Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 104 Talent Awakening, Can't You? Does Anyone Think This Is Difficult? (Please Subscribe

next day

early morning

Snape's office

The old bat got up early and stared at the pot of potion in front of him.


Can bring people luck.

It is also called a lucky potion by wizards.

The so-called "good luck" that can be brought is actually mainly to improve your abilities in all aspects.

For example, social ability, magic ability, reaction ability, etc., all have been greatly improved, so it makes people feel that everything is going well.

If taken in excess, it can cause unwanted side effects of dizziness, recklessness, and hubris.

The refining process of this potion is very complicated and takes half a year.

If there are any omissions and mistakes in the refining process, it must be overthrown and restarted.

In terms of Snape's potions master level, a small part of the steps were compressed, but it took more than four months from the start of school in September to the present to see the hope of success

No way, who let his potion inventory be washed out by some brat.

This made the old bat have to temporarily refine something to restore blood.

Seeing that the potion has completely turned into gold.

Snape moved the cauldron away from the flames.

Then pour it all into a large glass jar.

After the Felicia has cooled down, it can be dispensed.

A bottle of Felix Felicia cost three hundred Galleons in Diagon Alley.

This pot can be divided into ten small bottles.

That's three thousand Galleons!

This is already a huge sum of money for ordinary wizards.

It was enough for Snape to buy some potions again for stockpiling.

Putting the bottle on the table, Snape lowered his head and continued to grade the thick stack of Potions homework.

"Good morning, Professor!"

Not long after, Kyle broke in after knocking on the door suddenly.

"What's up?"

To be honest, seeing bear children early in the morning is really not a good experience for the old bat.

"Oh, of course..."Four Four Zero"..."

"Professor, what is this?" Kyle was about to say something, but suddenly saw the large golden jar of Bliss Elixir on the table.

With the fusion of six spider abilities, Kyle felt that he had endless energy.

I only slept for two hours last night, and I was already full of energy.

Having just acquired the ability, relying on his almost invulnerable physique, Kyle decided to show off the old bat and show off!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, I just happen to be thirsty!"

After speaking, he directly picked up a large jar of Felicity Elixir on the table.



In the dumbfounded of the old bat.

The bear boy "dazzled" him on the spot!

Seeing this scene, Snape felt as if countless indescribable beasts were galloping past him.


That is the Felix Elixir that I have been refining for more than four months!

It was going to be sold to Diagon Alley to restore blood!

[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】

"Professor, why are you looking at me like that?" Kyle wiped his mouth after drinking Felicia, feeling that the taste was not bad.

It's a bit bitter, but there's a hint of sweetness in the bitterness.

Mouth fluid.

He just looked up, only to find that Snape's eyes were dull...

"Don't worry, it's just a potion, it's for drinking!" Kyle blinked.



Old Beibei!

Hearing this, Snape almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

drink as water?

Are you so thirsty that you can't drink water?

This sip directly drank three thousand gold galleons from me!

[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】

"If it's all right, I think you should be ready for class!" Snape sullenly.

He found that he had nothing to do with the brat

To say that the school's biggest punishment for students is nothing more than deduction of points and confinement at night.


Points off Slytherin?

Snape didn't know who he was punishing.

As for your confinement...

Confinement at Hogwarts does not mean that students are put in a small dark room and jailed.

Instead, do some volunteer labor at night after everyone else has gone to bed.

It's like in the original book, Harry Potter was punished to patrol the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid at night.

It's just that if this kind of punishment is given to a bear child.

Snape could imagine the other party's surprise.

"Is it true? Professor, I don't have to carry people on my night tour from now on???"


"Oh, by the way, Professor Dumbledore asked me to call you!"

"A unicorn was seriously injured last night. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Kettleburn have passed away."

"On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, not far from Hagrid's Hut."

Kyle said what he had come for.

Kettleburn's full name is Sylvanus Kettleburn!

He is the professor of the Protection of Magical Creatures class, which is an elective course only available in the third grade.

This is an old professor who has a great love for magical animals, especially dragons.

Well qualified!

Willingness to take any adventure for the oh Fantastic Beasts he loves.

