Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 296 The game between Mihadilin and Kassandra

For the next week, under the supervision of Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix, Cassandra's wizard lived a near-military life 50 kilometers away from the New York suburbs.

In addition, Cassandra also arranged for them to eat at the same time every day. The dark wizards she brought from purgatory lived in a group with two English wizards and five French wizards. Stretching mantra tent.

The dark wizard who came out of purgatory, as the group leader, is responsible for supervising and monitoring every move of other wizards.

In this way, even if a beautiful and cheap spy is placed among the English wizards or the French wizards, every word and deed will be monitored by the direct-line wizards brought by purgatory, and if there is trouble, they will be controlled by the dark wizards from purgatory.

After all, the dark wizards in Purgatory kept fighting each other every day under Chu He's rules, and their combat power was much stronger than these external dark wizards.

Under this arrangement, within a week, the dark wizards in purgatory caught a total of seven spies who were trying to inform them, and these spies were also tortured to death by Cassandra's dark wizards using 13 torture spells. Jagged governance, even those spies sent by the beautiful and cheap Magical Congress would not dare to have any more ideas.

After all, being a spy is just a job, and this job is terrible now, and the rewards they get are not rich enough to make them pay their lives. Since they have encountered a ruthless person like Kassandra, it is better to hide it. It's better to live on with your own identity.

In the past few days, Cassandra has not been idle, wearing a shielding magic bracelet every day to detect the enemy situation in the New York neighborhood.

She was thinking about how to quickly suppress the beautiful and cheap wizarding world. In order to defeat the enemy, she must first understand the enemy.

It has to be said that the world of beautiful and cheap wizards is indeed much stronger than that of France. The frequency of light Aurors patrolling an area is four times a day.

And the eyes of these Aurors are also very alert, constantly scrutinizing the people on the street, even making people wonder if they are plainclothes police.

Cassandra estimated that once the wizards under her hands leaked their whereabouts, they would immediately be attacked by these wizards.

After all, this is the opponent's base camp. The opponent will occupy a favorable location in the local battle. The number of people is similar, and there are even a large number of French wizards who may surrender if they make up the number to fight. To be honest, Cassandra feels that now is not a good time to start a war. .

She has to wait, or try to create an opportunity to change the status quo, and then bring the dark wizards under her hands to attack the beautiful and cheap wizarding world.

When Cassandra was investigating the enemy and the beautiful and cheap Aurors were patrolling hard, the high-level officials of the beautiful and cheap wizarding world were thinking about how to get a share of the French wizarding world.

They misunderstood Cassandra's means, and mistakenly thought that the French wizarding world was still in a mess at this time, and they wanted to support a spy to be the ruler of the French wizarding world, so that they could indirectly dominate France. Wizarding World.

But just a week ago, they suddenly lost all contact with their spies in France, which caught Mihadirin by surprise.

At this time, the situation in the French wizarding world also became confusing in an instant.

Mihadilin made a detailed analysis of the disappearance of his spies.

There are three situations.

First of all, in addition to the inner ghosts in the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress, the intelligence of all the spies was leaked, and then these spies were eliminated within a day, because everyone died, so they lost contact.

The other is that all the wizards in France are controlled by the wizards in England, and they are in a state of highly centralized power, and even some of the spies in England who are involved in it cannot report the situation to them.

And the last one is... all the wizards in France have been silenced. Although Mihadilin felt that this is the most unlikely situation, it is not guaranteed that such a massacre will happen.

After all, Voldemort did almost the same thing back then.

To be honest, even though his subordinates have already reported that Chu He went to Lihen Bookstore to buy books like a normal person, he still suspects that Chu He is behind the invasion of the French wizarding world.

After all, in England, Chu He has the ability and motivation to do so.

It is precisely because of this that he sends so many Aurors to patrol the beautiful and cheap areas every day, just to prevent Chu He from staring at them.

After all, Umbridge was associated with them at that time, and those dark wizards were also connected by his subordinates.

If Chu He learns the truth of the matter, he will definitely come to find fault with the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress.

In fact, his response plan did not go wrong, and because of his response plan, Cassandra is still wandering around New York City all day long thinking about how to suppress the beautiful and cheap wizarding world.

But it is not enough to cut off the source of intelligence in the long run, so Mihadilin decided to send a few more wizards to France to see the situation.

After thinking about it again and again, he still gave up the plan to send Mallov over there.

After all, just to see the situation, Mallove, as an ace spy, should be used in a more difficult environment.


After a busy two weeks, Hermione is in purgatory again.

At this time, Chu He's complexion has improved a lot. Obviously, after a period of training, the injury he suffered from Voldemort's self-destruction when he fought with Voldemort has almost recovered.

Hermione couldn't help but be a little happy about that.

"By the way, why haven't I seen Cassandra recently? She's been absent from school for a long time, and she's not here with you.

Hermione asked curiously.

"I asked her to do something, and it may take a while for her to come back."

Chu He replied with a smile.

"Do, what do you do? 35

"You can understand it as a turf, and as a first mover.

"Before the beautiful and cheap magic, they sent spies to monitor me, and even had certain plans for me. Although they have given up their plans to become an enemy of me, I am not a soft persimmon that they want to pinch, so I arranged for Cassandra to take someone to try and see if I could get a handle on the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress.

Chu He explained that Cassandra being the Dark Lord is a bit of a story. . It wasn't a good idea to talk to Hermione, so he didn't make it too obvious for a while.

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