Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 257 Chu He: I can't accept it

Looking at the backs of Chu He and Bai, Haruno Sakura couldn't help but get angry. She is a very competitive girl, how can she bear this anger.

But during the short fight just now, she knew very well that she would not be able to defeat Chu He in a short time, and she still had to work hard.

"Chu He.

Sasuke with a cold face stood up and walked in front of Chu He.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?"

Chu He smiled and looked at Sasuke who came over.

"Let's talk about it?"

Sasuke asked.

Seeing Sasuke saying this, Haruno Sakura immediately became happy. In her opinion, she had suffered a loss just now, and now Sasuke came up to help him find a place, which means that Sasuke cared about him.

"Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed to lose? Just your popularity will make other little girls disillusioned."

Chu He joked that Sasuke is very popular in the whole class. It would be troublesome for him to beat up those girls here, so he doesn't really want to beat Sasuke here.

On the other hand, Naruto was very much looking forward to Sasuke being able to fight with Chu He a little bit. After all, he had already seen Sasuke disliked.

"Hmph, no one cares about their vision. I don't care, and neither do you. As long as fighting with you can make me stronger, then I will fight with you."

Sasuke spoke up.

"Then I don't care...

Seeing that Sasuke was determined to fight, Chu He immediately stood up and planned to leave his actions.

At this moment, Iruka walked into the classroom.

"Huh? Everyone is here, so let's just start the briefing session, Chu He, where are you going?

Iruka asked that he was very polite to an excellent student like Chu He. After all, in the future, Chu He's strength will definitely reach a level that is enough for him to respect.

"No, I'm just going to stand up and move around. Since you're here, Iruka-sensei, let's start the briefing session."

Chu He sat back to his position, and Sasuke had no choice but to return to his position.

"Very well, then, everyone, from today onwards, you will be ninjas who can be on your own. Of course, you are only newbies. 99

"The real hard work has only just begun. From now on, you will form a group of three people and follow a Shangnin to practice.

"In order to ensure the balance of strength in each class, the division of the class is decided by the teacher."

Iruka said.

"Wait a minute, Iruka-sensei, how is the assignment between me and Bai."5

Chu He interrupted Iruka.

In his Legilimency investigation, he learned that once the ninja team is formed, the missions are based on weeks and months. Once they are assigned to different groups, the time will be staggered.

As for the ice shield held by Bai, he planned to hide it and develop ninjutsu by himself to teach Bai. Once they were divided into different groups, it would be a little troublesome.

"Uh, since you and Bai have both good test scores, we plan to be divided into different groups.

Iruka froze for a moment, then answered.

"I cannot accept this arrangement.

Chu He answered without hesitation.

"Chu He, the first thing a ninja has to do is to obey orders, if you can't even obey such orders. In the future, you will become a ninja... It's hard to say that you can be alone, after all, there may be various problems during the mission. The reason is that you and Bai will separate."


Iruka said with some embarrassment.

Chu He and Bai are both very talented. He hoped that the two of them could go all the way as a ninja, but he felt that ninjas should obey orders and not give Chu He privileges because of their strength.

"Although I want to be a ninja, I don't intend to erase my emotions. If becoming a ninja means becoming a ruthless task machine, then this ninja is inappropriate."

Chu He replied without being humble or arrogant.

"Do you really think that the village is all for you two outsiders? This is the village's rule, and it's good enough for you to study in school."

A certain student in the corner said yin and yang strangely, Chu He turned his head and saw that it was a student named Tiecheng Dongma.

"Tiecheng Insight, don't say such words that will destroy the harmony of the village, the three generations of Hokage-sama have accepted Chu He and Shiro, then they are members of the village, and there can be no such discrimination.

Before Chu He could speak, Iruka reprimanded with a serious look on his face.

After being scolded by Iruka, Tiecheng Dongjian lowered his head in dissatisfaction.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

After dealing with the dispute, Iruka looked at Chu He and was a little embarrassed. He somehow knew that Chu He and Bai had come together all the way, and it was normal to be reluctant to separate, but it was indeed a rule to divide classes. . . He was also a little undecided for a while.

"Iruka-sensei, why don't you go to Hokage Sandaime and ask about the division of the class, I know the rules of Shinobu Village are absolute, but it's okay to be a little accommodating when it's not hurtful, right?""

Chu He opened his mouth to propose.

Yesterday, he just reported Mizuki who wanted to steal the book of seals. The third Hokage owes him a favor, so he should be able to see his potential.

If he intends to win over him, then he will definitely agree to such trivial matters as division. If the three generations of Hokage insist on separating himself from Shiro, then Chu He intends to leave Konoha Village. It doesn't matter if you study ninjutsu slowly in other places.


"Then... well, I'll go to Mr. Hokage Sandaime to discuss it.

Seeing Chu He say this, Iruka nodded immediately, turned and walked out of the classroom.

On the other hand, the people in the class had some discussions because of Chu He's face-to-face with Iruka just now.

People like Sakura and Ino who want to be with Sasuke are naturally more supportive of Chu He's approach, so they can be separated with Sasuke.

But other people also feel that Chu He is asking for privileges, so they are somewhat dissatisfied.

But now that Iruka is not here, they don't dare to say anything more. Comparing Chu He and Bai's graduation grades, they are quite good, and they will have to suffer when they jump up.

"Lord Naruto, that's the way it is. Chu He and Bai are really talented as ninjas, but they don't want to be separated, but if the two of them are in the same class, their strength is somewhat unfair."

Iruka opened his mouth to report.

"So, there is a girl in the Hyuga family named Hana Hyuga. The owner hopes that she can enter school early. She does have talents, so let's put her in Chu He and Bai's class.""

The three generations of Hokage thought for a while and gave a compromise solution.

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