In his long teaching career, he has received more than 60 punishments of retention and probation.

However, this did not change his adventurous spirit.

Professor Kettleburn now has only one arm and half a leg left.

When Kyle brought Snape to the edge of the Forbidden Forest for a consultation with the unicorn.

The other Madam Pomfrey and Professor Kettleburn have already checked the condition of the unicorn.

"Oh, sorry, Albus..."

"You know, what I'm good at is raising magical animals. As for rescue methods, I only know some simple ones!"

Professor Kettleburn looked at Dumbledore apologetically.

"Me too, Dumbledore, I've given him the blood-boosting potion."

"But unicorns seem to be intolerant to the potions used by wizards, and it didn't have much effect.

Madam Pomfrey in the school infirmary also looked helpless.

"Well, we've done our best, now we'll just have to look at Severus...." Dumbledore sighed.

"Oh, here comes Severus!"

"And Kyle..." Dumbledore was taken aback when he saw Kyle jump up to a height of more than ten centimeters.

But he didn't say much.

Old Dengtou is used to the surprises brought by the bear boy every three days...  

It's just that he has grown taller.

Not having a baby at Hogwarts.

No fuss!

The unicorn Lilith saw Kyle coming, and struggled to put her head on Kyle's body.

After a night's rest, her mental state seemed to be better.

But the state of excessive blood loss has not recovered.

Just simply relying on the elixir of life to prevent the arrival of death.

Kyle mixed the elixir powder with water and gave the unicorn a little to drink.

Snape knelt down to check the unicorn's condition with a gloomy face.

When he got up, his brows were already tightly wrinkled.

"Loss of blood, blood supplements have no effect..."

With a whisper, the old bat also shook his head.

This is beyond his ability.

He is a master of potions, but not an expert in magical animals.

I don't understand the body structure and functions of magical animals like unicorns.

If you want to develop potions, you don't know where to start.

"Professor, are you really helpless?"

At this moment Kyle looked up at the three of Snape "poorly".

"I'm sorry, child, we tried our best." Madam Pomfrey shook her head, and comforted the bear child.

"It looks terribly weak right now and just doesn't know why death didn't come."

"Professor, even you can't help it? You are a master of potions...

Kyle confirmed it again to Snape.

"Perhaps you should find a Potions master who specializes in magical animals!" The old bat had just lost three thousand gold Galleons worth of Felicity Elixir.

He didn't give the brat any good looks.

To be honest, there were few people present, except for Snape.

The feelings of the remaining three are a bit heavy...

After all, a fresh life is right in front of him.

Forcibly hanging his life by relying on the elixir of life is just living in pain.

From Dumbledore's point of view......

Rather than living in such pain, it is better to go to death calmly!

It's just that he hadn't figured out how to persuade Kyle to come, so Kyle spoke again.

"Hey, forget it, let me do it!"

"My child, we have tried all the methods we can think of. This unicorn has lost too much blood, and even its own hematopoietic function has been affected."

Madam Pomfrey thought Kyle was unwilling to face reality.

Quickly spoke again to comfort.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem!" The bear child shrugged and put his hands on the unicorn.

A faint green light suddenly radiated from his body!

Wrap the bear and the unicorn.


This is not a magic spell, but a talent-like ability.

It can be done instantaneously, and does not require a wand.

"This is..." Madam Pomfrey couldn't help but exclaimed upon seeing this.

She felt a strong life energy in the green light.

Not just Madam Pomfrey.

Including Dumbledore, everyone present was shocked by Kyle's healing ability.

With a strong breath of life, even if you just stand around, you can feel the pleasant feeling from your body.

The weak look on the unicorn's face surrounded by green light disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

【Ding! Four shock emotions detected!】

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting one gold treasure chest and three silver treasure chests!】

"It seems........the Holy See...no, no, it feels different." Dumbledore muttered to himself, frowning.

Another magic that has never been seen before!

In the modern idealist magic system that is now popular in the magic world, healing magic has always been a shortcoming.

The only magic mastered by the wizards is "healing as before", a spell that can only heal some simple and minor trauma.

