Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 394 Fusion of magic and chakra!

Early the next morning, Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hinata returned to their own three-person group and led the team to go out on a mission.

Chu He's side is because Mitarai Red Bean has not relaxed enough, so he has not accepted the task for the time being.

Taking advantage of his free time, Chu He also began to teach Hinata Hanahuiten the ninjutsu.

After watching Hinata Hana and practicing several times, Chu He found that Hinata was unable to distribute chakra to every acupoint of the body in a balanced manner, so it was impossible to form an absolute defense to the sky, so he stopped the practice. , and then inject his own chakra into the body of Hinata Hana.

"Hana, you carefully perceive the chakra that I have assigned to the various acupoints on your body, don't rush to release the chakra, but control the flow of chakra in the body to the vicinity of these acupoints for standby.

"This saves the chakra you're consuming while training."

Chu He opened his mouth to teach.

"I, I try.""

Hinata Hana nodded, and Chu He withdrew his 13 chakra.

While recalling the feeling when Chu He injected chakra into his body just now, Hinata Hana tried to control the flow of his chakra to various acupoints.

The next second, pale white misty chakra spewed out from the acupoints of Hinata Hana.

Sorry, me, I have bad control.

. . . . .

Hinata Hana looked at Chu He with some unease.

"Energy is very difficult to control. Don't worry, you can train slowly. After the chakra you reserve is used up, you can use the chakra in my one."

Chu He handed Hinata Hana a magic refining ring full of chakra.

It's nice that this ring can also be used during training.

Originally, after using up the chakra made by Hinata Hana in one day, she could only rest today. After all, making chakra requires physical and mental energy, but with this magic refining ring, she can continue to train.

This is equivalent to an external chakra battery, so that the speed of Hinata Hana's ninjutsu practice will naturally be multiplied with half the effort.

After teaching Hinata Hanahuatian's practice method, Chu He then began to give Bai research the ice escape.

Bai's current chakra is mainly ice-type, and she mainly uses water escapes in normal battles. However, water only accounts for about 7% of the total chakra in her body. If the corresponding ice escapes are not developed, then It greatly affects White's combat effectiveness.

And ordinary people seem to be very afraid of Xue Jibound, otherwise Bai's father would not kill her mother with the villagers.

Therefore, on the bright side, it is definitely not possible to go to the ninjas of Konoha Village to ask for ice escape-related escape techniques, and can only develop them by themselves.

Fortunately, Chu He himself started out by developing and transforming magic. During this time, he also learned a lot of ninjutsu-related knowledge through various ninjutsu scrolls, and he can already start to try to develop ice escape.

Thinking of this, Chu He suddenly had a bold idea.

He was a little curious about the effect of the fusion of magic and chakra.

Magic power is the power that a person with the potential of a wizard will slowly and naturally recover every minute, which is different from the chakra that needs to be actively produced.

In theory, energy can be directly integrated with each other. After all, the essence of chakra is the energy finally generated by the combination of spiritual energy and the energy in each individual cell.

Fusion energy sometimes brings the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Thinking of this, Chu He immediately mobilized a small part of his magic power and the corresponding Chakra to try to fuse with each other in his right hand.

next second

With a muffled boom, Chu He's right hand suddenly burst open with blood and flesh, revealing the white jade-colored hand bones stained with blood.

"elder brother!!

"Chu He! 99

Shiro and Hinata Hana, who were on the side, saw this change and rushed to Chu He's side without paying attention to practice.

"Don't worry, it's just a little mistake... The injury is gone. 35

Chu He opened his mouth to comfort the two, and then used a medical magic to heal his injured right hand, and soon his right hand was restored to its original state.

"What the hell just happened?

Hinata Hana asked worriedly.

"Well... you can understand that you are testing a certain ninjutsu, and then there is a slight error... No, it should be said that there is no error, but I did not expect such a result."

Chu He thought for a moment and then answered.

Although he failed to integrate energy just now, it was not without gain.

He just mobilized a small amount of chakra to fuse with magic, but the explosive power far exceeded the lethality of a single force ten times, which means that if he can successfully fuse magic and chakra, then all the The power of magic and ninjutsu will be doubled nearly tenfold.

So even though his hands were blasted, Chu He was happy in his heart.

It has been a long time since he encountered a means that can greatly improve his strength.

After all, his own strength is at the level of a demigod, and even if he learns many techniques, he cannot directly improve his combat effectiveness.

But it's different when it comes to basic energy.

When magic power and chakra are combined with each other, the divine power equivalent to gold is raised one level higher.

If he can fully integrate magic and chakra, he will definitely not be at a disadvantage in the future battle with Annie Willow.

After all, what Anneville used was nothing but golden divine power.

He never imagined that his ill-intentioned thought would actually acquire a type of energy sufficient to kill a god.

"Then... be careful, don't hurt yourself again.

Seeing that Chu He was not attacked by others, Hinata Hana breathed a sigh of relief, and then exhorted.

"If you want to become stronger, you can't be afraid of getting hurt. I can only say that I try to be careful, but there is no way to guarantee it.

Chu He shrugged, this fusion energy is necessary for him to kill the gods, so he must study how to fuse together, with this level of instability, I am afraid that even if he is careful, it will explode again, so he did not Law promises not to worry Hinata Hana.

"Alright alright... Anyway, you are better than me, and you won't listen to what I say.

Hinata Hana said depressedly.

"Don't worry, I won't conduct life-threatening tests. I'm more likely to cherish my life than you."

Chu He reached out and touched Hinata Hanako's head.


Hinata Hana nodded, and at the same time determined in his heart that he must become stronger quickly. When he can protect Chu He, Chu He should not have to study the dangerous power so desperately.

She wants to be the girl who can support Chu He by his side.

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