Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 220 Grindelwald? Conservative

"The beginning of change..."

Avada repeated Professor Baker's words in a low voice.

"That's right."

Professor Baker smiled: "The biggest crux of today's magical society is the excessive monopoly of knowledge and resources by pure-blood families, which makes the entire society lose the vitality of development. And we, Noblic University, have already tried to change this status quo. And I have been fighting for it for more than thirty years.”

"We collect knowledge, summarize it, and impart it to young people who are willing to study in a standardized way, so that more people can improve themselves and realize their dreams; so that more minds can create value for society; and at the same time, it also provides a new The path - a path where you can learn and research freely without falling into a dark wizard. Today we have dozens of professors, and in the past thirty years, we have exported hundreds of wizards with advanced knowledge to the society. !”

"We also use knowledge to create more convenient and advanced magic or alchemical creations to gradually inject vitality into this society - basically all the advanced products that have appeared in recent years, such as wolfsbane potions, firebolts, etc. Our people are involved in research and development.”

"In addition, we are also secretly fighting against pure-blood families, and the main method is to hunt down their dark wizards, collect their research results, and use them on the right path. After the first crisis caused by Voldemort During the First Wizarding War, although we did not participate in the direct confrontation with Voldemort, we took advantage of the opportunity when all the dark wizards were focused on the bright side, and harvested a large number of top dark wizards and knowledge resources in one fell swoop - the book I gave you Most of the content in the book was compiled at that time.”

"...Well, great admission brochure."

Seeing Professor Baker stop talking and looking at her expectantly, Avada had to clap her hands awkwardly to show her approval: "But I still have a few questions."

"I have to correct you. What I just told you is not an 'admission brochure'...but I'll let you ask first."

Professor Baker spread his hands.

"first question."

Avada also leaned forward a little: "What is your relationship with Dumbledore?"

"He is also an important force dedicated to fighting pure-blood families, and he also possesses quite advanced technology and resources that cannot be ignored. Logically speaking, you have no reason not to recruit such a powerful ally. But not only did you not do this, but you also Secretly bringing his old rival Grindelwald into the group - why?"

"Because we are somewhat different from him after all."

Professor Baker answered simply: "Dumbledore is too conservative. From beginning to end, all he wants to do is 'maintain the status quo' rather than really hoping to change anything. Every time he faces the enemy - Grindelwald Be it Voldemort or the pure-blood family... they were the first to break the existing rules, so Dumbledore had to stand up and fight against him. Otherwise, he would be as honest as he was a few years ago. Stay in school and do nothing."

"Is that what you think?"

Avada couldn't help but narrowed her eyes after hearing this: "Dumbledore 'doesn't want to change'? He is now over a hundred years old. Has the magical society not changed enough in these more than a hundred years? Is it possible that he doesn't want to change every time?" Can’t you see anything?”

"He just doesn't want society to slip to the bad side, or too radical measures to affect the safety of too many people... It can be seen from his declaration of war on the pure-blood family this time that he is very happy to see the magic society stabilize. In order to make progress, he did not hesitate to devote his own strength to clear some stubborn obstacles... How many pure-blood family heads were sent to Azkaban by him alone?"

"It's impossible for you not to see this, unless you have other plans."

He stared into Professor Baker's eyes and his tone became slower: "This is my second question - what is your relationship with Gellert Grindelwald?"

"An expected question."

Professor Baker clapped his hands briskly: "I can even imagine the script in your mind at this moment - the former overlord was not willing to be trapped in failure, so he contacted his old subordinates in the tower, strategized, and gradually developed a huge The underground forces are just trying to make a comeback one day and thoroughly implement their own ideas... Is that what you were thinking just now?"

"It's not surprising that you think so. After all, our philosophy has many similarities with Grindelwald, and we really got his help... You may not believe it, but Nobby Ridge was asking After Grindelwald fully explained his blueprint, how do you think he responded?"

"How did you respond?"

"Grindelwald admitted in front of the principal that his ideas were still too conservative."


Seeing how Avada was so frightened that she almost ran away from the door, Professor Baker couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Pfft... Ahem, in fact, our ultimate goal is the same as Grindelwald, which is to let Wizards are great again. Eliminating pure-blood diseases is only a key step in reviving magical society, and after all this is achieved, we will also take action on the "Law of Secrecy"..."

"This is the real reason why we have to hide in the dark - no one would think that such a group of top elites gathered together just to open a university and teach and educate people honestly."

"This is true for pure-blood families and dark wizards, this is true for the Ministry of Magic, this is true for the Wizengamot... and so is Dumbledore."



Avada felt her throat was a little dry: "Is this your true purpose? To revive the magical society and then concentrate the power of wizards to conquer Muggles? No, Grindelwald said that he is more conservative than you. Do you want to..."

While he was talking here, Avada's body was already in a starting position - as long as Professor Baker really told the answer, he would immediately sprint to Dumbledore's office.

"Conquer? No, no, no, we don't intend to conquer anything... What we want to do is to let the wizards get back what they deserve."

“What does it mean to ‘deserve’ something?”

Avada's body had leaned forward so much that she had to hold the edge of the table with both hands.

"Living space, resources, interpersonal relationships, freedom, opportunities...everything a normal person should have."

Professor Baker looked up into Avada's eyes: "Things that none of these wizards have."

"Other than being able to use magic, what is the difference between wizards and Muggles? We are the same species, have the same needs, speak the same language, use the same culture, and live on the same land... But why? Because of a magical talent, we have to give up our own happiness, completely give up such a vast world, and then huddle in a corner and live an ignoble existence?"

"Stop-I know what you want to say."

He raised his hand to stop Avada who was about to say something: "You have to admit that this is a completely legitimate demand, right? The controversy is nothing more than the way to realize this demand. Muggles certainly don't We will just sit back and watch a group of people who are incomprehensible and difficult to control integrate into our own society and divide our own resources... In the process of achieving this goal, conflicts will inevitably break out between us and Muggles, and we must also find a way Winning - and this is the difference between us and Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald's method is to provoke a world war and weaken the power of Muggles. And our method is..."

Professor Baker paused, and then showed that mysterious smile: "Made the magical society into a more advanced and powerful society than Muggles, so that they can coexist with us willingly."

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