
Avada was standing in the secret laboratory in the Room of Requirement, panting heavily from the extreme speed just now, and hurriedly organizing materials with slightly trembling hands. His face was frighteningly white, and cold sweat that had not been wiped off was still hanging on his forehead. It was running along the brow bone, seeping through the eyebrows, and was about to flow into his eyes...

But he was no longer in the mood to care about this.


"Destroy them all!"

He desperately opened the cabinets and rummaged through them, pulling out all the magical research records on mental power and memory that he had collected over the past few months, and then threw them into a high pile in the middle of the laboratory without caring. of a pile. After confirming that there was not a single page left behind by the research in every corner of the room, he looked at the large pile of notes and manuscripts and gasped for a long time. Finally, he gritted his teeth and cast a disappearing spell to let him go. His months of hard work were completely turned into nothing...

He was really scared.

Avada witnessed everything that happened in the Shrieking Shack with his own eyes - nothing deviated from his plan, whether it was the three Marauders getting back together, or Pettigrew and Dumbledore's oath to lurk purebloods again. The family...even Pettigrew was able to take the initiative to bind himself through an oath, and it was also because of the hints he had deliberately planted.

Even though he seemed to have a tendency to regret the oath at the end, he still completed the Unbreakable Oath under the dual pressure from both inside and outside, completely meeting Avada's expectations.

But it was precisely because he had witnessed all this with his own eyes that the impact of this incident on him was extremely strong - coupled with the fact that he knew the truth in his memory as a comparison, the extreme contrast made him feel sad from the bottom of his heart. Fear and nausea, even wanting to vomit at one point...

He completely, completely tampered with a piece of history and distorted a soul!

Originally, Avada was just thinking about how to monitor the next actions of the stubborn pure-blood faction and took a fancy to Peter's latent ability. Inspired by the dark wizard's experiment that discovered the power of death, the "Modify Peter's" project was born. "Memory, let him become a helper in the plan", paving the way for the next action, and for this purpose, he developed the magic that affects behavior by replacing memory.

At that time, he simply thought that Peter Pettigrew was a despicable person, a shameless coward, and a traitor, and he should not be treated harshly no matter what. Moreover, he also wants to use this to weave a perfect story - in this story, there is no betrayal, no antagonism, the former best friends get back together after clearing the misunderstanding, and fight together for the future of the magical society...

In fact, he did succeed, and even Dumbledore was concealed by the history he made up. In the end, he got a key help out of thin air. Sirius and Lupine also walked out of the shadows. Dumbledore got the last Horcrux and learned about Regulus Black's past, completely solving the problem. Open Blake's heart...

Everything looks so beautiful, like a fairy tale.

But after witnessing with his own eyes that a villain turned into a guy who was willing to bear the sins of the past and fight for the future of the magical society for no reason, he could almost be called a hero... Then he remembered Peter Pettigrew. Not only a coward and a traitor, but also a living, real and complete person.

Human beings are flesh and blood with their own personalities, experiences, desires, emotions and joys.

And being randomly tampered with memories, distorting personalities, and manipulating behaviors like this - that's how a tool should be treated.

People are not tools.

A person - no matter how despicable and despicable he is, he is still a human being. Since they are human beings, they should be treated as human beings.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished; if you commit a capital crime, you will be put to death; if you lose your conscience, you will be reviled by everyone.

But no matter what, it shouldn't be a tool.

It wasn't until this moment that Avada realized what a terrible thing he had done - he was almost like Voldemort, like those dark wizards, treating living people as tools that could be manipulated at will.

And if he does not realize this, but continues to be immersed in the complacency of "everyone has benefited", then there is no doubt that he will continue to behave like this without caring in the future, and then continue to do so again and again. After treating people as tools, they completely lose the ability to distinguish between "people" and "tools", and use everything to achieve any purpose without any scruples and bottom lines...

This state is generally called "dehumanization."

It is also the most standard, the mentality of a dark wizard.

He almost fell into the direction of becoming a dark wizard and never returned.


Avada looked down at the trembling, white back of her hand, twitched the corner of her mouth, and showed an ugly bitter smile: "It turns out that it is so easy to become a dark wizard, and it is such a silent thing..."

"But it's my own fault. I've gone too far into black magic, and spiritual magic is inherently the most dangerous field. What's more, I'm even studying souls..."

“When studying things related to the essence of life, we always subconsciously only consider the natural meaning of life, treating it as a phenomenon formed by the operation of a bunch of disassembled parts, while ignoring the human beings in society. The moral meaning given to life..."

He recalled the message Professor Baker wrote to himself in that book - "Don't get lost in the path of exploring the truth and ignore life."

When he read this sentence, he thought he could definitely do such a basic thing.

"In the future... we must never do this again."

He adjusted his breathing, stretched out the wand and pointed it at his temple, pulled out the memory formed by his thoughts at the moment, put it into a small bottle, and then stuck it tightly with the bottle containing Peter's original memory, and The mouth of the bottle was stained with a dazzling blood color.

He will carry this set of bottles with him at all times, as a memorial to a serious mistake and as a warning to his future self.

The consequences of this behavior are irreparable. A hasty remedy will definitely lead to more serious consequences and a wider scope of impact. He could only continue to make mistakes and use this good opportunity obtained at the cost of "almost becoming a dark wizard" to continue to implement his plan - he could only use this method to atone for his sins.

As for the magic he created previously, which affects the entire personality by modifying memory, thereby changing behavior... he will risk his life to prevent this scourge from leaving even a single trace in the world.

"In the next period of time, we can no longer study mental power. The research on souls and Horcruxes must also stop for a while. Anyway, Voldemort's Horcruxes have been completely collected. Fortunately, my original research direction is also The werewolf curse..."

He leaned on the table and let out a long sigh. Suddenly, he felt a fatigue from his soul suddenly sweeping through every cell in his body, making him wish he could lose consciousness right now and fall to the ground...

"It's time to go back to bed."

"I don't know how Harry and Sirius will get along in the future, and what will happen to Pettigrew when he faces the final judgment..."

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