Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 129 The one hundred and twenty-eighth picture is poor and can only be seen!

Avada lost all sleep in an instant, woke up with a jolt, and then almost pulled Summers back and rushed to the auditorium...

'what's the situation? ’

‘Snape is actually going to announce the news about the basilisk? But didn’t he already know about the existence of the basilisk? Why did you choose to announce it now? ’

‘There are also people from the school board and the Ministry of Magic involved, plus he has made an unbreakable oath, so this move must be an assignment from the school board... Why? What time is it now? Anything special besides Christmas next week? ’

'He must have summoned so many people from the outside world not only to announce the news about the basilisk, but also to announce some major measures...'

'The announcement of the basilisk will definitely cause panic. How will he deal with it? How will you deal with the basilisk? ’

By the time Avada stepped through the entrance door of the auditorium, more than half of the four long tables were filled with students, and all the professors on the teachers' seats were already seated, except for the middle chair which was still empty. A row of chairs was added next to the teacher's seat, and on them were eight school directors, and a middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous purple robe with a somewhat stout body. He was whispering to the school directors at the moment. What.

"That's Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic."

After Avada sat down on Hufflepuff's long table, Cedric next to her pointed at the man in purple robe and whispered: "He has never visited Hogwarts except the day he took office. Now If you suddenly come over unexpectedly, there must be something big going on..."

"Hogwarts was inexplicably invaded by a XXXXX level ultra-high-risk magical creature and attacked a large number of students. Isn't this a big deal?" Avada couldn't help but look sideways.

"Didn't he come to the last coma incident... By the way, do you still think the murderer is a basilisk?"

Cedric looked at him doubtfully: "Although your guess is indeed reasonable, the facts are indisputable - even students without glasses were only petrified but not dead. The rooster crows It doesn’t work either, the target of the attack is still targeted...it doesn’t look like a magical creature, does it?”

"Although Harry heard the sound of snakes several times, he didn't stop the attack, right? Thinking about it now, he might have just heard some ordinary snakes, which is not uncommon in Hogwarts... …”

"Well, there's no point in arguing about this now."

Avada sighed feebly: "Anyway, the truth will come out later, let's listen to Snape's side first."

"Yeah, that's right."

Cedric nodded and saw the abnormality in Avada's expression, so he didn't say anything more.

Time passed by minute by minute. Finally, a figure wearing a long black robe emerged from the side door and strode towards the principal's seat. The hem of his clothes and sleeves were trailing behind, swollen by the wind, making him look like a fast-moving black mist, or a huge bat with its wings spread.

Severus Snape sat on the headmaster's seat, his dark and sharp eyes slowly scanned every face in the entire auditorium, and then he stood up and raised his hand, as if by magic. The entire auditorium became silent, leaving only his deep voice——

"Don't disturb the sleeping dragon."

His voice was very low, but in the silent hall it was just enough for everyone to hear clearly: "This is the motto of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"This sentence wants to warn people not to cross the bottom line and not to do things that may seem harmless but are actually extremely dangerous and will lead to extremely serious consequences."

"But unfortunately, in this school, someone has violated this ancient and noble code, which has affected many innocent people and caused irreparable disaster."

"And this is what each of you is wondering about now, the fundamental reason why the recent student petrification incident occurred."


As soon as Snape finished speaking, the students below immediately exploded - through these words, almost everyone immediately concluded that this was really a man-made attack. While they were having a heated discussion, they began to look around to see which chair was missing someone; or they looked left and right vigilantly, fearing that the desperate attacker was next to them...

Snape stood like a sculpture, letting the noise below gradually subside in his eyes, and then continued: "And the instigator, you have all heard his name..."

He paused, and then slowly spit out a name that shocked everyone——

"Albus Dumbledore."

"I think you've all heard of it at one point or another,"

Snape raised his voice in time before a new wave of noise started, suppressing the wave that had not yet formed: "Hogwarts Castle is not a completely dead thing, but has a will of its own. It will choose The principal you recognize, the search for children with magical talents, the selection of warriors through the Goblet of Fire in the Triwizard Tournament, and many other things that you have not paid attention to but are very important."

"However, the will of the castle that originally protected everyone and maintained the operation of the school has been angered in the past period of time - by Albus Dumbledore's ridiculous actions."

Snape's voice gradually rose, no longer as lifeless as before, but with a hint of obvious anger: "Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, and his job is to protect the students. To maintain teaching order and create the safest haven for those chicks who have not yet fully fledged... But he committed an unforgivable crime, even worse than the coma incident that made him step down from the position of principal. Even more serious——

"He blatantly stirred up long-standing conflicts in society in his capacity as the principal at school, and even wanted to take the initiative to explode them!"

"He wanted to turn the supposedly peaceful school into the center of the whirlpool and a stage for him to show off his talents and realize his so-called grand plan, but he never considered how huge the impact would be on the students!"

"Think about it, when a school that was originally isolated from the outside world becomes the focus of the whole society, and when there is no other connection between students except blood conflicts... what kind of terrible future is that?!"

Snape stopped his passionate words, grabbed the clothes on his chest and gasped, looking as if he was about to burst with anger, while the students below the auditorium did not accept the shocking news for a while. , blankly digesting what Snape just said...

"Although he is no longer Headmaster, the will of Hogwarts Castle is still outraged by his barbaric behavior."

His breath finally relaxed a little, and his tone returned to calm: "The original purpose of Hogwarts was to protect wizards from hostility from Muggles. After the castle's will was awakened by Dumbledore's folly, In order to fulfill its innate responsibilities and to make up for Dumbledore's mistakes, it chose to take drastic measures..."

"It started attacking the Muggle-born students in the school."

"Dumbledore has provoked a conflict, and the conflict between Muggle-born students and wizard family students is bound to intensify. And in order to fulfill its duties and protect wizards from the malice of Muggles, the will of Hogwarts Castle has decided to expel All Muggle-born students. And those who were petrified were the warnings sent by the will of the castle."

"That's why the petrification magic is so powerful that all the professors are helpless - because it comes from the power of the castle itself."

"In order to ensure the normal operation of the school, and for the safety of all students on campus, including Muggle-born students, I, Severus Snape, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, have to regretfully announce that …”

Snape's Adam's apple moved, and under everyone's disbelieving gaze, he took out a piece of parchment with the principal's seal, projected it, and read the brief content on it loudly:

"All Muggle-born students at Hogwarts are asked to pack all their personal belongings, leave the school this Christmas holiday, and never come back."

Before he could finish his words, an extremely fierce surging wave flooded everything in the auditorium...

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