Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 145 Communication between Horcruxes

"The moment I heard about the failure of the original body, I have been designing this plan - to bring us back together, return our souls to integrity, and recreate the real, great Voldemort."

Ken sighed and said: "I was entrusted by the main body to the Lestrange family, and just after the main body failed, all the members of the Lestrange family were captured into Azkaban. And I was bewitched. Lestrange's house elf gained the ability to move after controlling his body."

"During those ten years, I had been alone in the old house of the Lestrange family, reading materials, experimenting with magic, and looking for a way to reunite my soul. And after I don't know how long, I finally discovered a train of thought, a ridiculous train of thought—the confession effect.”

"After a long period of experiments and consulting the secret information of the Lestrange family, I discovered a ridiculous phenomenon, that is, if a Horcrux maker sincerely regrets his killing behavior, then he will My soul will be reunited. But I will definitely not use this method - why do I need to repent? What is wrong with pursuing eternal life?"

"However, since this phenomenon does exist, its existence itself shows that the soul does have the possibility of reunification, and there must be some truth hidden behind it. Fortunately, my identity as the last Horcrux allowed me to inherit the original body With almost all the research results on the soul, coupled with the information on the Lestrange family, and the cooperation of the elf, I finally found the correct fusion method..."

Ken's voice paused, and then a large number of theorems, formulas and data emerged from his words. His vocabulary was so professional that it even exceeded the scope of expression in Parseltongue. He had to occasionally Only by using English can you fully express your thoughts. And Tom was standing outside, carefully analyzing every word Ken said...

'He has more knowledge than me. There are many parts that I have not mastered, but fortunately my foundation is not bad. After all, I also have the memory of studying souls and making Horcruxes...'

Tom had some difficulty analyzing the ideas and data in Ken's words. Fortunately, he still has a lot of mental strength left, otherwise he might really not be able to keep up with the idea of ​​​​the "Golden Cup" now. As the explanation and analysis progressed, his eyes gradually brightened...

‘Totally reasonable! ’

‘All the knowledge I know about the soul is correct, and there is even a more in-depth analysis, and the idea he proposed seems really feasible...'

The more he thought about it, the more he was shocked that Jinbei had designed this idea: 'How did he come up with such a tricky and ingenious idea? What a genius...'

‘No, the main body is a genius. That it can devise such ingenious ideas just proves Ontology's ability... So during my absence, has Ontology's knowledge developed to this point? If the main body can restore the sanity of his mind, he will definitely have such a genius idea! ’

‘It seems that Jinbei is right, the main body does need treatment...but why did he send the main body to Dumbledore? ’

‘Is it possible that he wants to take the original body and replace it? ! ’

'No, if that's the case, then he shouldn't kill the basilisk...'

Tom Riddle was a little confused - he couldn't figure out what the gold cup's motivation was.

Let’s say he wanted to help the main body. He packaged the main body and gave it to Dumbledore, and also sent the information about the Basilisk to destroy it. But let’s say he betrayed the main body. He spent another ten years on it. Time to find a way to reunite the soul...

‘Do you want to… show up directly and ask? ’

A dangerous idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and he quickly rejected it: 'No, no, it's too dangerous. The location of my carrier must not be disclosed to anyone. Not even Lucius knows that I am restricted by that damn guy...'

‘But… what if we just use our mental body to communicate? ’

'Yes, use the invisibility cloak to protect the diary and only use your mental body to communicate with him...'

Once this idea appeared, he could no longer stop it, driving Tom to once again control the student who had been knocked unconscious by him. He hid the diary in his clothes, then wrapped the invisibility cloak tightly around his body, hid it in the corner, and then Slowly condensing his spiritual body, he walked to the empty classroom. After dozens of seconds of silence, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind. His figure changed from hollow to solid, penetrated the door panel, and stood in front of the man who was holding up the In front of Ken of the Golden Cup.


After seeing him suddenly appear in the classroom, Ken seemed startled, and then showed a faint smile, and raised the gold cup in his hand to salute Tom: "You are finally here - you should have heard what I said before. Is that true?"

"And depending on your age...you're the diary, right? I'm the Jinbei."

The feeling of blood connection became even stronger, which made Tom completely confirm that the person in front of him was indeed his compatriot, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes: "I still have some questions I want to ask you."


Ken smiled at him and made a gesture to invite him to sit across from him: "You want to ask me why I want to seal the body, right?"

"And why kill my basilisk."

Tom said in a low voice, staring at him coldly like a snake - once he sensed the slightest trick, he would disintegrate without hesitation, and then control his body to escape back to the lounge as quickly as possible!

"Sealing the body is part of the plan."

Ken said calmly, seemingly not noticing Tom's gaze at all: "My mind is now full of his great plan to divide the soul into seven pieces, and I didn't even realize that there was something wrong with my mind. In this case , do you think there is any possibility for him to give up the five completed Horcruxes and restore his soul to integrity?"


After a moment of silence, Tom lowered his head and replied reluctantly, but then suddenly raised his head: "Then why did you give the body to Dumbledore?!"

"As you can see, the body I am controlling now is only a third-year student - last year was a second-year student, and no matter how weak the body is, it is still the powerful Voldemort. It is difficult for intelligence to be effective in the face of absolute power. I must use Dumbledore Only with a lot of profit can we ensure that the main body is successfully sealed."

Ken sighed, and then smiled proudly: "After that, I also hinted at Dumbledore's Horcrux. With his knowledge, he should be able to guess the answer quickly. So this means , until he is convinced that he has destroyed all the Horcruxes, the main body will not be in any danger. And my current identity has already gained his absolute trust - temporarily removing the main body from Dumbledore's hands in the name of research or other things. Is it difficult to borrow it?"


Tom said nothing.

"Killing the basilisk is to prepare an alternative way of immortality. After all, reunification of the soul means losing the protection of the Horcrux, and the possibility of death is greatly increased."

Ken continued to explain: "This is a method I learned from the Lestrange family. As long as you reshape your body during the resurrection and add the flesh and blood of the basilisk, you can inherit its thousand-year lifespan and huge size. The vitality - in addition, the ritual requires the bones of the father and the blood of the enemy, those are easy to say..."

"With my current strength, it is definitely impossible to kill the basilisk, so I told Dumbledore about the weakness of the crowing rooster, hoping to let the basilisk die directly in the secret room, and then enter the secret room to retrieve its body when I am about to be resurrected. ...In the end, even the password to the secret room was changed, was it you who did it?"


"I'm not going to ask you why you did this. But at least now, you should be able to give me a certain amount of trust. I have placed my body in front of you, but I have no clue about your location."

Ken smiled, raised the golden cup in his hand towards him again, and then lowered his voice: "I need your help."

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