After Christmas, the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the first grade.

Except for the Slytherin students, everyone else looked dejected.

The weekly Potions class was already a torture, but they didn’t expect to have two more Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

According to Snape’s current performance, he might go crazy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class again.

Even if Quirrell didn’t teach any knowledge and just read the textbook verbatim, it would be better than being tortured by Snape’s class.


There was a muffled sound from the classroom door.

Only Snape had this habit in Hogwarts.

Snape strode into the classroom, waving the wand in his hand again and again, and the windows of the classroom were closed one after another.

In an instant, the whole classroom became dim.

Then he pulled down a white cloth that looked like a projection screen. Ethan had never seen Professor Quirrell use it.

Snape walked with the wind today, which showed that he was in a good mood, but Ethan didn’t know whether he would increase his salary.

Coming to the podium, Neipu’s hawk-like eyes swept around the classroom before he slowly said:

“Turn to page 137!”

Although Snape had taught Quirrell very little, he couldn’t start from the beginning. He wouldn’t have enough time.

“Foxy, do you know how to deal with it?”


As expected, Harry was the one who was called up.

Even Harry himself was used to it. In that Potions class, when Snape didn’t call on him to answer a question, Harry himself felt something was wrong.

“”Fox-killer, sir!”

Harry knew exactly what he was talking about.

He had heard Hagrid complain about a fox in the garden when he went to see him with Ethan before Christmas. Unfortunately, he had run out of Fox-killer.

Just when Harry was feeling relieved, Snape’s words brought him down to the bottom.

“This is Defense Against the Dark Arts. If it were Potions, I’d probably give Mr. Savior five points.”

“But now, Gryffindor will be deducted ten points.”Potter, sit down!”

Harry sat down expressionlessly, and the classmates around him were no longer surprised.

Hermione did not raise her hand to answer, as she had proved in the previous Potions class that no matter how she raised her hand, Snape would not call on her.

Once, when she was not called on, Hermione stood up to answer on her own initiative. Not only did she not get any extra points, but she was deducted ten points from Gryffindor and earned a mocking nickname, Miss Know-It-All.

After that, Hermione gave up the idea of earning points from Snape, as long as she could ensure that no points were deducted.

And what Snape said just now about adding five points in Potions class, that was just a lie!

Since the start of the school year, the first-year Gryffindors have not received any house points in Potions class, not a single point.

“Malfoy, you answer!”

“Professor, use the force to release the force, which works for most weak magical animals.”

After Draco stood up and finished speaking, he looked at Harry proudly.

There were foxes in his manor, as well as goblins. When he didn’t know magic, he had seen the gardener expel them, and even asked the gardener to help him catch them and put them in a cage for fun.

When he caught the fox, he used the force to release the force.

“Good answer, ten points for Slytherin!”

“What are you waiting for if you still don’t remember it?”

Then Snape projected all kinds of detailed information about Foxy on the white cloth and began to explain.

Halfway through the class!

“Next, it’s time for you to practice!”

Snape said as he lifted a cage covered with black cloth from behind the podium and placed it on the podium. Under the gaze of everyone, he lifted the black cloth.

I don’t know if it was suddenly frightened, but the things in the cage suddenly flew up, and there was a buzzing sound, causing the cage to shake left and right.

To be honest, this is much better than Quirrell’s lecture. Of course, it would be better if I could change my personality.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class mainly teaches how to defend against dark magic and the dangers of magical animals.

It’s like Quirrell reading from a book, but not explaining it, let alone practicing it. This class is basically useless.

Foxy, XX Gender: humanoid, very small, with two extra arms and two legs, and covered with thick black hair, with wings like a beetle, but very thick, curved, and shiny, with very sharp teeth and poison.

In addition, this thing has an extraordinary reproductive capacity, and can lay five hundred eggs at a time.

Ethan had seen it before while patrolling the Forbidden Forest, and he immediately doubted the term”foxie”. He had only heard of it before, and had not seen the real thing, and had a little fantasy, but it was shattered after that time.

Not to mention the appearance of a beautiful woman with seductive eyes and a voluptuous figure, you could have made a cute appearance, but the result is such an ugly thing.

“”Relax your strength!”

A burst of fire suddenly flashed from Snape’s wand, accurately hitting the frightened fox in the cage.

The fox fell down with a snap, as if all the strength had been drained away, and lay limp and motionless.

“The mantra is simple, concentrate, be clear about your goal, and chant the mantra verbally and clearly.……”

Snape mentioned seven or eight points that should be paid attention to.

“”Po Te, come up and cover for everyone!”

Snape threw a red light at Foxy. The moment it was focused, Foxy immediately became lively, but she didn’t dare to hit the cage anymore. Instead, she shrank in a corner of the cage.

As a magical animal, even if it was just XXX, with a small brain, it still had good wisdom.

