Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 253 Ludmis: I thought you were implying me

After coming to the living room, Lu Demis was sitting on the sofa with some uneasiness, next to several Aurors trained by old Barty Crouch.

Chu He raised his hand, and Old Batty took these young Aurors out of the living room and closed the door.

"I said Chu He, your prison is too scary. I have eight prisoners who gave me the gauntlet along the way. If it wasn't for Old Barty to lead people to restrain them, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to walk to this place. room.""

Lu Demis wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said.

"Then I think it's time for you to improve your strength. You can't make yourself stronger by avoiding the battle. 99

Chu He smiled and sat opposite Ludmis.

"You think that no one is as afraid of death as you are, I don't want to sacrifice my life in order to become stronger.

"So what are you going to do this time?"

Chu He asked straightforwardly.

"I almost want to retire, and I'm not very young anymore."

"Huh? Aren't you forty-seven? That's going to retire?

Chu He looked at Lu Demis unexpectedly.

"Tsk, how do you say that, you will be held for revenge for doing this as the warden. Now you have made this 13th prison just to attract the attention of the prisoners. I have plans to withdraw quickly when I see it. of.

"And you know, the place in Azkaban... Dementors are flying all over the sky, and they are really not very good to people's spirits, and some old Aurors who have left their jobs are somewhat depressed. 99

Ludmis explained.

"Is that so, then if you want to retire, you can retire. Come over and tell me yes?"

"Isn't this going to give you a wake-up call and let you arrange your own people to go up?

Lu Demis spread his hands.

"It's a bit of a headache, I don't have the right person on hand right now."

Chu He frowned. Most of his subordinates were from the dark side. As for Cassandra Hermione and others who had a clean foundation, they had not grown up, and their prestige was not like him, so people could ignore his age.

The fact that Ludmis wanted to retire early did give him a bit of a headache.

"Hey wait."

Ludmis suddenly stopped Chu He.


"Didn't you open purgatory to force me to retire?"

Ludmis asked.

"I'm sick, why should I force you to step back?"

Chu He said with a bewildered look, he didn't understand how Lu Demis came to this conclusion.

"Didn't you ask the Ministry of Magic to transfer the powerful prisoners to your purgatory? I thought you came forward today because you thought I was not good at handling things, so everyone would have a better face. Isn't that what you meant by co-authoring? 35

Lu Demis said unexpectedly.

"If I think you're not doing things well, I'll go to the door and tell you. Do you think I'm the one who expresses my wishes in such a veiled way?"

Chu He asked with a speechless expression.


Lu Demis thought about it carefully, if Chu He was really dissatisfied, he would have come to him with his character.

"So you didn't want to retire?"

Chu He asked that since Ludmis was his ally, he did not rudely use Legilimency to read Ludmis's heart.

"If you want to take a break, the position of warden is usually a beautiful job. You don't deal with people in society very much, otherwise as long as the wizards have family members, they will give bribes more or less. I sit in this position. I have the money to take it, and of course I don’t want to refund it.”

Ludmis rolled his eyes.

"So the Dementor depression thing? 35

"It's true, but the problem is that you have to suffer a little bit for everything you do these days? The Aurors of the arresting department are still risking their lives every day, dozens of gold Galleons a month, compared to Lower Azkaban is a relatively leisurely and rich place.

Lu Demis waved his hand. He was actually very satisfied with his position. If he hadn't misunderstood that his work might make Chu He dissatisfied, he would never have come over and said he wanted to retire.

"Well, next time you have something to tell me directly, you don't have to hide it, I won't hint you anything."

Chu He waved his hand, co-authoring was a misunderstanding.

"All right, but what is the purpose of your purgatory requesting to contain dangerous criminals? Wouldn't it make management more difficult?

Lu Demis asked curiously.

"No, just kill the prisoners who don't listen to me. The rest are obedient, and these obedient people will compete with each other, and the winner will become my subordinate in the end."

Chu He opened his mouth to explain.

"I said you, are you really not going to be the Dark Lord in the future? What you're doing now feels exactly like the Dark Lord."

Lu Demis couldn't help but complain.

"I will arrange for someone to be the Dark Lord. I have no interest or time to rule the Dark Lord.""

"Then what do you usually do?"

Lu Demis asked in great confusion, Chu He is not greedy for fame, not greedy for money, not even greedy for power, he really doesn't understand what Chu He likes.

"Study the principles of magic and create powerful magic, this is my hobby.

Chu He spread his hands, and these words were not actually addressed to Ludmis, but to the god who observed his own destiny in the dark.

He intends to disguise himself as an unambitious individual through his daily behavior.

"Really, you obviously have such an outstanding magical talent, and people expect wealth to beckon, but you have no ambition at all, which is really a pity.

Lu Demis sighed.

Chu He has everything he hoped for, great strength, huge wealth, if he were Chu He, he would definitely go and try to be the Dark Lord or Minister of Magic.

It's just that Lu Demis didn't understand that behind Chu He's glamorous appearance was his hard work in researching magic day and night, and the enemies he was facing now were even the existence of the gods, and one step away could lead to doom. land.

While he is enjoying the convenience and wealth brought by the warden's power, Chu He is still trying to climb the peak of magic, and this is the gap between the two.

"In short, in the future our Azkaban may contain some less dangerous enemies, and I will send you all the tricky ones.

Ludmis asked.

"Okay, when the time comes, send me a dementor. I have always been interested in the ability of dementors."

Chu He asked, that he was a little interested in dementors when he was in Azkaban, but he just didn't have time to study it, and now he asked Ludmis to send it over, so that he could spend a little time in his leisure time. Study the ecology of dementors, maybe you can develop magic for a specific purpose.

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