Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 27: The Fastest Quidditch Match In History

The next morning, the Quidditch pitch.

The two teams of La Wen Keluo and Gryffindor are ready. As yesterday's winners, the fighting spirit of both teams is quite high.

This game is very critical, and the winner has basically locked the championship.

The audience in the stands was also extremely excited. Whether it was La Wen Keluo or Gryffindor, the two teams performed very well in yesterday's game, especially Charlotte's superb flying skills.

It's simply unbelievable!

"Gryffindor's momentum is so strong!"

"Of course, Gryffindor has lost to Slytherin at the most critical times in the past few games. This year they have avenged their shame, and their momentum is naturally going forward!"

"Looks like this year's champion is Gryffindor!"

"That's not necessarily the case. This year's La Wen Keluo is also bad, especially Charlotte, he should be the most powerful Seeker in Hogwarts!"

"On the whole, Gryffindor is slightly better, but the seeker is still stronger than Wen Keluo's Charlotte. The Golden Snitch has too much influence in the Quidditch game, so I am optimistic about Wen Kelaw."


On the stands, Ron looked at Hermione next to him and asked:

"Which one of them do you think will win?"


Hermione's answer was without the slightest hesitation, so that Ron didn't even realize it. After being stunned for a moment, he said:

"Aren't you still a Gryffindor who would support Rawen Klaw?"

Hermione didn't want to pay attention to Ron at all. After staying with Charlotte for a long time, she felt that this man was too childish, and she didn't look like an eleven-year-old boy at all.

Looking into Hermione's eyes, Ron sighed and said:

"Well, I also admit that Charlotte is better, but I'm from Gryffindor, and I still support Gryffindor."

At this moment, Mrs. Hooch enters the field.

Charlotte's eyes were fixed on the box on the ground. The moment Mrs. Hooch opened the box, he immediately cast the flying spell.

With the broomstick and the blessing of the flying spell, Charlotte's speed reached a terrifying speed in a short time.

Everyone felt their eyes dazzled, and Charlotte's figure appeared on the other side of the field, and in his hand, he was holding a small golden ball waving its wings.

In an instant, the entire Quidditch pitch was silent.

one second!

two seconds!


half a minute!

After half a minute, everyone came back to their senses.

The commentator stood in the stands and stared at Charlotte dumbfounded, and shouted loudly with all his strength:

"Golden Snitch!"

"That's the Snitch! My God, what the hell, what happened, Charlotte has caught the Snitch, how did he do it!"

"Does this mean that the game is over and La Wen Keluo has won!"

The referee was stunned for a while, and finally announced loudly:

"Rawen Crowe wins!"

The voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

"what's the situation?"

"Is this the end, how did Rawen Crow win?"

"My God, how on earth did Charlotte do it, how could he catch the Snitch so quickly!"

"Cheating! Charlotte must have cheated, otherwise how could he fly faster than the golden snitch. I ask the professors to investigate Charlotte strictly, and Quidditch must be given justice."

"I feel that today's incident may be published in the Daily Prophet. This should be the fastest game that Quidditch has ended since its inception."

"That's right, it didn't even take a minute!"

Hearing a lot of doubts in the arena, Mrs. Hooch took out her wand and cast a loud spell.

"Silent! Charlotte Elvis, a student of La Wen Ke Lao College, did not commit any violations in the game. The winner of this game is La Wen Ke Lao. Congratulations!"

While many are still skeptical, Mrs Hooch, who was the head referee at the Hogwarts Quidditch match, spoke with force.

Until Mrs. Hooch's voice fell, Roger, Penello and others still couldn't believe it. They had won the game without doing anything, which was too unmagical.

At this moment, Gryffindor's men came up.

Oliver Wood asked a little out of his wits:

"Can you tell me how you managed to catch the golden snitch in an instant?"

His obsession with Quidditch is well-known throughout Hogwarts. He studies Quidditch styles all the time every day, and constantly urges his teammates to train in order to defeat Gryffindor's old opponent, Slytherin. Then get the championship.

This year he finally got his wish, but was knocked out of the cloud by Charlotte who caught the golden snitch in seconds.

The most uncomfortable thing is that he doesn't even know how he lost.

Charlotte said:

"Actually, it's nothing, just using a magic that can speed up the speed of the broomstick."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

In the Quidditch game, you can bring a wand into the arena. The game stipulates that you cannot use the wand to attack the opponent, the opponent's broom, and three kinds of flying balls, but you can use magic on yourself.

No wonder Mrs Hooch said Charlotte hadn't broken the rules.

However, everyone was suspicious again.

The broomstick is the fastest-moving magic prop in the wizarding world. The major companies that manufacture broomsticks are launching new styles of broomsticks every year. They have optimized and improved the materials used for the broomstick and the magic booster.

The known boost magic has no way to have any effect on the broomstick anymore.

But Charlotte's speed just now is at least 30% higher than before. What kind of magic did he use that has such a powerful effect?

Seemingly seeing everyone's doubts, Charlotte said with a smile:

"This is a magic that I created myself. I didn't expect it to have such a big effect at first."


Hearing this, all the people present showed expressions as if they had seen a ghost, and they all stared at Charlotte dumbfounded.

You are only eleven years old!

It's only been two or three months since I entered school, and I'm already able to create my own magic!

I've been in Hogwarts for five or six years, and I can't even cast a lot of magic proficiently. This is too shocking!

Oliver Wood felt that his chest was a little congested, and he recovered after taking a few deep breaths. Now he began to doubt life a little bit, and he was actually beaten by an eleven-year-old child in all directions.

I'm not fit to play Quidditch at all!

What's the difference between a wizard like me and a Muggle?

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