Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 290 French characteristic surrender

Due to Bellatrix's early investigation and the fact that there are no leading figures in the dark wizarding world in France, the dark wizarding world is in a state of scattered sand. With hundreds of dark wizards, Cassandra is almost Is invincible.

In just one month, all the dark wizards in France surrendered to Cassandra.

Although the French white wizard system sensed that there was something more on its own territory, due to its weak strength, it had not had time to find out the origin of Kassandra, and was led by Kassandra with a group of black men. The wizard came to the door and saw that the number of black wizards was more than several times his own. All the wizards in the French white wizard system honestly put their hands in one fell swoop and surrendered.

The entire French wizarding world was suppressed within a month, which made Cassandra very proud, and she told Chu He the information on the spot with the "seven seven zero" network magic. A few minutes later, Cassandra was beside her. The space distorted for a moment, and then Chu He slowly walked out of it.

"Chu He~ Look, I'm strong, I've already informed this area~"

Cassandra said proudly.

"Cassandra, do you know why the first place I asked you to be was France?

Chu He asked calmly.

"Eh, dunno, isn't it because Bellatrix is ​​here?"

Cassandra was taken aback by Chu He's question. She has been busy conquering this month, and she really hadn't thought about it.

"Reminder, because I want to send you here, Bellatrix will come here in advance.


Cassandra thought carefully about the characteristics of the French wizarding world, and finally, after thinking about it for more than ten minutes, she still hadn't guessed what medicine was sold in Chu He's gourd.

"Hey, I don't understand why you asked me to come to France in the first place. Just tell me the answer."

Cassandra asked.

"Okay, but you have to learn to analyze what is behind the problem by yourself, otherwise your road to the Dark Lord will be difficult to go long.


For Chu He's request, Cassandra was not angry, because Chu He had never hurt her, and she was too lazy to guess today because she wanted to share her joy in successfully suppressing the French region with Chu He as soon as possible.

I usually work harder.

"The first area let you come to France because the wizarding world here is very weak. Whether it is the black wizarding world or the white wizarding world, none of them have a decent person who can lead the way, and the famous ones are basically scumbags like Fudge. , You yourself have felt it in the process of conquering them, you are basically not hindered."9

"When they found out that you outnumbered them, they basically surrendered happily, right? This is actually the character of the people in this area, they are all weak.

Chu He asked.

"This, this! Don't people who are seen to be far more powerful than themselves surrender? Isn't this normal in order to survive?

Cassandra was stunned for a moment, and then said somewhat unconvinced.

"Then do you think that if I were with Hermione, I would surrender easily to you? Even if you were the leader of the French region, would you surrender easily?

Chu He's words made Cassandra fall into deep contemplation. Chu He didn't need to say much, even if he couldn't beat him, he would run away, and then weakened his strength through various conspiracy rules, and finally became the last laughing Winner, after all Cassandra never saw Chu He give in.

Hermione is also very cunning. Maybe she will pretend to surrender first, and then contact foreign aid to drive away the wolf.

And herself, as the brightest star in the pure blood family, she will not tolerate surrender at all, she will rely on her own strength to fight to the end!

Looking at it this way, Chu He's statement is completely true. The reason why she can govern France so easily is not because she is too strong, but because her opponent is too naive.

But she understands the truth, but after a hard battle for a month, even though she said that her opponents were not very experienced, she was a bit depressing when she didn't get praise from Chu He, but the fact was in front of her eyes, and she couldn't say anything.

"However, if you can control these hundreds of people and keep them from cluttering together, you are still very powerful, Cassandra.

Looking at the depressed Cassandra, Chu He knew that she couldn't say too much, otherwise it would damage her confidence, and immediately began to encourage Cassandra...

"Hey, right! I'll take them seriously!"

As soon as she heard Chu He's raising herself, Cassandra's gloomy mood disappeared. Because of her strict family education, she did not condone these dark wizards, even if they defeated the French The black wizard did not condone the black wizard he brought over to burn, kill and loot here, but simply conquered this place.

"One more thing, Cassandra, the dark wizards in the French region, you can't expect their fighting power, just as they surrendered to you easily, when they face other powerful beings, they will surrender on the spot with both hands. Be a traitor, don't let them know too much information about you, otherwise it is equivalent to sending information to the enemy."

Chu He exhorted.

"Eh...Are these guys so unprofessional?"

A look of disgust appeared on Cassandra's face.

"After all, you are an invading force to them. They don't even try to protect their own territory. How can you believe that they will fight for you to the end? They have absolutely no reason to fight for you.

Chu He asked calmly.

"Ah ah ah, it's really troublesome, then let's kill them all, 1.3 is useless anyway. 35

Cassandra unhappily twisted her beautiful golden curly hair with her fingers. When Chu He said this, she really felt that the wizards on the French side were useless guys.

"It's not necessary for you to kill them directly. In fact, they are not very good chess pieces. As long as they are used in the right way, they will also have their own effects. At least if you let them play more and less, they are very good. It's hard to surrender, because you yourself are much more terrifying than the other party."

"Wizards who manage this region of France, as long as you can make them realize that there is still a chance to fight against the enemy, but if they surrender, they will die in the face of you. This will greatly reduce their surrender rate. of."

Chu He opened his mouth to teach Cassandra.

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