This morning, there were two full classes.

After Professor Sprout sent Harold away, he took the little wizards to Greenhouse No. 3 and collected the homework as soon as possible before starting the class.

There were not many homework assignments for Herbology, and the content was all in the textbook, which was considered very simple.

Today’s class was about introducing Mandrake and changing its pot.

The Mandrake that needed to be repotted today was not yet mature. The mature Mandrake could kill people with sound and looked like an extremely ugly baby.

According to Professor Sprout’s explanation, this was not difficult.

It was just that this thing didn’t want to be pulled out of the soil, nor did it want to go back, and it was not very quiet throughout the whole process. This made it a little difficult to operate.

Helplessly, Ethan could only use a silent and wandless force to relax it, which made it quiet.

There is no doubt that Ethan’s four-person team was the first group to complete the pot change, so it added ten points to Ravenclaw.

The second class was Transfiguration.

The homework was collected first, but the Transfiguration homework was an essay, which was more difficult than the Potions homework.

This led to many students with obvious worries on their faces. Some students wrote randomly, borrowed from classmates, and borrowed from other Transfiguration books.

After collecting the homework, Professor McGonagall entered the topic of today.

Beetles turn into buttons!

After showing it, Professor McGonagall displayed the principle on the blackboard.

Then everyone was given a beetle, which was today’s prop.

Ethan really didn’t know how to complain about the education level of Hogwarts.

Textbooks and other things also need to be reviewed. Hogwarts can’t teach them the way they give them. They don’t know how to proceed step by step.

Most of these students can’t even perfectly transform dead things now, just like the final exam of the previous school year, only a few could get an O, and they couldn’t even walk steadily, but they wanted to run away.

Now that living things are transformed, they have to ensure that the thing is still alive after the transformation is removed.

But isn’t this embarrassing?

Michael, Ethan’s deskmate, looked at the delicate gold button that Ethan was tossing up and down, his eyes full of envy.

“Ethan, how do you do this?”

The talent gap is really too big. I have no idea at all. Ethan just pointed his wand and it was done.

It was transformed into a golden button with fine lines on it, which looked quite high-end.

I just took the wand and prepared to transform it according to what Professor McGonagall said, but I found that I couldn’t construct the details of the beetle in my mind and turn it into a button.

“I first learned how to transform a button into a beetle. If you don’t need to track the beetle or keep it alive, it’s relatively simple to transform the beetle into a button. First, analyze the body structure of the beetle, observe it carefully, and outline the transformation between the two in your mind.”

Magic is idealistic, there is no specific formula for you to apply, so Ethan can only explain it this way.

Last year, Ethan completed this step of Transfiguration with the help of Professor McGonagall. Ethan turned his head to look at the other tables and found that the situation was basically the same as Michael’s. One by one, they held their wands and muttered something while poking at the beetles.

Some directly poked the beetles to death, and some even blew them up.

From time to time, someone would go to Professor McGonagall to apply for a new beetle.

“Mr. Adrian, you are the first to complete the Transfiguration, Ravenclaw gets 10 extra points.”

Professor McGonagall also noticed Ethan.

She didn’t even come to see him, and announced the result directly. Ethan went to her office several times in the last school year. How could she not know what level of Transfiguration he was at?

Hermione from Gryffindor looked up at Ethan, and then went to compete with the beetle again.

Harry and Ron’s matter was not deducted yesterday, which encouraged her. It is not impossible this year!

In the last class, she raised her hand to answer the question about Mandrake asked by Professor Sprout, and gave Gryffindor 10 extra points.

The other students were used to it. Ethan didn’t add any extra points in the Transfiguration and Charms class, which made them feel something was wrong.

Until the bell rang, many young wizards breathed a sigh of relief. They had been busy competing with the beetle for a whole class and had not made any progress. It was even worse than the matchstick needle in the first Transfiguration class.

Only a very few of them made some progress.

Transfiguration classroom, on the way to the hall

“Ethan, can you lend me your quill?”

George and Fred were waiting here for Ethan.

They were planning to come to Ethan this morning, but because of the Howler, they had to flee the scene.

Although Ron was the most socially dead, Ginny was the second, because she was also mentioned at the end.

But as members of the Weasley family, they were not much better.

The matter of borrowing the quill had to be postponed.

“In the dormitory, I’ll bring it to you after dinner.”

Ethan naturally wouldn’t refuse. For others, it would be a harm to them, but the twins were different.

They didn’t have any other big pursuits and ambitions, just to graduate normally.

Anyway, as long as you didn’t break any rules and get expelled from Hogwarts, you could graduate with poor grades. Besides, the twins’ grades were not bad, especially in some subjects.

