Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 97 Where is the Leaky Cauldron? ?

"[Third grade students need:...]"

"["Standard Spells, Level Three," by Miranda Gorshak,]"

"["Breaking with the Ghost," by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"[Walking with Ghouls, by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"[Holiday with a Dominatrix, by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"[Walking with Trolls, by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"["A Voyage with a Vampire," by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"[Wandering with Werewolves, by Gilderoy Lockhart,]"

"["A Year with the Tibetan Snowman", by Gilderoy Lockhart...]"

"Okay, it's still Gilderoy Lockhart after all."

Looking at the book list just sent to her hand, Avada couldn't help but rub her temples: "This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was in vain... although it didn't mean much to me in the first place."

——As a person who has received devilish training from Professor Baker, has the ability to predict magic senses, and has participated in several fierce battles, even if his athletic talent is average, Avada's fighting level is far higher than that of his peers. And his record of "capturing Voldemort" made him qualified to win the title of Master of Defense Against Dark Arts. It is estimated that as soon as he graduates, the Dark Arts Defense Alliance will send an invitation.

"But since it can sell well all over the country, and even Professor Baker is full of praise for his book, then at least the content in his book is genuine. That's right, buying the work of other masters, which is originally plagiarized, does not count. Buying it for nothing, he will be caught in the end anyway..."

He looked at the price of the "Lockhart Series" on the book list, which was nearly half higher than other books, and curled his lips, then continued reading the following content...

"[In addition to the seven compulsory courses, third-year students should also take at least three electives from the five courses of Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Divination and Arithmancy. Please decide on your elective courses Then purchase the following relevant textbooks by yourself and declare them after the semester starts...】"

"Let's stick to the original plan."

Avada looked at the densely packed names on the book list and pondered for a while, then quickly picked up a pen and checked them off - divination, protection of magical creatures, and ancient runes.

He originally planned to choose as few elective courses as possible, so he chose only three based on the bottom line. After all, he still needed time to study other things: Horcruxes, Professor Baker's books, and the latest additions. Nicolas Flamel's research notes... The energy he spent on these extracurricular things actually exceeded the course itself.

As for the reason for choosing those three courses, he wanted to assist his research - ancient runes are one of the prerequisite subjects for advanced alchemy; the Care of Magical Creatures course allowed him to systematically understand the structure of magical creatures, which was helpful. Regarding the subsequent research on Thestrals...

The choice of divination was a decision he made after wrestling with it for a long time.

Of course he knew that he was not a natural prophet, so in theory he was just wasting his time by taking divination as an elective - but his magic senses didn't think so.

Once he enters the divination class, he can directly face Trelawney, a fortune-teller who seems unreliable but actually has real abilities. Then he will have the opportunity to glimpse the true meaning of divination from her unique magic structure. Mystery!

He wasn't about to miss this opportunity.

As for the remaining two courses he chose, it really meant nothing to him. Muggle studies classes are a waste of time and can only be enjoyed for fun; as for arithmetic, Avada's evaluation is that it is better to find a Muggle university to study mathematical modeling.

"……so be it."

Avada folded the book list and put it in her pocket, then picked up the suitcase with the wand: "It's time to go to Diagon Alley!"




He suddenly realized a very serious problem.

No one had ever told him how to get to Diagon Alley.

——In the first year he entered Diagon Alley, Dumbledore took him directly to apparate in. In the second year, he was teleported directly using the fireplace in Shafik Manor, and he wrote to the material store to buy it. Things are just simple exchanges of letters...

So now he doesn't even know where the Leaky Cauldron is.

He could just apparate to Diagon Alley. But if he were to do this without being discovered, something big would happen if someone caught him - just using Apparition without a license and removing wand traces without permission would be enough for him to stay in Azkaban for a while.


So he had no choice but to take the suitcase and hitchhike to a place far away from the city, which could almost be called a deserted place, and then he took out his wand and raised it...

boom! !

A moment later, a bright purple three-decker bus seemed to appear out of thin air, appearing in the open space in front of Avada with a loud bang and a harsh brake sound. And there was a row of words written in gold letters on the windshield of that car: Knight Bus.

Then, a conductor in a purple uniform jumped out of the bus and gave Avada a professional smile: "Welcome to the Knight Bus - an emergency transport used to transport wizards in trouble. As long as Just hold out your wand hand, get in the car, and we'll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Stan Sampak, and I'm the conductor for this car. I'm here to serve you!"

Stan Sampac looks quite young, almost fresh out of college. He has a pair of big protruding ears, and his face is dotted with pimples. After he finished his speech, he noticed that the passengers this time seemed a little different, so he looked at Avada curiously and raised his eyebrows: "Student?"


"You don't look like you've encountered a problem?" He looked at Avada suspiciously: "Could it be that you ran away from a Muggle family secretly?"

"No. I'm going to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks for the new semester."

Avada replied patiently.

"Take the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley?!"

Stan Sampac repeated in surprise, then raised his eyebrows: "The Leaky Cauldron is less than five miles from here!"

"I kind of know. But that's the dilemma I'm facing now - I don't know where the Leaky Cauldron is."


Stan Sampac was silent for a long time. Judging from his mental state, he was probably wondering whether he was a foreign fugitive who used Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as a student.

"Don't guess, I really don't know... The first two times I went to Diagon Alley, I was either directly apparated there by someone, or they used a fireplace... No one has ever told me its specific details since I entered school. Where in London."

Sampac's cheeks twitched a few times: "Then the professor who introduced you to the school failed in his duties... To be so rash, he must be a new recruit, right? Could he be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor back then? No, the school is average We will not let them be responsible for guiding new Muggle-born students..."


Sometimes a boss is like this. He gets used to using more advanced and more convenient methods, and subconsciously discards the most basic methods. In the end, he forgets what the newbie he wants to bring needs...

By the way, does Dumbledore still remember how many bricks he needs to knock to enter Diagon Alley?

Seeing that Sampac was going on and on, Avada quickly interrupted him with a cough: "So, how much is the fare to the Leaky Cauldron?"


Sampac also came back to his senses: "If you add three psilocets, you can get a chocolate, and if you add one psico, you can get a hot water bottle and a toothbrush... Oh, you don't seem to need these, anyway, it will be there in a few seconds. ."


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