He concentrated on looking hard again - on this blurry timeline, it seemed that the further back in the future, the more fuzzy and difficult to identify the images displayed. Even when it came to the scene where the Goblet of Fire appeared, the picture was already blurry to the point of being exaggerated beyond 800 degrees of myopia. Except for people with very recognizable figures such as Dumbledore and Maxim, the rest were basically That's all it takes to distinguish between men, women, old and young.

However, despite this, the impact of Nobic Ridge University's disclosure of this matter should be extremely clear - at least the entire magical society will usher in a round of turmoil, and the university's campus in the real space will also be established, and countless Young talents will come and sign up enthusiastically...

However, there is no picture depicting the above scenes.

"Forget it, anyway, I originally felt that it was a bit unreliable for Nobi Ridge University to officially make it public at that time..."

After careful observation and unable to come up with any useful conclusions, Avada could only shelve the matter for the time being - anyway, they had already done what they needed to do, and it was only a matter of time before the university officially made it public. things. The deadlock in the magical society is not easy to break, so whether Grindelwald's prediction is wrong or the future shown by this timeline is incomplete, it will not affect the orderly advancement of the university's plan.

"Then, let's get back to the topic and see if we can find the results of my future self's research on the soul - although there is definitely no very specific information that can be seen in such a blurry picture, but even a spell-casting action and the shape of an instrument are all is useful!"

He decisively shifted his attention: "According to my current plan, I will first borrow the Elder Wand from Dumbledore, and use the principles of the Elder Wand to deduce the method of simulating the confession effect, and then Then we can start with the soul fragments in Harry's body, and maybe even discuss the issue with Dumbledore during the process, after all, he has also begun research on the soul."

"In other words, I should appear around Dumbledore more frequently. Merlin is on top. Fortunately, his appearance is relatively recognizable... Let me first see where the clip of Dumbledore lending the Elder Wand is... "

"Wait, what about me?!"

After searching carefully, he found to his disbelief that in the blurry timeline he saw, there was only one clone of Crewe Impry who was still conscientiously teaching lectures at the university. , and his true identity, the fifth-year student at Hogwarts, Avada Kendavia... has no place for him!

Admittedly, he couldn't see any face clearly in those blurry pictures, and could only judge a person's identity based on their general outline and what they were doing - for example, the old man with a beard and glasses was Dumbledore. The woman with an abnormally tall stature is Maxim, and the one with surprisingly big eyes is Moody. The one who often stands side by side with Dumbledore and Maxim is Karkaroff, who is talking to a red-haired boy and a The girl with curly brown hair fooling around is Harry Potter...

It stands to reason that since he is dedicated to studying souls, he should have frequent contact with Harry and Dumbledore. And no matter which picture of the future they appear in, there are no similar characters around them at all!

Harry was just fooling around with Ron and Hermione normally, and Dumbledore could only sit in front of the referee with peace of mind, and there was no figure around him who might belong to his Avatar!

"what happened?"

Avada was inexplicably frightened: "Could it be that...I...am not dead?"

"But if that's the case, why is Crewe Imperium still operating normally? Someone has taken away its control?"

"Moreover, if I really die or disappear, there is no way that Dumbledore, Harry, or Balon can just sit back and watch, right? But in those scenes, they are all functioning normally..."

"...Is there really something wrong with me in the future?"

He couldn't help but look back at the "starting point" of this timeline - starting from next year's opening banquet.

Then he suddenly felt that "the consciousness was trapped in the timeline, causing the body in reality to be completely unable to move", which seemed to be a perfect reason for his absence. And if Crewe Imprey's identity was disguised by several people who knew his true identity, such as Professor Baker and Grindelwald, then there would be no flaws in this statement...

"No, wait..."

"I seem to be here!"

Just when his eyes were focused on the Hogwarts opening banquet, he suddenly saw his own figure on Hufflepuff's long table: "The figure, hair color, and sitting position all match... …I was still there during the opening party?”

"Then when did I disappear...the Goblet of Fire appeared!"

"I lived a normal life in Hogwarts from the beginning of the school year to the appearance of the Goblet of Fire. Then when the Goblet of Fire appeared, when registration for the Triwizard Tournament began, I suddenly disappeared?"

"What happened in the meantime?"

He tried to scratch his head, and then fell into a state of confusion after realizing that he now had no body.

"Dumbledore's secret mission? The secret revenge of the pure-blood family? Or am I actually focusing on researching the invisibility cloak, so I need to wear it on my body for a long time, so I can't see it?"

"From the opening banquet to the appearance of the Goblet of Fire...it takes less than a month. What will happen? What can happen?"

"And don't I have an O.W.L.S exam to prepare for next year? Dumbledore shouldn't deliberately arrange extra tasks for me, right?"

Now that he can't even be found, the so-called "learning how to peel off Horcruxes in advance" naturally becomes nonsense. And I don’t know why the too vague picture of the future also resulted in the information he gained being quite limited - this was probably another meaningless journey to the timeline that would keep him in bed for more than a week.

"Let's go...find that big ball of light, and then get killed back."

He thought feebly and reluctantly moved forward along the timeline. The picture of the future became more and more blurry as time went by, and finally blurred to the point of being completely unrecognizable, while the further distance simply became a chaos with a single tone. What accompanies Avada seems to have turned into eternal darkness and silence...

Until, a familiar ray of light suddenly dispelled the darkness around him.

"coming soon."

Avada sighed in consciousness, and then cast his gaze towards the deepest part of the endless timeline as if resigned to his fate - the huge, brilliant sphere as majestic and bright as a star once again occupied his entire field of vision.

"So, what exactly is this..."


"Wait, I'm okay?!"

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