Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 148 The truth comes out (Part 1)


When he saw another Avada Kendavia suddenly appearing next to Balon, Lockhart shuddered violently and looked behind him in horror - there was still an Avada Kendavia standing there. Kendavia, he had just put down the unconscious student and picked up the wand he had dropped, still holding the black box tightly in his hand.

He was half-crouching next to the unconscious student, gently waving his wand to gradually wake her up. Then he turned around and saw his other self next to Baron, and asked with some surprise: "The effect hasn't worn off yet?"

"It should be almost there, probably a few more minutes..."

The other Avada scratched his head awkwardly and smiled shyly.

"That's fine."

He nodded and continued to maintain the magic. He stared nervously at the student and slowly opened his eyes: "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"


The student moved her lips slowly, her hoarse voice sounded as if she hadn't drank water for several days, but the next moment she still showed a smile: "Finally there are no black harassing flies this time. What happened in the past few days I I remember... thank you."

"Welcome back to Hogwarts,"

Avada smiled at her: "Luna Lovegood—you are the main contributor to this plan."

He patted Luna hard on the shoulder, then stood up again, looking at the diary that was firmly sealed in the curse-proof box, and Lockhart who fell to the ground unable to move. Avada's mouth was uncontrollable. The ground was raised, and there was a bit of trembling in his voice:

"Okay, everyone, it's all over!"

"Balon, could you please call Professor Snape and everyone in the Room of Requirement? Next, it's time to share the truth."

"my pleasure."

Baron also smiled happily, took out a broomstick from his pocket and rushed out of the window. A moment later, with the sound of hurried footsteps, a group of people emerged from the stairs - Snape, the Weasley twins, Hermione, Ron, Madam Pomfrey...

"Did you catch him?"

Snape asked hurriedly as soon as he saw Avada, and Avada also raised the box in her hand: "Fortunately, Professor."

As he spoke, he poked the box with his wand, and the box immediately became transparent. You could clearly see the shaking black diary inside, as well as a vaguely angry face—— In order to facilitate constant inspection and prevent something weird from suddenly being teleported away, this kind of box has the function of peeking into the inside.

"Listen to it too, Tom."

He smiled at the diary: "I will be very disappointed if you, the client, cannot know all my plans."

"You're smiling like a villain now."

George muttered from the side.


Avada straightened her face, rubbed her face vigorously, took out a piece of folded parchment from her pocket and handed it over: "I can return this to you, the prank is over."

"Mischief over," Fred responded cheerfully, tapping it with his wand. Avada also looked around at the faces that were either surprised, happy, or hating, and smiled again and said loudly:

"Well everyone, now let me restore the whole incident. If there is anything wrong, Tom, you must correct it in time."

The box shook violently—Tom could make no sound now.

"Decades ago, when he was a student, Voldemort found Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, opened it as the heir, released the Basilisk, wanted to destroy all Muggle-born students, and led to Myrtle's death. In order to prevent things from getting worse, he had to temporarily suspend his actions, split his soul, and stored it together with a memory in a diary, in order to one day reopen the secret room and complete its unfinished mission. plan."

"And this diary,"

Avada raised the box in her hand: "Later, it was given to one of his most trusted Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy, for safekeeping."

"It's indeed him!

The other Avada said angrily: "I knew there must be something wrong with Malfoy!"

"Alright Harry, stay calm for a moment."

Avada raised her hand with a smile and continued to explain: "And during last summer vacation, when Lucius heard that Voldemort had completely failed, he became afraid, fearing that others would find out that he was still holding Voldemort's items. So he started selling off the dark magic items in his house and trying to get rid of the diary - but what he didn't know was that the diary had a mind."

"In this way, Diary heard about the defeat of his own body by three students during the conversation with the Malfoy family. Then, he was shocked and directly revealed his ability to think and asked Lucius about related matters. ——Am I right?"

The box didn't move at all.

"From Lucius's mouth, he learned the identities of the three students - an ordinary student who nominally defeated Voldemort when he was born, but whose performance in school was quite mediocre, a pure-blood top student, and..."

He smiled mysteriously: "Descendants of Gellert Grindelwald."


Everyone present was startled and looked at Avada with extremely shocked eyes...


Avada rolled her eyes: "I communicated with Lucius once during the summer vacation of my first grade. During this period, there were some minor misunderstandings in language, which caused Lucius to mistakenly think that I was a descendant of Grindelwald. In fact, I Just an ordinary Muggleborn."

Many people's faces relaxed, but some people still looked thoughtful...

"Okay, let's continue."

He paused and then continued: "So I thought in my diary: 'How could my body be defeated by three students? Did Dumbledore intervene?'"

"'No, if it was really Dumbledore who did it, he would have no reason to deny this credit, let alone let his students become the object of hatred for Voldemort's remnants, so this matter was their own doing... But how do they do it?'"

"'Voldemort's current state cannot be killed directly, and the diary knows this. And if you want to catch him, you need to meet many demanding conditions - rich knowledge of soul science, long and complicated preparations in advance , and not being suspected or vigilant until the last moment, etc. This is no longer something that can be achieved by pure strength, but requires knowledge, intelligence, character, and acting skills."

"Under such circumstances, there is only one explanation left for three students to be able to complete such a demanding task..."

"That is, the descendant of Grindelwald inherited the talent of his predecessor and awakened the power of prophecy."

Avada paused, and was satisfied to see the look of astonishment on Tom Riddle's face before continuing: "Grindelwald is a famous master of prophecy, and it is not uncommon for his descendants to have the same talent. The most mysterious and unreasonable prophetic ability in history, and the only explanation that can explain where that knowledge and intelligence comes from."

"After thinking about this, the diary felt nervous - would the student predict the existence of the secret room, the basilisk, or even himself, and thus pose a fatal threat to him?"

"So, he made up his mind to find a way to kill the troublesome prophet completely, so that he could keep his secret forever."

"That's why the basilisk will only kill me and not the others."

"That's the answer I came up with when I found out that the basilisk just wanted to kill me."

"Am I right, Tom?"

He looked back at Tom Riddle - a bit of paleness could be seen on that transparent face.

I got confused while writing and ended up with two chapters of 146. This chapter should be 147. Sorry...

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