Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 284 Voldemort: This is the end, only self destruction!

Half an hour later, Voldemort felt that the blood flowing in his veins had turned into ice, and his thinking was almost stagnant. The only conclusion he could draw was that he was about to lose this battle. He was very unwilling, but he didn't. The way, because Chu He really defeated him when the total amount of magic power, mental state, and magic strength were superior to him.

And this time, since his body had been penetrated into his bones by the cold of the eternal frozen ground, his movements were already very slow, and he would definitely not be able to leave alive from Chu He's hands.

He was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.

Even after this period of time to concentrate on studying magic, there is still a big gap between him and Chu He. After all, he has even used self-mutilation.

When exactly did he unknowingly be overtaken by this kid?

While full of sorrow, Voldemort transferred the memory he held to his last Horcrux, the soul fragments hidden in Slytherin's locket, and then, silently condensed all the magic in his body.

If he can't beat Chu He, he must at least try a last resort, blow himself up, and see if he can die with Chu He!

As long as Chu He is dead, his rival is gone, and once the soul in Slytherin's locket is revived, he will continue to devote himself to the study of magic, until Dumbledore dies of old age and then comes out to rule the world again.

Next time, he will be more cautious and survive without being discovered.

In fact, there is no other way he can go without self-destruction. Judging from the previous experience of fighting, Chu He is much more ruthless than Dumbledore. Dumbledore may not kill him, just use the binding spell to catch him, but Chu He But no matter how much, not only did he want to kill him and even his soul was not spared, it would be better to take out the soul in this body and try to see if it could be buried with Chu He.

A few seconds later, after gathering all the remaining magic power, Voldemort's eyes gleamed fiercely.

"Let's die together!!! Chu He!"

In the next second, Voldemort's body exploded into a ball of darkness, which exploded with all the soul power in this body.

Under the spread of the dark ball, all the buildings in the entire Diagon Alley disappeared in an instant, and the wave of destruction spread violently in the distance.

A minute later, the wave of destruction slowly dissipated, and only Chu He stood on the ruined Diagon Alley in the entire Diagon Alley.

"It's... pretty capable.

Chu He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his body shook slightly, his face pale and almost fell.

Of course, he deliberately took Voldemort's blow, and the degree of injury was deliberately controlled to the level of seemingly serious injury.

After all, it is very likely that Anne Willow was watching this fight, and he acted like this on purpose.

You must know that Hermione was secretly brought to Diagon Alley to fight the dark wizard assassination plan. In such a short period of time, it stands to reason that even if Hermione's identity was revealed, it would be difficult for him to reach the ears of Voldemort, who had disappeared some time ago. He was very suspicious. Behind this is the shadow of the god of fate.

After all, Voldemort had a somersault on Harry Potter back then. It was a tiny coincidence. This time, Voldemort suddenly appeared in Diagon Alley to kill Hermione. The illusion of five to five.

Somewhere above the sea of ​​flowers, the expression on Anne Willow's face was obviously a little disappointed.

"Yeah, senior, I thought you would be more exciting. Even a lost Dark Lord is like this. Forget it, let's go to Colorless and look at the next toy."

Anne Willow waved her hand and dispersed the spatial projection under the night sky.

Chu He recovered a little, and then cast a forbidden spell level space magic and returned to purgatory.

Since he doesn't know whether the God of Destiny is monitoring him or not, he needs to maintain this weak state for a while, to make her think that his recovery ability is also weak, which will make the God of Destiny despise him even more.

After returning to Purgatory, Hermione rushed forward and supported Chu He in shock when she saw Chu He's pale face.

"Chu He!!! Are you okay? Where did you get hurt? Hold on, I'll take you to St. Mungo's Witch's Hospital!

Hermione said distressedly.

"No need, I was slightly injured by the powerful magic power. This injury can only be slowly healed by myself, and no one in St. Munger's Magic Hospital can cure it.

Chu He raised his hand.

"Well, it's better to let the doctor take care of you? Otherwise, I'll take care of you! How about I help you with whatever you want?"

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Hermione asked worriedly.

"I haven't been hurt to the point of dying. Compared to this, you have to go back to Diagon Alley immediately. I had a fight with Voldemort. In the end, he blew himself up, and the entire store in Diagon Alley was destroyed. This will definitely happen. Alarming the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors will soon be involved in the investigation, and you are going there to deal with Scrimgeour now."

Chu He raised his hand to construct a space teleportation magic.

"What time is this!!! It's more important to me to take care of you than to go to the Ministry of Magic!

Hermione burst into tears.

"Don't worry, there are magic doctors who are resident at St. Mungo's Magic Hospital in purgatory. It will be fine if they treat me. It is very important to me that you enter the Ministry of Magic, go quickly.

Mo Yin touched Hermione's head and urged.

"Then... well, when I come in, I must run over to take care of you, then you can no longer make excuses to drive me away!

Hermione asked firmly, she felt that Chu He was hurt because of saving herself, so she felt very guilty and guilty.

She must take good care of Chu He until his injury is fully recovered!

"Okay, I'll listen to you, I'll listen to you.""

Chu He agreed immediately.

"I'm leaving."

Hermione glanced at Chu He reluctantly, and then returned to the ruined Diagon Alley through the space magic constructed by Chu He.


Looking at the ruins in front of her, Hermione gasped.

Even the outer layer has applied a lot of defensive magic, and Gringotts, the so-called safest wizard bank, was reduced to ruins under Voldemort's self-destruction.

Seeing this scene in front of her, she felt that it was a miracle that Chu He survived!

At the same time, she once again felt her own weakness.

If I can be a little stronger, maybe she can take over the battle today instead of Chu He...

No, it's not just a little bit stronger, to deal with today's battle situation, you must be much stronger than you are now!

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