“”Yes, Professor!”

Harry walked forward with a bitter face, and it happened again.

He knew that Snape would play with him whenever he had the chance, but it was also his father’s fault, alas!

“”Relax your force!”

Harry took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and swung his wand with all his strength.

To be honest, with this force, if it hit Foxy, it would probably beat her half to death.

So Harry used the physical version of relaxing the force? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Wrong pronunciation, Gryffindor deducts 10 points!”

Snape looked at Harry with disdain. How could Lily’s son be like this? He really didn’t inherit her talent at all. He was not good at potions, and now his spells are not good either.

“Professor, I still have a way to deal with it!”

Harry took a deep breath and looked at Snape seriously.[]

I kept reminding myself that I was paying off my father’s debt.

“Since you have a way, then show it!”

Snape did not drive Harry away directly. He came to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, partly because he really wanted to teach this course.

On the other hand, he wanted Harry to improve his level. After all, Harry would encounter a lot of trouble in the future, and he would not be able to do it without knowing everything.


Harry’s face flashed with excitement, and he took out two Beretta 92F pistols from his waist.

The little wizards below were instantly excited. They recognized what it was. Only the pure-bloods were still a little confused, not knowing what Harry had taken out.

Ethan was dumbfounded. No, Harry, are you serious?

“Take it back! Who told you to bring this thing to Hogwarts? Fifty points will be deducted from Gryffindor!”

Snape’s veins on his forehead throbbed uncontrollably. His father was a Muggle, so he naturally knew about pistols.

But weren’t these things strictly controlled?

How did Harry get them, and how dare he bring them to Hogwarts!

If he had been able to get a pistol, he would have shot James and the others to death.

“Professor, only one shot is needed to kill Vixen!”

Harry tried to argue that this was much more useful than a wand.

“”Get down!”

Snape stared at Harry with a stern face.

He knew that this shot could kill the vixen with one shot, and even if he was not careful, he would be shot to death.

And Snape had made up his mind to tell Professor McGonagall to confiscate the pistol, otherwise Harry would cause trouble sooner or later.

The reason why he didn’t confiscate it now was that Snape was afraid that it would stimulate Harry and cause him to fire accidentally. Although he could block it with magic, the students below couldn’t.

“Cassandra, come up and try it!”

Cassandra, whose name was called, stepped forward gracefully.

“”Relax your strength!”

As the spell ended, the fox girl in the cage fell to the ground.

“Slytherin, add ten points!”

Snape announced loudly again, thanks to his efforts.

It can be said that Snape pulled Slytherin’s house score from the bottom to the second place entirely by his own strength. Only Ravenclaw could hardly find an opportunity to deduct points from him, and the remaining two houses were the hardest hit.

Next, Snape selected a few students from each house to try, but there was no more bonus or deduction of points.

Otherwise, all the points of other houses would be deducted in one day, and Snape was afraid that the other deans would block his office door.

“”Longbottom, go!”

It was Gryffindor’s turn. Snape could only pick the tallest among the short ones. Ron, who was taking Harry away from work, didn’t like him. Snape had heard of Seamus’s reputation. Few of the remaining little wizards were normal.

“”Force, force, loosen up!”

Neville stepped forward tremblingly, closing his eyes and swinging his wand around.

Snape suddenly felt his legs go weak, and he knelt down facing all the students.

Is this the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?

I’m so stupid, really!

Why did I apply to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class? I won’t be embarrassed if I don’t come to class!

Knowing that Longbottom is a fool, I still let him come up, and he didn’t take any precautions when he came up! Didn’t the potion accident at the beginning of the school make me realize who he is?

At this moment, Snape wanted to slap himself.

“”Ten points deducted from Gryffindor!”

Snape roared hoarsely, and untied the force release spell for himself.

It can only be said that Neville’s magic is not good enough. If he is more skilled, it will not only be the lack of strength in his legs. Snape had to lie down, and he couldn’t even lift his wand.

At that time, the students naturally couldn’t remove the spell for him, and they could only carry him to the school hospital. How many people would see him all the way from the classroom to the school hospital? This is the real social death.

Neville glanced at Snape cautiously, then walked back to his seat with a frustrated face.

Sure enough, he had no talent.

But when Neville sat down, he suddenly found that everyone looked at him as a hero.

Especially The appreciation, encouragement, and recognition in the eyes of Gryffindor were something he had never seen before.

However, Snape had learned his lesson this time, so he took a few steps back and held the wand tightly in his hand.

His eyes swept over the little lions of Gryffindor. He knew that after this precedent, if he could not control the situation, there would be many such incidents in the future.

As for whether it was intentional or accidental, hehe, it could only be said that it was intentional and careless!

Snape knew Gryffindor quite well.

Fortunately, nothing happened next. When the class was over, Snape assigned homework and left in a hurry.

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