Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 235: Too Reasonable Weird Archives

Although Cassandra doesn't really want Chu He to cook for Annie Willow, now that Chu He has made a decision, she won't say anything more.

After breakfast, Anne Willow hummed a song and went to the fortune-telling classroom in a good mood. After Anne Willow was gone, Cassandra couldn't help but speak.

"Chu He, that girl always feels weird. Isn't it weird to be able to master Patronus Charm and Occlumency at her age?"

Cassandra asked.

"I can't say it's weird, after all, I can do the spells she said, but I can only say that her past experience is unusual.

Chu He shrugged and replied calmly.

"She, how is she qualified to compare to you, Chu He!! You are so good, you beat Voldemort! She, I can't accept that she is as good as you are!!

Cassandra said in shock that, in her mind, Chu He was the most powerful wizard, and she would not admit the sudden appearance of Anne Willow.

"Cassandra, take it easy, people always have to admit to powerful things, it is possible to transcend these things, blindly running away will not solve anything."

"Whether it's magic power or fighting skills, it needs to be accumulated through battles again and again. Even if you are not as good as her now, you can surpass her with unremitting efforts."

Chu He comforted while holding Cassandra 753's cold little hand, he could see that Cassandra was a little uneasy.

"Well, then you teach me, I will try my best to become stronger, you are not allowed to be taken away by her.

Cassandra asked.

"Whatever you can't take away, I'm just going to make her a delicious meal in exchange for information. You can rest assured."

Chu He speaks and promises.

Mainly because Anne Willow will spend six years with him at Hogwarts in the future.

Chu He doesn't want to have a time bomb around him, although from the current appearance, Anne Willow looks like his suitor, but what about the truth?

In the past, he used to disguise himself as a variety of images to achieve his goals. Some time ago, he also pretended to be a Death Eater to talk to Voldemort's soul in the Horcrux, so it's hard to say Anne Willow's real purpose. Her true intention to come to Hogwarts, Chu He can be at ease.

After all, in Chu He's judgment, Hogwarts probably doesn't have much magic to teach Annevillo.

When a person does something, it is always (bdbd) to produce some kind of cause and effect.

A wizard like Anne Willow who doesn't need to come to Hogwarts to learn magic, will come to Hogwarts obviously for another purpose, and this purpose has a certain possibility that he is Chu He.

After the first get out of class, Chu He flicked his wand, and the miniaturized Patronus Dragon figuratively went to find Barty Crouch Jr.

In less than half an hour, the Patronus Dragon found Barty Crouch Jr. who was tracking Voldemort's whereabouts.


After seeing the silver wandering dragon transformed by Chu He's patron saint, Barty Crouch Jr bowed his head respectfully and saluted.

"Don't investigate Voldemort for now, go investigate the family background of Hogwarts freshman Anne Willow and the rumors in the wizarding world, the more detailed the better.

Chu He's calm voice came from the silver dragon guardian angel.

"Understood, I'm going to investigate her background for you."

Barty Crouch Jr responded immediately.

After receiving a reply from Barty Crouch Jr., the Silver Dragon then returned to Chu He's wand.

After the second get out of class, Chu He came to Dumbledore's office.

"Chu He, what's the matter?"

Dumbledore, who was sitting behind the headmaster's desk, asked.

"One of this year's freshmen named Anne Willow, show me her profile. 35

Chu He opened his mouth and asked, since he has taken Dumbledore as his subordinate, it is useless to have this privilege.

"The file is coming.

With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, a file flew to Chu He from the file rack where a large number of student files were kept. Obviously, this was Anne Willow's student file.

Chu He took over Anne Willow's file and read it carefully.

Ten minutes later, Chu He sealed Annie Willow's file again with a complicated expression in the inside of the portfolio.

It's not that there is anything wrong with Anne Willow's file, on the contrary, everything is very reasonable, whether it is parents or personal experience, it is very reasonable, like a precision instrument that can never go wrong, everything is very reasonable. just right...

But it was precisely because of this weirdness that Chu He felt something was wrong.

If he asked him to tell what was wrong, he couldn't tell for a while, but he was sure that Anne Willow was hiding a lot of secrets.

"What's wrong Chu He? Is there something wrong?"

Dumbledore asked curiously, it was the first time he had seen Chu He's strange expression.

"Yes...Her file is so perfect, most of the times things don't go your way, but you look at the things recorded in her files, everything she has experienced is very lucky, saying that the world revolves around her for nothing. Pass.

Chu He handed Dumbledore the Annevello file.

Even if it is him, the refining of magic tools will occasionally fail, and the research on magic will sometimes go in the wrong direction and waste a lot of time, but these things do not seem to exist in Anne Willow.

"Let me see.

Dumbledore did not rush to comment, but took out Anne Willow's file and read it carefully.

"The Sorting Hat, what kind of person is Anne Willow?"

Chu He looked at the sorting hat on the shelf.

The Sorting Hat uses Legilimency to observe a student's thoughts when analyzing which branch a student should enter.

So unless Anneville's Occlumency is as powerful as Chu He's, the Sorting Hat will definitely be able to see through some of her thoughts.

"Which child, um, is very talented in magic, the reason why I put her in Slytherin is because she is full of you, she is very interested in you, and she strongly wants to be put in Slytherin, I will Assign her to Slytherin."

The Sorting Hat answered.

"interested in me?

Chu He asked.

"I don't know how to describe it, it's not love, it's more like. She wants you to be her collection. 55

. .

The Sorting Hat answered.


Chu He was at a loss for words. He didn't expect Anne Willow to have such a plan in his heart.

How self-willed she is, to actually want to make such a big living person into a collection, this is really a bit dangerous.

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