had already been taught by Snape, and the two of them were muttering something unknown...

"Hey Ken! Do you want to come over?"

George jumped out of nowhere and excitedly invited Avada: "That bastard Fred left me alone to find Angelina...and you don't know, Percy just gave you Very high praise, even he thinks he may not be able to win you!"


Avada's headache has been relieved a lot, and there will be no fierce battles next, so she nodded, pulled out her wand and stood opposite George.

"Face your partner!" Lockhart returned to the stage and shouted: "Bow, then raise your wand and prepare!"

"When I count to three, I will release the disarming spell to disarm the other party - just disarm the weapon. We don't want an accident..."


Following Lockhart's order, the entire auditorium instantly became a mess - the first-year students who didn't know anything were throwing down their wands and beating each other with fists and feet; the second- and third-year students were spraying sparks with frowning faces; four. The fifth graders were quite normal, experimenting with new spells that they were unfamiliar with just now; while the sixth and seventh graders simply started fighting with great joy, with all kinds of advanced spells flying in the sky...

"I said, just disarm!" Lockhart shouted in horror to the fighting crowd from above, but unfortunately no one could hear what he was saying...

On the other side, Avada and George had both mastered the disarming spell proficiently, so they simply threw their wands to each other and chatted in boredom.

"I heard that you and Fred are studying coma events recently? Is there any progress?"

Avada asked casually, throwing George's wand back.

"Unfortunately, no. Now even we doubt whether it was a man-made attack..."

George cast a disarming spell on Avada's wand with a depressed look on his face, and then threw it back in the same manner: "To tell you the truth, we have a magical map that can directly show the location of everyone in the castle. But after all, we are still in fifth grade, and our main energy is spent on the damn OLS exam, so we can’t stare at the map 24 hours a day..."

"So you gave up?"

"So we got some magic film and a camera, put the map directly in the dormitory, and used the camera to continuously shoot, recording all the dynamic scenes on the magic film..."

"...Good idea."


George sighed again: "In the end, we didn't find any traces. Almost all coma incidents occurred in places where people gathered, and the people around them were irregular... We were so busy for half of the time. moon."

"At least you tried your best."

Avada praised gratefully, took her wand from George, and then her expression fell: "So what is going on? Is it possible that we really need to have a bottle of healing potion in hand in the future? If If you suddenly collapse, someone will wake you up immediately and then continue the class as if nothing happened?"

"Don't tell me, this seems to be quite interesting."

George's eyes lit up: "At that time, I can mix my potion with hair erecting potion, and then see which unlucky guy will fall in front of me... But that kind of future will probably not come. It's a pity."

"why is that?"

Avada's eyes twitched and she heard George's emotion again, so she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Uh, don't you know? The school board has begun to form an investigation team and is preparing to directly enter Hogwarts... We are also witnessing history. Hogwarts has almost never encountered such a situation since its establishment for thousands of years. , allowing the school board to directly intervene in the specific operations of the school! There are voices criticizing Dumbledore everywhere now. Everyone thinks that he can't even solve this problem, which means that he has become dim and should retire. "

"Think about it, Dumbledore is over a hundred years old, and he is almost the oldest headmaster of Hogwarts..."

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