Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 283 Death Of Cedric! (Please Subscribe!)

"We're going to catch him, Harley!"

Malfoy yelled.

Harley and Ronald finally came to their senses.

He hurriedly chased Peter Pettigrew with his wand.

"All petrified!"

After Snape fired a "Petrify All" shot at Sirius Black, he quickly hurried over.

Peter Pettigrew felt like he was extremely unlucky.

When he betrayed James and Lily, Voldemort promised him the supremacy of one person and ten thousand people.

Glory and wealth are within easy reach.

As a result, we haven’t even seen the sun the next day.

The new master "Voldemort" is dead.

He was also chased by the angry Sirius.

After finally escaping with one finger, Peter Pettigrew transformed into the mouse form of Animagus and hid in Weasley's house.

He hid for more than ten years. "Three two zero"

Then he followed Ronald Weasley to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Revisiting old places.

For Peter Pettigrew, it was just another place to continue dawdling.

If nothing else, he would never dare to walk in the magic rules openly in his whole life.

Soon, Peter Pettigrew discovered that he was thinking too much.

Hogwarts is a historic castle.

It's not surprising that there are rats or even ghosts.


No one told him that there was a cat outburst at Hogwarts!

Not long after arriving at the castle, I once again went out for a walk late at night.

Peter Pettigrew was hit by two weird-looking cats with magical powers.

From then on, he lived a life of dire straits.

It's been more than two years now.

No one knows how many life and death races Peter Pettigrew has experienced in the past two years.

Just thinking about it brings me to tears.

In the end, he still couldn't escape Sirius Black's pursuit.

Looking at the dense forbidden forest in front of him, Peter Pettigrew's eyes flashed with excitement.

The Forbidden Forest not only covers a vast area, but also has a complex environment. You can turn yourself into a little mouse and find a place to hide.

No one can find me.

He was about to escape into the Forbidden Forest.

A figure suddenly walked out of the forbidden forest, pushing aside the bushes in front of him.

"Merlin, who are you?"

"Why at Hogwarts Castle!"

The person who appeared was none other than Hufflepuff’s student, Cedric!

That is, Zhang Qiu’s boyfriend.

Cedric originally came out to look for Zhang Qiu, but he searched all over the castle and couldn't find him.

So I thought about going to the Forbidden Forest to look for it.

In the end, I still found nothing. When I came out, I was shocked by Peter Pettigrew who looked inhuman, ghost or even crawling on all fours.

"damn it!"

"Get out of the way, Avada Kedavra!"

Seeing that the escape route was blocked, Peter Pettigrew suddenly became anxious.

I wish I could kill Cedric on the spot!

The strong emotional fluctuations directly led him to successfully use a "killing" spell without a wand!

Perhaps for an adult wizard, this unfamiliar wandless killing curse would only make people comatose for a few days.

But Nay Hedrick was still underage at this time.

His own magic power is far from reaching its peak.

Only a green light appeared in front of him.

Before Cedric could recover, he lost his breath forever.

"Oh no, Cedric!"

Harry, who was chasing behind Peter Pettigrew, saw this and shouted anxiously.

But it has no effect...

Instead, Peter Pettigrew successfully jumped into the Forbidden Forest because he checked Cedric's situation.

"Peter Pettigrew..." It took another ten seconds before Snape rushed over.

The moment he saw Cedric's body.

His face became terrifyingly gloomy.

Peter Pettigrew suddenly appeared and ran for his life without saying a word.

It undoubtedly directly confirmed that what Sirius Black said was true.

The culprit who killed Lily back then was this little man like a rat in the gutter.

There has also been a vicious incident involving the death of a student in the school that has not happened in decades.

It made the old bat want to kill people.

at the same time

Astronomy classroom in the castle tower

Ruoyouruowu's moans echoed in the classroom.

It's like a girl singing.

Zhang Qiu felt like he was flying in the sky.

Can't land for a long time.

Especially an hour ago, Cedric ran directly to the astronomy classroom and pushed open the door.

When I looked around but "didn't see anything" and left disappointed.

It even gave Zhang Qiu an out-of-body feeling...


After a long time, Zhang Qiu finally landed smoothly.

The long flight made the little witch's legs tremble constantly.

I could only stand holding on to the wall.

"So, Miss Zhang Qiu, did you come to see me today to celebrate my victory?"

"This is inconsistent with what you said the last time..."

Kyle breathed gently into the little witch's ear.

It gave the little witch a tingling sensation like electricity passing through her.

He almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

At noon, Kyle received Zhang Qiu's letter.

We made an appointment to meet at the Astronomy Tower at dusk.

As a result, Kyle was kissed passionately as soon as he entered the classroom.

"You are a devil..."

Zhang Qiu murmured.

But then he turned to look at Kyle dreamingly.

"A devil that makes people sink into despair..."

"I think sooner or later I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Kyle gently covered his mouth with his hand.

Then he gently lifted the little witch's chin.

He lowered his head and kissed her.

But at this moment, through the tower window, a dark green light flashed across the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Kyle paused, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the green light with a slight frown.

As a master of black magic with full level of "Killing Curse".

This green light is all too familiar to Kyle.

Someone used the Killing Curse at Hogwarts? 4.9

To be honest, there are many people in the castle who can use the killing curse.

The professors won’t talk about it.

The little snakes in Slytherin are basically proficient in the three unforgivable curses.

But with Kyle's orders, the little snakes would not dare to use the killing curse in the castle, no matter how serious the conflict was.


"Kyle, what's wrong?" Zhang Qiu, who was immersed in the intoxicating feeling, noticed Kyle's expression and asked with concern.

"It's okay, just get dressed and go back to the dormitory...

"Go to Senior Sister Penello. No matter what happens tonight, don't leave her."

"Also, give this to Senior Penello, she knows how to use it."

Kyle warned the little witch.

Finally, he handed over the elf ball containing "Charizard" uneasily.

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