Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 270 Who is the Warrior?

"Dumbledore...has he made up his mind that I want to compete?"

After thinking about it and figuring out the reason, Avada couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Are you putting back the traces that I took off so hard to avoid causing trouble when checking the wand?"

"I originally planned to modify this wand into a low-end version of the Elder Wand... Let's wait until the tournament is over. Don't scare Ollivander."

While chanting, he grabbed a few bottles of magic potion that had appeared on his table at some point and drank them in gulps. He immediately felt a lot better, and then he reluctantly sat up and started to open them. Let's take a look at what his friends brought while he was in coma...

""Triwizard Tournament Yearbook"?!"

After opening the package, Avada was startled by the first thing she saw: "Who sent it... Baron?!"

"He also knows about the Triwizard Tournament? Oh, by the way, his father is one of the masterminds behind Noblic University. It's impossible for him not to know... But why did he give me this thing? He also thinks that I Are you likely to be selected as a warrior?"

"Underneath...a box of chocolate chip cookies? I like this...or is it from Baron?"

"It seems that it was old Shafiq who sent that book?"

He nodded clearly and continued to look through the package: "The rare intelligence enhancer... Cedric's? It seems that in the future I see, he is still a warrior? No, if the prerequisites change, the Goblet of Fire will not If there is an age limit... could the person standing with the other two warriors actually be me?!"

"This may explain why I disappeared after the Goblet of Fire appeared - I just disappeared from the audience and competed as a warrior?"

"It's hard to tell. After all, Cedric and I are about the same size, but it's hard to tell them apart based on that blurry phantom... Just be careful first."

"And this..."She Laoqiang Dictionary·First Edition"?!"

"Harry sent it?!"

Avada trembled again: "Professor Kettleburn and Harry really came up with this thing? In other words, the plan of the basilisk farm has taken a big step forward? This is gratifying. But I remember that there seems to be a shadow of Nobic Ridge University behind this project...Co-authorship is everywhere in almost all high-end academic projects?”

"You have to be careful when you look back, don't let the university accidentally go astray and run all the way in the direction of the academic..."

With random thoughts floating in her mind, Avada continued to open the package and looked through the various gifts and messages. In fact, for me, it was only a few days ago that I separated from them, but from their perspective, more than four months have passed. Even from the lines of the message, I can read their feelings about this sudden and unreasonable departure from me. Being in a coma, and even whether he can wake up are the worries and blessings of the "unlucky guy"...

"Answer some letters."

He forcefully adjusted his sitting position so that he could get a stack of letters and quills on the edge of his sitting position: "I have to tell them in advance that I'm safe, so as not to scare them when school starts... By the way, Harry can still receive owls. Is there a letter?"

"Uh, hell, I can't seem to control my hands..."

"This handwriting is too ugly, rewrite it again!"


For the average person, even if they haven't written for just four months, they will feel a clear sense of unfamiliarity when they first pick up a pen - and he has been paralyzed for more than four months, and even his arms are worse than before he was comatose. It is visibly thinner to the naked eye, and I was sitting on the bed while writing, so the final product can only be described as a disaster...

"Yo, long time no see, Ced - how was your vacation?"

"Pretty cool! Speaking of which, have you gone to see this year's Quidditch World Cup? I don't think I even saw you in the camp..."

"Oh, my uncle took me to watch that time. He is an avid Bulgarian fan, so I was dragged directly to their fans, and I was still in the front row!"

"Front row? How enviable...Wait a minute, wasn't Ludo Bagman and Viktor Krum right next to you when they quarreled?"

"Of course! I told you that at that time, my uncle was so angry that he almost threw eggs at Bagman... I don't know what happened to him! There was obviously nothing wrong with Krum's action. !”

"I guess Bagman was so angry when Krum finally caught the snitch, right?"

"That doesn't matter, after all, the Irish team won the game in the end..."

Time soon came to August 31st, and the Hogwarts Express train was lying quietly on the rails inside the platform, and even the usual thick steam had not risen yet - it was still too early to leave. Very, not many students boarded the train at this time.

At the door of the prefect carriage, Cedric Diggory was chatting wordlessly with an acquaintance. It wasn't until they saw someone else approaching the door with their peripheral vision that they realized they were blocking the road.

"Then I'll leave first and we'll talk in the lounge."

"Well, see you at school."

Cedric nodded and watched his friend move further into the train. Then he turned his attention to the figure who seemed to be walking straight towards the prefect car, and was stunned after seeing his face clearly. Then: "Baron?"

"Are you also a superior?"

"Long time no see, Cedric."

After Baron said hello, he took out the prefect badge he received during the summer vacation from his pocket and shook it at him.

"To be honest, it was expected."

Cedric smiled kindly, then opened the carriage door and invited Baron to sit in with him: "By the way, have you received Ken's letter?"

"Ah, I just received it a few days ago."

When talking about this, Baron also showed a look of relief: "It's unbelievable... He really was in a coma for more than four months, and he didn't wake up until the summer vacation was almost over."

"But the good news is that he doesn't have to worry about this accident affecting his O.W.LS exams."

Cedric made a little joke: "Everyone knows that even if he doesn't come to school for a whole year, nothing can stop him from getting all O's..."

"That's true."

Baron nodded in agreement, and then showed a puzzled look: "But the handwriting in the letter he gave me seemed a little strange, and it felt like he couldn't hold the pen... There shouldn't be any problems. Bar?"

"We'll find out when we get to school... But did he mention in his letter to you whether he had become a prefect? ​​It stands to reason that he should have a copy of Hufflepuff's prefect badge no matter what. , but his reply to me did not mention anything about the prefect..."

"No, it seems that when choosing the new prefect, Professor Dumbledore was not sure when he would wake up...Hey, Percy, Penelope, long time no see."

"Long time no see...have you gone to watch the Quidditch World Cup?"

As time went by, the number of students in the station gradually increased, and the Hogwarts Express began to spit out thick white steam again...

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