And more often...

Even the "St. Mungo's Magical Hospital" mainly relies on potions for the rescue of patients.

Kyle's magic can definitely change the medical system in the magic world!

in a minute

Therapy is over!

Under the disbelieving eyes of several people, the unicorn struggled and stood up directly from the ground.

Although trembling, but compared to before, I could only lie on the ground.

Know how much better.

"Merlin, this is simply unbelievable." Madam Pomfrey covered her mouth.

This is simply a miracle in the history of wizarding medicine.

"Son, is this your new invention of magic?" Dumbledore asked his most concerned question.

This magic is enough to get a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin.

In addition, it will also push Kyle's status to the highest position among therapists.

"No, Professor, it's not magic....it's..."

"It's something similar to talent, just like Yirongmagus."

"I just found out last night that I have this talent."

Kyle shook his head, briefly describing the effect of the healing technique.

Unlike in the game, there is no CD for healing in reality.

But there is a patient's physical tolerance...

To put it simply, it is the deficiency that cannot be supplemented.

If a dying person is treated by multiple healing techniques in a row, it may not recover, but will be sent away by a large amount of life energy.

So the safest way is to divide it into multiple treatments!

"Okay!" Dumbledore nodded in disappointment.

"How did you awaken this talent?" Madam Pomfrey also asked her most concerned question.

Even if you don't want to admit it.

But all truth is that wizards derive their magic from magical animals.

If all the wizards in existence can be traced back to their ancestors, one of them must be those powerful magical animals in ancient times.

If this awakening is controllable, it can be mass-produced.

That is great news for wizards.

"How did you wake up? Is it difficult?"

Kyle raised his head with an innocent face: "Isn't it possible to be talented just by thinking about it?"

"Just like potions before, I wanted to become a master of potions, and then found that all potions seemed to be very simple in front of me.

"And last night, I just wanted to save Lilith, and then I had this ability."

"It's like the essence of modern magic, the power of emotion!"

"This is what Professor Dumbledore taught me about the power of love!"

The brat didn't forget to pat Dumbledore's ass at this time.

Some inappropriate remarks about Versailles directly stumped the few people present.

Isn't it possible to be talented just by thinking about it?

Are you speaking human words...

If you just think about it, you will have...

So why does Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry offer so many courses?

Wouldn’t it be enough for the teacher to lead the little wizards to have a picnic and fantasize on the lawn outside the castle?

Dumbledore's teeth hurt when he heard this.

"the power of love?

To be reasonable, if you really think about it, you can awaken this talent.

He would rather say a word to the brat...

come come come!

Now you tell me what I taught you again, let me learn 0.3 hard!

What is this called!

【Ding! Four emotions of grief and indignation detected!】

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting four silver treasure chests!】

"So, you knew last night that you have the ability to save unicorns, so why did you ask us to come here?"

The old bat grimaced.

Once again, he thought of the big jar of Felicia.

"Huh? I didn't expect that you couldn't even cure a unicorn..."

"You are professors at Hogwarts!"

Kyle chuckled inwardly.

You brought this to your door yourself, not Versailles!

Don't blame the young master for being a bad person.

All for treasure chests!

"I think it's very simple, you only need to give Lilith a healing technique every day, and she can recover within three days at most.

Dumbledore: "???"

Snape: "???"

Madam Pomfrey: "???"

Kettleburn: "???"

After one sentence, the four of them felt that the whole person was not well.

It was as if the heart had been stabbed severely with a knife.

After living for decades, why not think about it casually like a little wizard?

Does this brat still speak human language?

"Son, can your healing technique heal my broken hands and feet?" At this moment, Professor Kettleburn suddenly asked excitedly.

Only one hand and half a leg remained of his limbs.

Daily activities are all relying on prosthetic limbs.

Although it became like this for the cause of love, who wants to maintain this state?

If it can be cured, that would be great!

"Professor, are your severed limbs still there?"

"If I'm here, I might have a solution..." Kyle looked at Kettleburn.

After all, this is not a game world, everything is digitized.

No matter how bad the healing technique is, it can't achieve the regeneration of severed limbs. .

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