‘Werewolf! ’

Avada remembered clearly that this was the third time in his life that he had such a panic-like and suppressed anger feeling like a cardiac arrest - the last time was when he left the abandoned bathroom and saw Filch being petrified. , and the last time was the moment when Voldemort killed Quirrell and split his soul to escape the trap...

Such a young werewolf, with both parents being normal humans - this could only mean one thing.

According to the current research conclusion, although the werewolf curse is a brand rooted in vitality, it is basically certain that it cannot be inherited along with genes. The only exception is that two werewolves took on the form of wolves during the full moon. When combined, something very strange happens: the werewolves will give birth to a litter of real wolf pups, which will grow up to become very beautiful wolves. They are indistinguishable from real wolves, but possess near-human intelligence. However, in known history, this kind of thing has only been recorded twice...

Therefore, it is impossible for such a young child to naturally become a werewolf, unless...

Another werewolf took the initiative to attack him and deliberately infected him with the vicious curse.

'So, this is why those pure-blood families and wealthy people are trying hard to install the disembodiment ban, and why those who want to install the ban basically have young children...'

At the moment when all kinds of clues were connected together and the truth was revealed, Avada felt his chest suddenly became tight, forcing him to take a long and deep breath while making sure not to make any sound: 'Someone...there are werewolves, attacking the children of the magical society in batches and on a large scale! ! ’

'No, that's not right, calm down...'

The calmness he had developed from being in danger for a long time quickly helped him escape from the intense emotions, and his thoughts returned to calmness again: 'If this is just the case, why hasn't this news spread in the magical society? Why didn't the Ministry of Magic take action? And why did the threatened purebloods and wealthy people just install bans instead of taking further measures? ? ’

'There are still many things that don't make sense. Calm down, calm down, and observe carefully first...'

He began to observe the child more carefully. He was now trying hard to make various strange expressions, trying to make his parents, who were frowning for some reason, happy.

'Vitality... the standard werewolf curse brand is no different from the one in Professor Lupin's body; the same is true at the mental level. Just looking at the symptoms, it seems that no more clues can be found... Wait, what is that? ? ? ’

Avada's eyes suddenly focused.

Only then did he notice that there was actually a small trace of magic hidden under the standard werewolf curse mark...

‘Obvious man-made traces… Someone tampered with the cursed brand? ’

‘Looking at his basic frame and location, it should be directly related to the curse mark, and it also retains the function of accepting something? ’

‘What is this for? The effect of this artificial magic seems to be inconsistent, it should not be some kind of treatment method...'

'Needs closer study. ’

He moved his arm slowly and steadily, and silently let his wand slide into his palm, and was tightly grasped by five fingers. Then, in the soft and rhythmic silent waving, the power of an invisible substance was gradually released from the tip of the wand, covering the entire room softly like a light...


Taylor, who was trying hard to hide his worries and uneasiness, suddenly yawned slowly and rubbed his eyes: "I seem a little sleepy..."

"Are you too tired from work, my dear... yawn-"

"But now that you say it, I seem a little sleepy... Merlin, is it too early to go to bed now?"

"Snoring... snoring..."

The yawn quickly spread among the three people, and the effect was quite obvious. The poor child who was infected and turned into a werewolf closed his eyes and fell asleep first. His parents could only hold up their eyelids and carry the child to the bed and cover him with quilts. I lost my mind.

"So, let me see what happened..."

Avada raised her hand and let an invisible force gently open Taylor's eyelids, revealing his already somewhat dilated pupils.

"When I mentioned that incident, I had such intense emotions. He must know something inside. At least he knows who turned his son into a werewolf and why he did it..."

"Sorry, I just decided not to abuse mental magic a few days ago, but now..."

He walked softly to Taylor's bedside and looked down at him, his eyes fixed on his pupils, and he was about to activate Legilimency to enter his memory...

call out--


The moment he felt something strange, Avada dodged to the side very quickly, letting a lightning-fast red light rub his shoulder and hit the wall!

‘Someone! ’

Only then did he realize that he had been confused - he just followed the space passage left by Taylor and came to his home, without even paying attention to whether there were other people lurking in the distance outside the house!


In a flash of thought, he had apparated outside the house - it was a piece of grass shrouded in the night sky, with a wooden cabin standing in the middle. That was what the Taylor family looked like from the outside.

After hearing an explosion of disembodiment coming from beside him, and confirming that the attacker had followed him out, Avada immediately activated the End of the World and hid in the space mezzanine, and the wand in his hand shook lightly and quickly. Get up and let a powerful and hidden magic condense at the tip...

The guy who sneaked up on him might be an accomplice of the werewolf, or even the werewolf himself, and if that was the case, that would be great - this way, he wouldn't have to use Legilimency to forcibly spy on Taylor. Memorized.

As long as he defeats that guy and pries all the secrets out of his mouth, he will naturally get all the information he wants!

'Well, look at this move...'

He was floating like a ghost in the space mezzanine, and in a blink of an eye he was behind the sneak attacker. He was about to jump out of the space mezzanine and launch a sneak attack from behind, but he was suddenly stunned at the last moment.

That person's vitality structure was not that of a werewolf, but a perfectly normal wizard. Not only that, his mental power is as dazzling and powerful as a ball of fire, and he is on the same level as top wizards such as Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. And the most important thing is that there is still a symbolic defect in his soul, and the structure of his mental power is very familiar...

‘Be…Professor Baker? ! ’

‘Why is he here again? And you still show up here, waiting for me to come to your door? ! ’

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