Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 88 Christmas Eve, Too Small, Too Small! (Please Subscribe!)

The whole month of November was spent by the little snakes skipping classes every three days.

Everyone is trying to learn the spells Kyle taught them.

It was not until the Hogwarts professors couldn't bear it anymore.

Go find Snape together - file a protest.

This mass truancy - that's just a little bit better.

After all, the old bat is still thinking about the students, and a few junior snakes showed him their own magic-level.

He didn't pursue it, but emphasized that there should be no more large-scale truancy behaviors.

Outside, the little snakes couldn't find a teacher with such rich combat experience.

Even their parents are the same.

After all, there are only so many dark wizards in Knockturn Alley, and you have already cleaned them all up.

The rest are thieves who know who they can't offend.

Now if you want to increase your combat experience, there is no chance.

On the way, the little witch Penello heard that Kyle was teaching others magic and asked to join in.

The progress of a month of hard practice is also gratifying.

The little snakes in the lower grades can already skillfully use the two spells of "except your weapon" and "armor protection".

It will never be like before, when two people are practicing dueling, they will stand in place and shoot at each other with spells.

Whether it is the speed of casting magic or the timing of the mastery, there is a world of difference from a month ago.

The senior snake also mastered the spell of "Avada Kedavra".

In addition, Kyle also taught them a lot of fighting skills.

Christmas is coming soon.

It is also an important festival for wizards.

Hogwarts will also usher in a holiday of more than half a month.

Two or three days in advance, the little wizards began to prepare happily.

"Kyle, really, if you don't have anywhere to go for Christmas, consider my house.

"I don't think my parents would mind if I brought a friend back!"

For the third time in these two days, Cassandra invited Kyle as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, next time, Cassandra, I have a packed Christmas... Kyle declined with a smile.

This kind of words......

Just listen to it.

Not that Cassandra wasn't sincere.


He could imagine how a father would feel when he faced the man his daughter brought back.

Cassandra's father might hold a forty-meter long knife and say to himself...

Boy, I will let you run thirty-nine meters first!

Not only Cassandra, the little witch Hermione, but also Senior Penelope also sent invitations to Kyle.

Even Elena, the centaur lady, specially came to find Kyle and invited him to play in the centaur tribe for Christmas.

Although the horse people do not celebrate Christmas.

But Elena said that Kyle can join their tribe's hunting team, and there are many interesting places in the Forbidden Forest.

But they were all rejected by Kyle regretfully.


Both are too small!

Um, no!

Mainly because Kyle still has a lot to do this Christmas break.

Dumbledore was going to introduce him to a new teacher.

The little snakes used the energy at home to help him set up a shop in Diagon Alley.

After a simple renovation, the magic scroll shop will also open on Christmas Day.

There is only half a day of class on the day before Christmas, and after class, the little wizards can take the Hogwarts Express to go home.

The first-year lion cubs and snake cubs happen to be in a potions class.

"How about it, Harley, do I look good in this?"

Ron stood in front of the mirror, looking proudly at her new outfit.

A chestnut wig and blue eyes.

Wearing a girl's skirt.

"Ron, isn't it good?" This made Harley, who was also dressed as a woman, feel a little uncomfortable in her eyes.

"No, what's wrong with that?"

Ron didn't take it seriously.

I even thought Halle was upset that he had copied her idea.

"Dude, be generous and think about it."

"How many points has Snape given you during this time?"

"Now the two of us are together, this year's Academy Cup, we are the biggest contributors."

"It was hard for me to get all these things together."

"But..." Harry opened his mouth, still feeling something was wrong.

Ron in front of her felt uncomfortable just by looking at it.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's such a happy decision."

"If my parents know that I have added so many points to the college, they will definitely praise me severely!"

"Wait a minute, I'll put the false eyelashes on..."

Ron looked in the mirror and started to work.

Potions classroom

It's been three minutes since class

The last class before the holiday, because some professors have stopped teaching new content.

Turn a blind eye to the students who are excitedly talking about the holiday in class.

Of course, Snape's Potions class wasn't included here.

The old bat deliberately chose to talk about a new content today.

Burn potion.

And he assigned homework at the beginning of class.

Everyone must hand in a thesis on this potion when they return to school, the content should not be less than eight inches.

"Oh, sorry, Professor, I..."

Just as she finished her homework and was about to start class, Harry suddenly pushed the door open and walked in out of breath.

"Sorry, Professor, I'm late..."

"Mainly because.……..."

"Oh, it's all right, Harry, just pay attention next time, I'm just about to start talking about the content of this class, go back to your seat!"

The old bat didn't wait for Harry to tell the reason, so he said gently.

The attitude is still......

Since the first time she came to Potions class in women's clothing, Harley was adjusted by 100%.

For the second Potions class he was back in his old attire.

But Snape's attitude towards him also returned to the bad way it was before.

This gave Harley a new understanding...

Women's clothing.....

Only the difference between zero and countless times...

From then on, whenever there was a Potions class, she would deliberately change into a woman's dress.

"Thank you Professor!" Harry returned to his seat.

Just then, there was another sound of footsteps outside the door.

Ron Weasley also ran into the classroom dressed like Harley.

0 looking for flowers......

When he came in, he took a look at Harry who had returned to his seat.

Ron became more determined in her mind.

Yes, Snape definitely had a quirk.

He likes guys in dresses!

"Oh, Professor, I'm sorry I'm late because I got my eyelashes done."

Ron pretended to lower her head like Harry did before.

Said in a sharp voice on purpose.

Because of this, Harry was praised by Snape for respecting Potions...

Was severely added twenty points!

Ron felt he was doing better than Harry, who hadn't made the noise louder.

At least thirty points should be added, right?

The little wizards in the classroom were also dumbfounded.

Ron's voice sounded like a knife on glass to them, and just listening to it made them feel uncomfortable and get goosebumps.

I'm going, what the hell?

Where is this yet another freak?

Kyle sat at the end, unable to complain anymore.

He keenly noticed that the temples of the bats were throbbing.

Ron was immersed in her inner world, and imagined a lesson to add 100 points to Gryffindor.

The scene of becoming a hero of Gryffindor.

But it took a long time to get a response from Snape.

Curiously raised his head.

Only to find that the old bat's entire face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Mr. Weasley? No, Miss Wei!"

"I think you should be in a place other than my Potions class."

"It's St. Mungo's Hospital. You should ask your parents to take you to have a good look at your brain!"

"Or let them confirm whether the child they gave birth to is a son or a daughter!"

Snape was now surrounded by anger.

In fact, he has long known that his special treatment of Harley has become a topic of conversation among young wizards after dinner.

Even the little snakes are quite critical of this.

But no one dared to say it to his face...

And Ron is now wearing a woman's dress to her class...

What do you mean?

make fun of yourself?

"Get out, neither men nor women are allowed in my class!"

"Listen, fifty points off Gryffindor!"

"Also, I'll write to your parents and ask them what the hell is going on!"

Enraged, Snape kicked Ronald out of class!

"No, professor, I..." Ron was dumbfounded.

Subconsciously glanced at Harry, who was full of worry.

Look at a furious Snape again!

This is not right!

Why Harley women's clothing will be awarded points!

A full 50 points will be deducted for her women's clothing!

Do you still have to write a letter to your parents?

But the old bat was not in the mood to listen to his explanation.

"Get out, I don't think I need to say that a third time, Weasley!"

"Oh, well...Professor!"

Ron, who was overwhelmed by jealousy and the desire to show off, finally realized at this moment how embarrassing she had done.


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