Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 218 The Story Behind the Secrecy Law

"Miranda Gorshak? Author of the Standard Spells series and Britain's greatest educator?"

Avada raised her eyebrows in surprise: "What she said makes sense. But listening to your mysterious tone just now, I thought your principal was Gellert Grindelwald... …”

"That's our vice principal."


Avada's body stiffened for a moment, and when she realized what important speech Professor Baker had said, she turned back in fright: "Are you the remnants of the witch cult?!"


Professor Baker shook his head amusingly: "Most new professors have similar reactions to you when they hear the news... In fact, our founder is always just Nobby Rich, but he did absorb a lot of people. The remnants of the Young Wizards Party, and the recognition and support of Gellert Grindelwald himself... In fact, many of our key technologies come from him, and there are also many former Wizards teaching here. , such as the Rozier family and the like."

"Grindelwald's approval and support?!"

Avada was startled again, and even couldn't help but take two steps back: "You even sneaked into Nurmengard?

"Also, what exactly are you going to do to get that guy to support you?!"

"We were surprised at first, but it's not incomprehensible - you can't expect an old man who once stirred up troubles to stay in the castle for fifty years, doing nothing but eating and sleeping, right?"

Professor Baker shrugged his shoulders: "As for our school philosophy, it does have some similarities with Grindelwald. We have to talk about these slowly... This is right here, my office."

At some point, an ordinary wooden door followed the two of them and came to them. After Professor Baker tapped the doorknob with his wand, the door opened with a click. Directly opposite the door is a slightly glowing mirror. Turning further in, you can see an office that is neither big nor small, and very elegantly decorated. There are tables, chairs, bookcases, fireplaces, shelves for teaching aids, etc., and there are even two cups of hot coffee on the table, which look like they have just been brewed.

"Come in and sit down, you still have a lot to learn..."

Professor Baker closed the door with his backhand, let Avada sit opposite him, and pushed a cup of coffee over: "If we really want to talk about it carefully... we have to start with the current situation of this society."

"Ken, I remember you are also a Muggle-born, right?"

Avada nodded.

"Then have you ever thought about why in a magical society that has lasted for thousands of years, there is no institution like a 'university' that should exist? Why do wizards have to work and make money after they are only seventeen years old, even if they need to do necessary things? They can only get very limited knowledge through on-the-job training... Compared with Muggles, wizards' lifespans are obviously so long, their lives are so easy, and their summed up knowledge is just as vast... But there just isn't any. Such an institution is specially designed to impart advanced knowledge to meet the needs of wizards to master knowledge..."

"why is that?"


Seeing Avada's silence, Baker leaned forward, as if to exert some kind of pressure: "The number of wizards in the entire UK has exceeded 10,000, but most of them have only mastered The basic knowledge taught at Hogwarts can only barely use magic to improve one's life. Only those who work in major technology companies or special institutions, or members of pure-blood families, have the opportunity to further gain access to in-depth knowledge... …But how many are those people? I’m afraid they’re not even five hundred!”

"Use your common sense in Muggle society and think about it - in a society where less than one-twentieth of people have gone to university, what kind of scene is that?"

"What causes this?"

"...Secret Law?"

After a moment, Avada spoke softly.

"Part of the answer is correct."

Professor Baker nodded and leaned back: "On the surface, the secrecy law is even one of the most important reasons - reducing the transmission of knowledge can reduce the destructive power of wizards and ensure that they do not They will be obsessed with magic all day long, making ping-pong noises, which will attract the attention of Muggles and save them from Muggle persecution... That's the theory, right?"


Avada noticed that Professor Baker was pronouncing the word with extra force.

"Yes, in theory - Muggles persecute wizards, so wizards must ensure that they are not discovered by Muggles, so they cannot master magic that is too conspicuous... What a wonderful closed loop of logic."

Professor Baker sneered: "But have you ever thought about it, in the 17th century when the Statute of Secrecy was introduced, when the most advanced Muggle weapons were only flintlock guns - what did they use to persecute the wizards back then? ?”

"At that time, magic schools in various countries had been established for at least a hundred years, and Hogwarts had a history of more than 600 years; wands had long been popular, and transportation methods such as apparation, flying carpets, and broomsticks had also appeared. . Even under the influence of the Goblin Rebellion, basically all wizards at that time were combat experts and mastered a bunch of magic for combat... Will they be persecuted by a group of Muggles holding flintlock guns? "

"Even if they faced a Muggle army alone, the wizards at that time wouldn't have much of a problem - the Iron Armor Curse, Apparition Curse and Confusion Curse were enough to solve everything. What's more, wizards usually hide in Muggle society and don't have any problem at all. They need to face the military power of Muggles...why are they so persecuted that they have to disappear from society?"

"...So, what is the truth?"

"The truth has been buried layer by layer amid complex social changes, making it difficult to verify."

Professor Baker took a sip of coffee and sighed: "But I can tell you about other things."

"For wizards, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were undoubtedly two turbulent eras. In addition to the hostility from Muggles, the most important trouble was the goblin rebellion. Even the law of secrecy was implemented to completely isolate Muggles. The main reason for the threat is to free up my hands to concentrate on dealing with those goblins...

"Then, after the implementation of the Statute of Secrecy, the goblin rebellion quickly subsided after a small fight. Not only did the goblins hardly suffer any liquidation, they even took control of Gringotts, the economic lifeline of the magical society. "

"...Who dominated the magical society at that time?"

"Very sharp."

Professor Baker glanced at Avada approvingly: "The Ministry of Magic had not yet taken shape at that time, so what was in charge at that time was its predecessor, the 'Wizards' Council', which was a management organization composed of the directors of various wizarding communities at the time."

"The person in charge of each wizarding community?!"

Avada was shocked. If his basic knowledge of the history of magic was correct...

"That's right."

Professor Baker nodded heavily: "They are all pure-blood families."

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