Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 61 Everything is a routine

Looking at the sophisticated magic structure in the box and the giant monster that seemed to be sleeping soundly, Avada didn't know what to say.

Voldemort... He wanted to completely drag him into the pirate ship.

He still remembered that during Halloween, Quirrell would release a giant monster to deceive others, and he tried to sneak into the corridor on the fourth floor to steal the magic stone for the first time, but was blocked by Snape, who was on guard and could only pretend Nothing happened, and he followed Professor McGonagall and others to the scene of the crime.

But because he had no accomplices that time, he could only pretend to be panicked and report the news after releasing the troll, and then tried to break away from the teachers and sneak into the fourth floor - the flaw was too big after all.

But with his own help this time, he only needed to sit firmly in the classroom seat to attend the banquet, and then wait for the roar of the troll to resound through the castle and everyone fell into chaos before running around "in a panic". building……

After Avada looked at the magic effects of "strong protection", "remote start", "automatic destruction", "stimulating the troll", "monitoring all around" and the "loud voice" spell on the troll on the carton, You can probably guess what he wants to do.

Although his trip was destined to be in vain - firstly, the magic stone was not in the corridor room at all, and secondly, he didn't know how to deal with Lu Wei and could not sneak in silently... But he Avatar From then on, there was one more clue in Voldemort's hands, at least Voldemort himself thought so.

Avada estimates that according to Voldemort's calculations, she will panic after learning that she is the troll he released, and then go to confront Quirrell. At this time, he can show the true face of "Voldemort" and tell him that he has always been a professor. All he has is knowledge of the Unforgivable Curse, and coupled with the act of releasing the troll this time, once exposed, he will definitely be expelled directly or even imprisoned in Azkaban...

Then he hit a stick with a sweet date and told himself that as long as he hung out with him, he would be completely resurrected when he got the magic stone, stormed into the castle, took the bird position, and became the principal, then he would make himself the vice principal or something like that. , in order to completely surrender to him.

"If it were a student who didn't know the plot of the original book and didn't know that there was a giant monster in the box, he would have been tricked nine times out of ten." Avada sighed: "Fortunately, he met me... No, it was someone else. There was no chance to arouse his interest with the paper on the Imperius Curse and be taught by him personally."

"However, I can't break up with Voldemort now, let alone let him notice my abnormality. It will take a while for his mental power to be fully analyzed. I must do what he said..."

"But fortunately, the troll is the easiest to deal with among all the aggressive magical creatures. It has no special magic, no poison, and low magic resistance. It only has brute strength and a clumsy mind; and the giant monster in the box Except for a 'loud voice', I have not received any additional enhancements... The situation is relatively easy to control, and there is no need to seek additional help. And if I tell others now, it will be difficult to explain how I can see through the tight protection. It’s a troll.”

"But after this matter is over, I have to get in touch with Dumbledore to avoid being provoked by some means. Then I will have to take another round of Dumbledore's full-power Legilimency..."

"And just in case, we must ensure that the troll will not hurt people. After all, Quirrell's original plan was to let the troll kill Harry Potter."

"Hmph, hold back for now. All this is to completely seal Voldemort away...for the greater good?"


He rubbed his eyes tiredly, put the small paper box in his pocket, and returned to the Hufflepuff common room. Then he retrieved a bunch of bottles and cans from the dormitory and began to brew them openly in the common room. The magic potion came up.

"What are you doing?"

Students who were chatting or reading on the side came over curiously and asked.

"Make some living hell decoction base."

Avada rubbed her eyes again and yawned: "The quality of my sleep has not been good recently. I plan to have a good sleep tonight."

"Aren't you afraid that you'll be confused all day long? There's a Halloween party tomorrow, and it would be a shame if you don't have the energy to eat something delicious!"

"I'll just drink less. Besides, if you really don't feel energetic tomorrow, you can come back and mix some uplifting potion. It won't take you more than a few minutes."

"Then be careful, don't get lectured by Professor Snape like last semester."

"...Do you still remember this nonsense?"

So, Avada arrived at the next day's class in a state of confusion. Unfortunately, the first class happened to be the Potions class again - so he faced Snape's gloomy face.

"I remember telling you last semester not to use excessive amounts of stimulating potions."

"Yes, Professor, so I'm of no use at all this time..."

"It seems like you took my words to heart, which is good. But that doesn't mean you can just come to my class and almost sleep to death without doing anything while drinking the Living Hell Potion base. .One point deducted from Hufflepuff."

Snape glanced at him dissatisfied, then turned back to the podium to concentrate on the lecture, and then felt even worse when there were explosions and coughs not long after.

'Forget it, at least he knows the formula for the base of the Living Hell Potion, unlike that stupid Potter who was as stupid as his father...'

'And that damn Quirrell, God knows what Dumbledore is planning...'

Facts have proved that even a potion master like Snape can hardly tell that Avada has long been separated from the effect of the Living Hell Decoction base with just a cursory glance. The so-called sleepiness and exhaustion are just disguises. The purpose is to hide from the surveillance of Little Paper Box and other Hufflepuffs, which makes Avada very happy - his acting skills have improved a lot.

It seems that staying with Voldemort can really improve your acting skills quickly. He did it, Snape did it, and so did Lucius, Narcissa and the rest...

In this way, he maintained his seemingly confused state and came to sit down in the auditorium that was already decorated with jack-o-lanterns and bats. He began to attend the Halloween dinner and took the time to glance at the long Gryffindor table. .

Hermione Granger was indeed not here.

Damn it, if I didn't interfere, would the plot really not deviate at all?

While thinking angrily, Avada casually caught a bat transformed by the transformation spell and placed it on Cedric's head: "It suits you very well, in every sense of the word."

Cedric: "?"

"Oh my god, I still can't cheer up. I really shouldn't have drank that cup of living hell potion yesterday." He scratched his hair irritably, then stood up: "I have to go back to the dormitory to mix some uplifting potion, otherwise I'll take it It’s not fun to eat, and it’s hard to laugh at jokes…”

"Don't drink too much, or you'll get scolded by Snape again." Cedric held a bat on his head and joked mercilessly.

"...You can't make it, right?"

Avada rubbed her eyes and glanced at the teacher's seat again. After receiving an encouraging smile from Quirrell, she quickly left the hall and entered the corridor, then turned and walked towards the underground classroom.

To be honest, he had considered not making it so complicated and just pretending to have a stomachache to go to the toilet and let the troll go. But he turned around and thought, what if the Hufflepuffs remembered that they were in the underground classroom after hearing the troll's voice, and then rushed down to save themselves like Harry and Ron, wouldn't it be chaos?

So he prepared a very reasonable reason for leaving the auditorium one night in advance that could be concealed from everyone. As for how to reappear in front of the Hufflepuffs reasonably, that would be easier.

Avada tiptoed into the floor where the underground classroom was located, and sure enough, she heard a faint sobbing sound. After secretly apologizing, he took out the small cardboard box and placed it in an inconspicuous corner, then turned around and walked quickly towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Then, after he was completely out of the surveillance range of the small paper box, he quickly pulled out his wand, applied magic to the soles of his shoes to eliminate sounds and footprints, and then skillfully cast a disguise spell on himself, using a professional The stealth movement quietly returned to the underground classroom, holding the wand tightly and staring at the small cardboard box.

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