Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 31 The showdown begins

"Professor Baker! Professor Baker!"

At six o'clock on Sunday morning, when it was just dawn, "Professor Baker", who had been feeling lack of energy recently, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door while he was sleeping.

'what happened? ’

He couldn't help but rub his head, then quickly stood up, casually changed his pajamas into formal clothes, left his bedroom, ran to the office door and opened it - classroom dormitories are usually set up inside the office and are open to students. offices separated.

As the door panel was pulled open, he saw a young face full of anxiety, so he immediately recognized the identity of the person - it was first-year Baron Shafiq, a Slytherin student who had studied in his school. His performance in the class was very good, which impressed him deeply.

"What's the matter, Mr. Shafiq? Don't be impatient. Speak slowly and make things clear."

He said in a gentle tone, trying not to cause any additional anxiety to the student.

"My friend, Ken, was sucked into a black crystal ball in front of me!!" Baron's anxious voice had a hint of crying.

"What?! What exactly happened?"

"We...we found a secret room on the eighth floor, which contained many novel magical items...Originally we just wanted to explore it, but when Ken picked up a black crystal ball, he...he... …”

"He was suddenly sucked in! Like a ball of water, he was stretched long, and then he was sucked in... The crystal ball was very heavy and I couldn't lift it; Professor Flitwick's door was again It can’t be knocked open… Please save Ken!”

"Take me there immediately." The fake Baker was horrified when he heard this, and then ordered Baron seriously, and then comforted him while running: "Don't worry too much, the crystal ball may just be cast with a traceless stretching spell. Only by sucking in Mr. Ken who touches it, it is almost impossible for real dark magic items to be brought into Hogwarts. So your friend should be fine, just trapped..."

As they spoke, they had already rushed up the stairs to the eighth floor. Baron quickly ran to a section of empty wall and walked back and forth three times. A smooth portal suddenly appeared on it.

"It turns out to be this room."

The fake Baker looked more relaxed: "I know this place, and there shouldn't be any danger in the things inside... Wait, why do I vaguely remember that we seem to have met here once..."

He frowned slightly, feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it anyway, so he could only temporarily put them behind him and concentrate on dealing with the situation in front of him. After Baron opened the door, he followed Baron in and immediately saw the black crystal ball placed in the middle of an open space.

"That's the one!"

Baron showed a horrified look and involuntarily hid behind the fake Baker.

The fake Baker looked at the smooth and deep black crystal ball and was stunned for a moment, feeling familiar for some reason. But he ignored these inexplicable feelings, walked forward, took out his wand and examined the crystal ball carefully.

"It seems to be a prophetic crystal ball. The material is very strong and incredibly strong..."

"No, I can't see through it. I can't tell if there is any room for seamless expansion inside just by looking at it..."

He took a few steps forward, squatted down, and touched the crystal ball directly with the tip of the wand. But when he was about to launch further inspection spells, a sudden feeling of weakness erupted from his body and swept through his body, making it difficult for him to even stand up...


Fake Baker turned his head in shock and tried to look at Baron, but before he could act, he heard a shout from behind: "Expelliarmus!"

The combat experience accumulated over the years was immediately activated. The fake Baker forced out a bit of strength and kicked his legs fiercely, jumping up like a locust. While avoiding the disarming spell, he turned around in mid-air and saw Baron holding the wand, pointing at him with a solemn expression. .

"Mr. Shafiq! What are you doing..."

Suddenly, a red light suddenly erupted from only a few meters away from him, hitting his body hard, knocking him back and causing the wand in his hand to fly out involuntarily. But it mysteriously disappeared in mid-air!

"There's another person?!"

The fake Baker shook his right hand, and another wand slipped out of his cuff and was held in his hand. Then he waved it hard, and was about to summon a large fire to force the invisible enemy out, but suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head. The pain was followed by a strong sense of fatigue, which almost made him faint on the spot!

"Curse! Targeting spiritual power! On the ground!"

Not far away, Avada, who was wearing the Disillusionment Charm and had just put the disarmed wand in her arms, was holding her breath and watching the fake Baker's reaction. At the same time, Professor Baker's voice flashed through his memory:

[As first-year wizards, the biggest gap between you and Aurors, apart from the quantity and skills of magic mastered, is physical and mental strength. A physically energetic and energetic Auror can even easily exhaust you to exhaustion without attacking but only defending. Therefore, if you want to defeat my fragment, the first thing to do is to weaken his physical and mental strength. 】

[Poison and curse are undoubtedly the best choices. As long as you take the antidote in advance and cast the counter-spell on yourself, they will not have any impact on you. But there are also disadvantages to doing this, that is, it is too easy to detect. However, if done properly, this kind of awareness can also be exploited...]

[I once created a technique in my adventure career and named it "double casting"-it allows me to use two wands in combat and release unrelated magic at the same time without interfering with each other. This is also one of my trump cards that always defeats strong opponents. Therefore, you must destroy my first wand at the beginning of the battle so that I cannot use this technique, otherwise you will face several times the pressure... Don't think about using a stun spell or the like right from the start. The spell ends the battle. The power of your spells is not enough to make me lose the ability to resist. 】

[After falling into a disadvantage, I should first use the Bubble Curse to isolate the toxins, and then use the transformation spell to create a sling that sticks to the ceiling, flying in the air like an ape to break away from the curse on the ground, while gaining air supremacy. Heal yourself quickly. In this case, you need to...]

The next moment, the fake Baker's sleeves suddenly spread out and turned into several slings that shot upward and stuck firmly to the ceiling. These slings pulled his body into the air, and he moved flexibly in the air to avoid attacks, giving him time to cast a bubble spell on his head.

"Mr. Shafiq, what are you doing?! Why are you doing this?"

The fake Baker looked down at Baron on the ground and asked in a deep voice. Balon, on the other hand, said nothing, constantly changing his position while firing small, painless curses upwards.

Suddenly, several powerful spells shot out from behind the pile of debris on the side and were directed towards the fake Baker, but he controlled the sling to move away.

"I've been guarding against you for a long time!"

The fake Baker snorted coldly: "A precise and sophisticated spell... It seems that you forced Mr. Shafik to bring me here to ambush me? Is Hogwarts so easy to infiltrate? Look. I need to report it to the principal later..."

"Who are you? A supporter of Aethelred? A Death Eater? Or a subordinate of other dark wizards I have killed?"

The invisible man didn't make any reply, but silently shot powerful spells at the fake Baker, seemingly not caring about the loss of energy, forcing the fake Baker, who had not fully recovered, to dodge in all directions.


He snorted coldly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "It seems that I will have to spend a lot of time to catch you out."

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