Their goal was to open a prank merchandise store, and they worked hard for it, involving spells, potions, alchemy, ancient magic runes, etc., which were better than ordinary good students. They would be bosses after graduation, and they didn’t need to take any certificates, and they could be superior to others directly. (Twins O、W、L、Three O’s in the exam)

“Ethan, we can help you sell this. It will definitely be more popular than the Bafe Brain Stimulant!”

They are so poor that they still owe Ethan Galleons. Not many people buy the Bafe Brain Refresher since the school has just started. They are in urgent need of new sources of income. The dwarf puffs have just given birth to two litters, and they can’t buy them because they haven’t grown up yet. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sales of other prank products are not high, and they dare not set too high a price, otherwise they won’t make much money. Now they are just doing it for love.

Take the quill pen for example. They also invented one that looks exactly like an ordinary quill pen, but it will spray ink all over your face when you use it. This is only bought when you want to play a prank, and it has no other use. It is destined that the sales will not be too high.

Ethan’s quill pen is different. Any little wizard who doesn’t want to do homework needs it.

Gryffindor alone occupies at least seven floors, Slytherin and Hufflepuff are estimated to be no less than three floors, and Ravenclaw definitely has some, but it is estimated that they can’t bring themselves to buy them. Ethan is an exception.

And quills have a lifespan. Depending on the intensity of writing, two or three quills need to be replaced in a month.

“The professors at Hogwarts will not allow this kind of thing to happen. It is equivalent to cheating, and it does not improve ourselves at all. We can just use it ourselves.”

Ethan naturally thought about this, but quickly rejected it.

Some money can be earned, some cannot, especially since Ethan is still in Hogwarts.

If he graduated, he could make this money if he was a little more ruthless.

But Ethan is still in school, a student. Even so, you dare to disrupt the order openly, and bring a large number of students with you. Let’s see if Dumbledore and the professors will cause trouble for you.

Don’t think that many things can really be hidden from them, they just don’t want to care.

“Okay, let us use it later, we still have some homework to do.”

Seeing Ethan say this, Fred did not insist.

Anyway, he could not compare with Ethan in brain, so he just listened to him. Could it be that he would not make money?[]

They had originally planned to finish their homework on the bus yesterday. They could finish it a little bit every day. They had become familiar with this process over the years.

Unfortunately, Ron ruined their plan. After what happened yesterday, they had no intention of doing it on the bus.

“How is Mr. Weasley? He yelled in the letter this morning that he was detained by the Ministry of Magic for investigation.”

Ethan saw that the two were in good spirits. Was the matter resolved?

“It’s all right now. Dumbledore went to the Ministry of Magic last night. He was the one who came forward. My dad was released this morning and fined three months’ salary. Percy’s owl just brought back the news.”

“Three months’ salary, and a car was damaged. Mr. Weasley must be heartbroken.”

Ethan knew how much Arthur treasured this car. In order to modify it, he spent a lot of time on it after work every day.

“Who said it wasn’t true? My mother almost came to the school to kill me!”

George shuddered when he said this.

“By the way, this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is Gilderoy Lockhart, who is also a terrible teacher and only knows how to brag about his experience and���I introduced my own books, but they were welcomed by the girls.”

“Lee also embarrassed him in class, saying that he was a fake like Quirrell last year.”

Their first class this year was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After taking his class, he became more and more convinced that Gilderoy Lockhart came to Hogwarts just to sell books, and was actually not qualified at all.

“We also have Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon, we will know then.”

Ethan didn’t care about it, anyway, he didn’t expect the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the school to teach anything.

When he came to the Ravenclaw table, Ethan sat directly between Qiu Zhang and Penelope, who had already reserved seats.

“Qiu, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at Qiu Zhang who was worried, Ethan asked curiously

“Malfoy, who donated seven Nimbus swords to the Slytherin Quidditch team today 2001”

“Ethan, do you want to join the Quidditch team?”

Originally, Ravenclaw was almost at the bottom of the four houses, and now that Slytherin has updated its equipment, the gap is even bigger.

If Ethan could be pulled over, perhaps the results would be better. He was the best in the first-year flying class, and Cassandra was about the same as Harry, whose flying class performance improved by leaps and bounds later. Malfoy was behind.

As a member of the Quidditch team, they were all very concerned about the first-year students’ flying class performance.

Every year, the seventh-year students graduated and left the Quidditch team, and the talented second-year students filled in. This is an old tradition.

“I can’t do it. I don’t have time. Maybe Gene will go.”

Ethan refused without hesitation.

This Malfoy is a big loser. He has money but no place to spend it!

Registration will be held next week. He will run for the election normally. Cassandra will not compete with him. It is really unnecessary.

Even if he wants to compete, Malfoy may not be richer than Cassandra in terms of spending money.

“That’s right!”

Qiu Zhang was just talking, she also guessed that Ethan would most likely refuse

【Thanks to catseye for the reward, thanks to him! 】

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