Chapter 300 Crodia’s Wand

”Oh, you guy······”

Mr. Ollivander shook his head when he saw this, turned around and picked out the most exquisite wand box from the wand box and handed it to Leonard.

”Come on, a good gift needs good packaging. How about this wand box?”

Mr. Ollivander said with a smile and his expression suddenly changed.

”What are you doing!”

Leonard got a bucket of pink paint from somewhere and was about to apply it on the wand.

”ah? Let me decorate it.”

Leonard said without raising his head.

”Girls, they look so cute with pink wands.”

A beautiful girl should use a pink wand to smash the heads of malicious people.

By analogy, pink fire axes, pink AKs, and pink axes all apply to this rule. It would be even better if it is paired with a bow. Got it

”Stop it!”

Mr. Ollivander grabbed Leonard’s arm sadly.

”What nonsense are you thinking about? The wand has dignity, you are insulting the wand by doing this!”

”Have it? I 04 feel that it is very happy.”

Leonard said looking at the wand in his hand.

”Screw it, you hold it, of course it will be happy, in short, no paint is allowed!”

Mr. Ollivander stared at Leonard and took the tung oil from the side.

”The final step is to apply wood wax oil and finish!”

”I still think······”

Leonard disagrees

”I don’t want you to think that! I want what I feel!”

Ollivander said, covering his heart. He almost, almost ruined his reputation in Leonard’s hands.

This is his apprentice, and he really made a pink wand with the key. I’m afraid he will I have the heart to clean up my house.

”I think we can ask the parties concerned about this.”

Leonard turned to look at Crodia

”Crodia, what color do you think the wand should be?”

”I think the pink one is pretty, too.”

”No, definitely not painted pink.”

Ollivander said loudly

”All right.”

Leonard smacked his lips in regret, coated this simple wand with wood wax oil, used magic to speed up the drying, and then put it into this exquisite wand box.

”But I feel like this is not suitable for little girls.”

Leonard said without giving up.

”A wand will accompany its owner throughout his life, and childhood is just a short period of time.”

Ollivander said seriously [mainly to completely dispel Leonard’s idea of dyeing the wand.】

”Think about it, if that girl grows up, becomes mature in thinking, and sees that her wand is pink, wouldn’t she feel ashamed?”

”Ah this······”

Leonard is thoughtful

”This may be childish for elementary school students, but it is just right for college students.”


”Oh, nothing, I’m gibbering.”

Leonard waved his hand and put away the wand box.

”Anyway, I get it. I can’t dye the wand, so I’ll give it away.”

”You’d better do this, otherwise don’t say that you are suitable for my wand-making training.”

Ollivander blew his beard and stared.

”Okay, if you get mad at me, get out of here.”

As he spoke, he stuffed a roll of the production tools on the table into Leonard’s arms and pushed him out.

Leonard rolled his eyes and led Crodia quietly back to Knockturn Alley and back to Meade. Where Gad lives

”came back?”

Midgard, who was scratching his head and reading a book, raised his head and threw the book aside after seeing Leonard and Crodia.

”Is Crodia’s wand ready?”

”It’s true that you’ve done it well, but does it have nothing to do with your

study plan?”

Leonard looked at Midgard with the smile of the ancient saint and said.

Midgard suddenly wanted to read a book. The reason was that when Leonard and Leonard were sorting out the internal problems of the werewolf, he found that his knowledge was not enough, and he made up his mind to read a book. Study hard and read books well.

But obviously, reading is too difficult for Midgard. The content in the book is like a bible. It tortures Midgard enough, and it feels like running away when he finds an opportunity.

Knowledge The ocean of knowledge had extinguished the flame of seeking knowledge in her heart. But Leonard regarded her closely. This was proposed by Midgard himself, and of course it must be implemented under supervision.

”Heck, you can read it anytime, but you can’t miss the moment when Crodia gets her wand.”

Midgard said seriously.

”This will not be the case next time.”

Leonard said, opening the wand box and placing it in front of Crodia.

”Leonard, what is this?”

Claudia looked at the wand in the box and was confused. Her little nose was sniffing around on the wand, and her little mouth was ready to move.

”This is not food.”

Leonard quickly held down Crodia.

”This is a magic wand”

”Magic wand?”

Claudia doesn’t quite understand.

”What does it do?”

”It is used to help cast spells. You can try it.”

Leonard handed the wand to Crodia with great expectation. He wanted to know how the wand he made was compatible with Crodia. Although the materials were all right, if the person who made the wand was not good at it, he would still make it. Come up with something lame that cannot show the function of the material.

Crodia didn’t think much and picked up the wand. The next moment, the tip of the wand sprayed golden fireworks, which were extremely dazzling in the room.

”It’s perfect.”

Leonard nodded happily.

”Crotia, how do you feel?”


Crodia looked at the wand in her hand and thought for a while, then pointed it at the wall beside her and waved it gently.


A ball of pure white magic blasted away the wall in an instant, and then exploded the wall of the courtyard without losing its power.

A huge sound echoed in the werewolf station.

”What happened?”

The werewolves nearby became alert immediately. After discovering the yard where Midgard lived, they hurried over to rescue him.

”I go out and deal with it. Midgard glanced at the hole in the wall and didn’t care. He rushed out of the room and stopped the werewolf wizards who were about to rush in to rescue him.

Because of the recent rectification, the werewolf wizards had to be cautious. Faced with patrolling, guarding and other tasks, so when I saw something happened in Midgard, I rushed over.

”What’s the mess?”

Midgard stood at the door with his hands on his hips.

”Go back, this is just a magic mistake on my part.”

The werewolf wizard standing outside the door naturally did not dare to disobey Midgard’s order. After answering”yes”, he resumed the patrol queue. Seeing the patrol team with new disciplines, Midgard once again felt that he had learned something. The importance of learning, the ambition extinguished by Xuehai returns again!

”Continue studying!”

Midgard encouraged himself and then turned around and planned to fight the book for another 300 rounds. ps: sort out the follow-up plot and ask for leave.

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