It was raining outside when the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the platform. The raindrops pounded heavily on the windows. The continuous ticking sound and the dark sky outside formed a very unique sleep-aid atmosphere.

But it's a pity that those guys who have been holding back all summer and can't cast spells are destined to not fall asleep at this time - the better ones are waving their wands enthusiastically; while the worse ones are probably leaning on the table. Writing and writing hard, usually there is a complete homework next to it as a "reference"... This situation is especially common among students who are newly promoted to fifth grade and are about to face the OLS exam.

Originally, due to the special nature of the fifth grade, they were given a massive amount of homework during the summer vacation of the fourth grade; and because last year's continuous attacks seriously slowed down the teaching progress, they had to further sacrifice their vacations - plus the fifth grade. There is also a source of chaos like the Weasley twins in the grade, so they will probably face unprecedented pressure this year...

However, this did not prevent other students, including Avada and Baron, from continuing to have fun.

"I borrowed a piece of basilisk brain slice from Professor Sprout last semester and studied it for a few days. I have to say that it is indeed a structure that can support such a strong petrification curse. If I compare it, it looks a bit like …”

In the carriage, the conversation between Avada and Baron had shifted from the basilisk farm to the research results of the professors on basilisks last semester.

As the heroes of the last battle and the top students of the school, the two of them were naturally authorized to obtain some basilisk materials, which they could study on their own or follow other professors to do projects. When Balon chose to be Snape's assistant, Avada borrowed materials to conduct independent research and accidentally unlocked a big surprise - and that became one of the prerequisites for his plan to explore a magical society. .

"...I think you may have missed something. Last semester, I helped Professor Snape analyze some secretions of the basilisk's pituitary gland...well, those things can no longer be called hormones. Anyway, I discovered a new Characteristics of…”

"Ah? Really? Why haven't you seen Professor Snape publish a paper?"

"The professor suspects that those secretions have this kind of property because there is a brand-new structure hidden in it. He plans to try to isolate it first - anyway, all the materials for the basilisk brain are in the hands of the Hogwarts school, and he is not afraid of being People publish it first.”

"It's amazing. He probably has to be busy with this during the summer vacation, right?"

"Indeed. And it's not just him. I heard that Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout also each have a batch of results that they haven't sent out, and they are preparing to conduct further research."

"I almost want to thank Voldemort. Basilisks have brought us so many new things. No wonder Mr. Shafiq wants to breed basilisks on a large scale..."

"Eh? Baron? And Ken?"

The box door was opened again without warning, and this time it was Harry and Hermione who poked their heads in. Hermione was also holding a basket in her hand, filled with a big ginger cat: "Long time no see." .”

"Hey, long time no see - Ron isn't with you?"

"I'm here."

A bitter face appeared on the other side of the door, with familiar red hair on top: "I have to stay away from Hermione now, her cat is always trying to get Scabbers' ideas..."

His words immediately triggered Hermione's retort: ​​"Nonsense, Crookshanks is obviously very well-behaved!"

"Crookshanks? Your new pet?"

Avada and Balon took the opportunity to glance at the big cat curled up into a ball in the basket, and then they all showed expressions that were hesitant to speak - why is it that cats like this are not so ugly no matter what they do? How can an animal look so scruffy? ?

Even though the cat is squinting and snoring comfortably, it still cannot hide its gloomy expression, as if it is having a nightmare, and its face is as flat as if it has hit a wall. It looks very ugly...

"Uh, right,"

Probably because he felt that it was too rude to stare at other people's pets with such eyes, Balon took the initiative to start a topic rather awkwardly: "The train has started to move, why are you still looking for the box? Are you stuck on this point? Did you come up?"

"Oh, yes, we arrived a bit late and were delayed a bit on the way..."

Harry scratched his head in confusion: "Mr. Weasley - well, it's just Ron's father who always pulls me and says some strange things, don't ask about Sirius Black, and don't try to catch him. And so on... I didn't understand what he wanted to express until the end, how could I have anything to do with a strange fugitive?"


Avada's lips moved, but in the end she didn't speak.

Hinting at the truth now only increases the uncertainty - but it won't be hidden for too long. According to Avada's plan, it won't take long after school starts to "attack" Peter Pettigrew.

"Okay, then I'm afraid you have to find a box very far back. You arrived a little too late, and it seems that there can't be room for five people plus two pets who can't get close to each other..."

"You're right - let's go now. See you at school."

"Well, see you at school."

After Harry and the others left the box and closed the door, Avada turned to look at Baron: "By the way, I just heard Harry talking about Sirius Black - he should be one of the pure-blood families. A member of the Black family, have you heard of him?"

"My dad told me about it."

Balon nodded: "According to him, Sirius Black's deeds were widely circulated in the pure-blood circle at that time. My father was a few years older than Black when he was in Hogwarts, so he also heard about it. …”

"You should know that the Black family is one of the pure-blood families with the deepest heritage. It has marriage relationships with many other families. Moreover, all of them are from Slytherin without exception. They are also staunch bloodline advocates, and He was a strong supporter of Voldemort during the Death Eater era - until Sirius Black showed up."

"According to my father, he had trouble with his family when he first entered school, and he hated blood theory and Voldemort very much. During the sorting, he was even sorted into Gryffindor - everyone in Slytherin was shocked at the time. Then he fell out with his family and lived in his friend's house. I heard that he was also expelled from the Black family..."

Balon also showed a puzzled look: "So, when I heard that he was actually Voldemort's loyal Death Eater, my father was shocked. Thinking about it, it is really outrageous - a Gryffindor Will he also become a Death Eater?"

"…Are many people aware of these things?"

Avada asked after thinking for a while.

"Quite a few, at least those who went to school at the same time as Blake know that... But there is no way, reality is reality, and thirteen people on the entire street were indeed killed by him. And although he He didn't act like a Death Eater during his school days, but it was quite some time between his graduation and his arrest, and no one knows what he went through during that time - there are so many things that can change a person beyond recognition."

"……I see."

Avada nodded and continued to chat with Baron about the basilisk as usual.

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