Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 277 Broken Diagon Alley

Afterwards, Hermione stared in astonishment as Snape stuffed himself with a magic potion package containing nearly 100 vials of the Unmarked Stretch Charm.

"There are 20 bottles of magic power boosting potions in it. There is a very strong magic power sealed in it. Drinking at most one bottle per hour will probably increase your magic power by about three times."

Snape picked up a bottle of pale red potion and said that it was a potion he developed based on Chu He's dragon blood.

"This bottle is a healing potion. Even if the heart is pierced, it can be brought back to life with just one sip of the poison."

Snape picked up a bottle of clear potion and explained that it was a healing potion he developed based on the tears of the phoenix that Chu He gave him.

"This is reinforced iron bone and stone skin medicine, this is stealth medicine, this is smell enhancement, this is..."

Hermione's hand trembled a little when Snape finished explaining.

"Professor Snape, this is too precious, even looking at Chu He's face, is it a bit...""

Hermione asked politely.

"My friendship with Chu He is more precious than this, don't think about using money to insult our friendship. 55

Snape said seriously.

"You're a... good friend.

Hermione said with emotion.

"Where, compared to Chu He, I'm the one who was helped, do it well, don't let him down, and tell me if you run into any trouble."

Snape tapped Hermione on the shoulder.

Chu He was in trouble and refused his help on the grounds that he didn't want to be involved in it and lost his happy life now. Snape was a little helpless in this matter, but he was ready to sacrifice for Chu He at any time. , This is his loyalty to friendship.

In the same way, Chu He's side doesn't seem to involve Snape in the events related to the God of Fate, and the two regard each other as close friends.

That's why Snape said that in terms of money, it was an insult to the relationship between him and Chu He.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Chu He needed money, Snape would give all his money to Chu He without blinking an eye, and then he would scrape and sell all the potion stocks and collect money for Chu He.

And Chu He's side can obviously do this too.

Hermione then left Snape's office gratefully.

A few hours later, Chu He appeared to Hermione through space magic.

"Scrimgeour has seen you.々?"

"Well, found me this morning."

Hermione nodded.

"Then you agreed?"

Chu He continued to ask.

"Yes, he also gave me five thousand gold Galleons and asked me to go to Professor Snape to buy some potions. After I went there, I accidentally mentioned that you wanted me to deal with those dark wizards in Knockturn Alley, and he Gave me a bunch of super precious potions and wouldn't take the money... did I do something wrong?"

Hermione took out the potion bag Snape had given her, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Hahaha, Severus and I had a deadly relationship, don't worry about this trivial matter, we will do our best to help him when he needs help in the future, don't feel guilty for taking this potion, you in the future But the one who is going to sit for me as Minister of Magic will have the opportunity to give back to him."5

Chu He smiled and patted Hermione's shoulder.


Hermione nodded vigorously, and sat on the position of Minister of Magic...and could help Chu He.

Now that I can't help me with anything, at least I'm going to be the Minister of Magic for Chu He! At that time, I won't be able to help anything, a useless friend!

"Okay, let's go to Diagon Alley first. You can see what the dark wizards have done, and then consider whether to kill them."5

"If you still don't want to get your hands dirty after reading it, then I will kill them and you can claim your fame.

Chu He said that he did not intend to force Hermione to do what she did not want to do.

It's just that it's better to have the guts to kill as Minister of Magic, so he intends to take this opportunity to train Hermione, but if Hermione can't do it, he won't force it.

"I... I will try my best, I don't want you to get your hands dirty for me."

Hermione spoke up.

"Silly girl, I grew up in Knockturn Alley. I've been the one who killed the most people in Knockturn Alley over the years. How can I get my hands dirty? Killing is just a daily routine for me. Now, there is no such thing as getting your hands dirty.

"It's just that pity for the enemy is cruelty to one's own people. I don't want you to be hurt for a year because of softness, so I suggest you kill those dark wizards who are murdering everywhere. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. "

Chu He gently touched Hermione's head and comforted Hermione.

".々This, that's it...Then let me see and decide whether to kill it or not.""

Hermione nodded.

"Put an illusion spell on yourself."

Mo Yin said.

Hermione nodded, then drew out the tip of her wand and tapped on her body lightly, and then the icy magic power of the Disillusionment Charm quickly spread to her body and wrapped her body, and then Hermione's figure disappeared into the air.

Then Chu He's body also applied the Disillusionment Charm to hide his figure, and then a space transfer magic brought Hermione directly to Diagon Alley.

When she arrived at Diagon Alley, Hermione almost didn't recognize it was Knockturn Alley.

During the school year, Knockturn Alley was still crowded when she came. At this time, there were only a few scattered people walking. Judging from the strong aura on their bodies, it was obvious that they were powerful dark wizards, (Zhao Zhao's ) Apparently they were not afraid of the men led by Bellatrix, so they dared to wander the streets.

The shops on both sides of the road were torn apart, and the doors of some storefronts were also smashed by the attacking magic. The torn wooden boards lay on the ruins, and the items in the shops were also robbed. People cut off with a cutting spell, and lay alone on the ground to be trampled on by others.

Seeing the tragic state of Diagon Alley in front of her, Hermione couldn't say a word.

At this time, there was a pitiful female scream from the magic dessert shop in the distance, and Hermione immediately ran up and rushed over.

Three dark wizards were standing at the door holding wands and casting a torture spell on the poor boss.

The poor boss could only shrank on the ground and shivered.

Seeing this scene, Hermione finally couldn't bear it any longer, and a killing intent sprouted in her heart.

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