Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 183: Old Bat Vs Naughty Kid, A Crushing Duel! (Please Subscribe!)

Lockhart first waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Come around, everyone come around!"

"We want to make sure everyone can see me and hear me."

"Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open this small dueling club to fully train everyone in case you need to defend yourself one day, and protect yourself in the same way I have used countless times.

"If you want to know more about this, you can read my works."

"Let me introduce my assistant today... Professor Snape."

Lockhart said, grinning broadly.

"He told me that he himself knew a thing or two about dueling, and he graciously agreed to help me with a small demonstration before class.

"I said, I don't want you little guys to worry. After we complete a demonstration later, I will return your Potions Master intact to you, so don't be afraid!~"

Kyle was keenly aware that Snape's upper lip curled up.

This is a sign that the old bat is in a bad mood!

After speaking, Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed. Then they held their wands to their chests like arrows.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in a normal dueling position,"

"On the count of three, we will cast the first spell. Of course, neither of us will take the other's life."


They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time.

Snape shouted: "Expelliarmus!" Suddenly a dazzling red light flashed, and Lockhart was struck unsteadily.

He flew backwards off the stage, hit the wall, then slid off and curled up on the floor.

He knew that for Lockhart, it was better to be embarrassed in public than to be embarrassed by his lovely nephew.

Fortunately, Lockhart staggered to his feet quickly.

"I just said Lockhart doesn't know anything, he only talks!" Malfoy said quietly, standing next to Harry.

"No, it's because Snape has gone too far!"

"It only took a disarming spell to defeat Lockhart."

Harry looked directly at Snape.

A feeling of pride arose in my heart.

That is his biological father!

In addition to being a potion master, magic is also so powerful!

Lockhart's hat fell off when he was thrown out, and his wavy sideburns stood on end.

Not to mention how embarrassed it was.

He returned to the stage and cleverly used vague prophecies to confuse the previous duel.

He also deliberately turned a blind eye to Snape's murderous eyes.

"This is the end of the demonstration. Come on, now everyone is divided into groups of two. It's time for you to personally..."

"Wait..." Before Lockhart could finish speaking, Snape suddenly interrupted.

!A demonstration cannot tell you what a real duel is..."

As he said that, Snape's eyes swept over the little wizard and finally rested on the naughty boy.

"Kyle, come up here and give me a demonstration!"

“A true demonstration!”

After all, the old bat has a cold face and a hot heart, and there have been three attacks on Hogwarts.

Both Dumbledore and him felt that it was necessary to improve the little wizard's strength.

Regardless of whether it works or not.

At least let them know how to protect themselves.

In addition, Snape also had a desire to explore the naughty kid's current progress.

Is it true that, as Dumbledore said, he has entered the threshold of the legendary realm?

"Shall I come? Professor?" Kyle was stunned when his name was suddenly called.

"That's right, come up!"

"Okay..." The naughty kid shrugged and walked onto the stage.

"So..." Kyle took out two pokeballs from his pocket.

One holds Neltharion, Deathwing, and the other holds Charizard.

Then looked at Snape.

"Professor, you can choose one as your opponent..."

"Or, just to show respect, I could put both out.

Look at the naughty child's innocent expression.

The old bat instantly felt bad all over.

The two pets of the naughty kid are definitely capable of reaching the legendary realm!

He couldn't handle even one.

And to show respect, they go together?

I thank you eighteen generations of ancestors!

0…Please give me flowers…

[Ding! Sadness and anger detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being extracted for the host!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!]

"We are dueling, we can't use pets!" Snape said with a dark face.

After saying that, I thought of the weird talents of the naughty kid before.

He quickly added another sentence.

"Also, the use of abilities other than magic is not allowed!"

"Okay, Professor, I understand." Kyle nodded in agreement.

Even without the use of systematic abilities and talents, he is now a wizard who has crossed the threshold of legend.

The magic power has gradually begun to undergo qualitative changes.


The same magic, used by legendary wizards and great wizards, is essentially different in power.

"Okay, I'll be the referee~!"

"Put your wand up..." Lockhart, who likes to be in the limelight, jumped out again.

"Wait, kid, where's your wand?"

"Professor Lockhart, I don't need a wand, thank you!" Kyle politely declined.

"Okay then, I'll count to three and the duel will begin!"

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!" As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, Snape immediately used his special move.

The black magic that I invented!

He went all out as soon as he made a move. Faced with the naughty kid who was suspected of being a legendary wizard, the old bat didn't dare to be careless or conservative.

An invisible blade flew towards the naughty kid.

There were no images or movements, as if nothing happened.

Just when the little wizards who were watching thought Snape's magic had failed.

"Stab" sound.

A barrier appeared in front of Kyle, making a harsh cracking sound.

The old bat's magic blade dissipated without achieving any results when it encountered his wandless and silently cast "armor spell".

Seeing this scene, Snape's expression suddenly became serious!

There was a storm in my heart!

This naughty kid actually stepped into the realm of legend????

How old is he?

You are twelve years old!

PS: Please give me a monthly ticket, please give me a monthly ticket!

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