Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 279 The Express Train Soaring into the Sky

Early in the morning, at the gate of Hogwarts campus.

This was originally the place where old students would ride the Thestrals' carriages when they returned to school at the beginning of the school year. However, as the first day of school ended, those Thestrals no longer had the task of pulling the carts, so they returned to the Forbidden Forest and resumed their past life of being invisible and able to hide from the fear of society. So on weekdays, this place would just be an open space with few people.

But today, in order to see off the candidate warriors who will soon shoulder the prestige and glory of Hogwarts, almost all the students in the school gathered here, looking at Dumbledore and the more than twenty people behind him with envy and excitement. Shadow——In fact, according to the original tradition, before going to participate in such a game with a high probability of losing their lives, the warrior candidates should hand over the suicide notes written in advance to the vice principal for safekeeping under the watchful eyes of the entire school students, to show their determination. , the scene will be filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere...

But since the organizers of the competition, including Dumbledore, have repeatedly assured that there will be absolutely no life-threatening danger, this item has been omitted this year.

"Thank you all for your blessings to our warrior candidates."

Dumbledore smiled and waved to the students, then pressed down to signal them to quiet down: "Although their expedition is a glorious thing, I also understand that many of you will feel uncomfortable because of it. A little bit of loss caused by a year-long separation from my best friend - for this reason, I deliberately saved a piece of good news until now."

Looking at the students' eyes that suddenly widened, he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling even more happily: "In the past Triwizard Tournament, due to the long distance between the three schools, and the differences in magic technology, It is developed enough that only students from the host school can see the exciting games presented by the Warriors. This also means that students from each school have to wait for fifteen years to see a game with their own eyes. Even most students have not had the opportunity to witness it with their own eyes..."

"We worked with the Daily Prophet and Wizards Radio for eight months to overcome this problem - and now we can do it and make it happen during the game. The scenes at the Durmstrang Arena are completely transmitted back to Hogwarts, and you can witness the wonderful performance of the warriors as if you were sitting in the audience in person."


He pointed to his mouth and barely suppressed the cheers of the students with an amplified voice: "The Daily Prophet will also follow up with reports from time to time, recording the warriors' daily life and preparations before the game, so that the entire game can be The game becomes more exciting and vivid in your eyes."

"Well, that's all I have to say - warriors, it's time for us to set off!"

Dumbledore pulled out his Elder Wand and waved it lightly, causing the originally closed school door to open suddenly, and then led the more than 20 students behind him to take steps. Watching them, they crossed the Hogwarts campus and stood next to the platform that they would only pass by when school started and during holidays - there, the Hogwarts Express train originally used to pick up students was already crawling. He was on the railway track, puffing out white smoke excitedly.

"Everyone, go and sit in the first carriage!"

Dumbledore tapped the old-fashioned locomotive with the Elder Wand, and the entire express train seemed to be endowed with spirituality and made several brisk buzzes. Then the door of the carriage closest to the locomotive slid open on its own, revealing a spacious entrance - this was supposed to be the prefect's carriage, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with using it here. After all, there were twenty or so warriors there. Half of the candidates are prefects, and the rest are ruthless characters who are more prefects than prefects...

But at this moment, the original interior of the prefect's carriage had been transformed and turned into a spacious conference room. A bed-long table was placed in the middle, occupying most of the length of the carriage. It was flanked by two rows of chairs. Paper, pens and drinks were placed on the table in front of each chair.

"Please find a seat and sit down wherever you like."

After the students filed in, Dumbledore also walked in. After closing the door, he sat at the front of the long table. Looking at the two dozen excited and nervous faces in front of him, he revealed a relaxed expression. Smile: "I suggest you sit tighter first. After all, this function of the train has not been used for more than a century. Although I have done some maintenance before, there may still be some vibrations... "

"Are you all ready? Then - let's go!"

Following Dumbledore's order, a loud whistle sounded, and the Hogwarts Express began to run slowly with the sound of wheels turning, as it does every year before the holidays, and then gradually accelerated, Let the scenery outside the window begin to recede faster and faster...


Originally, the students were looking at the carriage with puzzled faces and did not realize that this train was any different from the past. But soon someone discovered the problem: "Look out the window!"

Under Dumbledore's smiling gaze, others turned to look out the car windows behind them, and then their eyes widened in surprise. In their eyes, the scenery outside the window was not only receding faster and faster. , and it is getting smaller and smaller, getting further and further away from them!

In the eyes of teachers and students at Hogwarts in the distance, an even more shocking sight appeared: the entire huge steam train actually rose into the sky under the influence of some kind of force, spitting smoke as smoothly as a dragon swimming in the clouds. sailed into the distance. Sections of rails appeared out of thin air under the first wheel, and then disappeared out of thin air after the last wheel passed by, just like this, holding the Hogwarts Express running at high speed in the sky...

"Our train...can fly?!"

Someone touched the car window blankly. He couldn't believe that this old man who had been with him for six or seven years could still hide such a skill.

"This is a feature that the trains were designed to have from the beginning."

Dumbledore chuckled and replied: "Although the Triwizard Tournament was canceled long before the invention of the train, the designer of this train still subconsciously added the function of participating in the Triwizard Tournament - no After all, before this, the transportation vehicles used by the Hogwarts warriors were indeed a bit...well, lacking in visual impact compared to the other two schools."

"At that time, the Hogwarts warriors would each take a Thestral carriage and form a convoy to fly to other schools. However, Durmstrang had a large ship that could teleport to other waters through thin air, and Beauxbatons also had a A carriage that was bigger than a house, so the original designer felt that he should also get something majestic looking for Hogwarts, so this train had the function of flying... But unfortunately , this feature has never been enabled before today."


After the students were all satisfied, Dumbledore stopped the topic: "That's enough of the historical story for now - then, let's talk about Durmstrang's life."

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