
Neville shouted, and Hermione's wand fell out of her hand and landed on the cushion next to her.

"Successful!" Hermione exclaimed happily, without picking up the wand, she rushed over and hugged Neville first.

"That's great, Neville!" Theo clapped vigorously, then helped Hermione pick up the wand and return it to her.

Neville finally smiled and said happily: "I tried it when I was at home. My grandma was also very happy. She said that my father didn't know how to disarm the curse when he was in first grade!"

"Is this a new wand?" Michael looked at his wand.

"Yes." Neville showed his new partner to everyone: "Cherry wood, unicorn hair, Mr. Ollivander said it suits me very well."

When choosing a wand for the first time, every little wizard still remembered the wonderful feeling of finding half of their body. They touched Neville's wand one by one and said with certainty that he would become an excellent spell master. .

While they were chatting and laughing, the door of the umbrella house slid open. Neville looked back and saw a frowning Harry walking in, shouting enthusiastically: "Harry, you're here too!"

"Hello, Neville," Harry said hastily, "Oh, Hermione - great, you're here too! Michael, do you know where Vader is?"

"He went to the library to borrow books and should be here soon - do you have anything to do with him?" Michael said.

"——It's Hagrid." Harry said, "He asked me to invite Hermione, Neville and Vader to the hut."

- Gamekeeper? That big guy...

Michael raised his eyebrows slightly.

Students at Hogwarts often see Hagrid's cabin across the lawn, but not many go near it. Because in the eyes of the students, the unusually burly Rubeus Hagrid looked very scary. Some students thought he was just a servant of the castle and didn't even know his name.

As for the name of the gamekeeper, it is actually more related to the Weasley twins. It is often said that those two people were captured by him from the Forbidden Forest.

Unexpectedly, Harry had a good relationship with him - but why did he invite Vader?

While talking, Wade also came in from the door holding a book. After hearing about Hagrid's invitation, he put down his book and they went to Hagrid's hut together.

On the way, Harry told them: "Hagrid said that the baby dragon is about to hatch, and he wants us all to see it. After all... not many people can see the scene of the fire dragon hatching with their own eyes... right?"

Under Hermione's disbelieving eyes, Harry's voice became smaller and smaller.

"I can't believe it - he even knew he was raising a fire dragon!" Hermione said angrily: "He lives in a wooden house!"

"Don't-Hermione-" Harry whispered: "At least don't make a noise today-Hagrid is looking forward to-"

Hermione tensed her face and nodded reluctantly.

Arriving at the door of the cabin, Harry stepped forward and knocked. Hagrid opened the door, looking very happy.

"Hurry up, you're just in time!" Hagrid said excitedly, "The baby is coming out soon!"

Harry walked in and his steps suddenly froze.

Ron was also sitting in the cabin. He turned his head and looked over, then quickly avoided their eyes and stared at the dragon egg, as if he was studying the patterns on the shell.

Hermione looked at this and that, a little at a loss.

"Come in quickly, don't be stunned."

Hagrid was completely unaware of the subtle atmosphere between the few people, and with a sweep of his hand, he called them both into the room. He lowered his head and said to Wade: "I'm glad you can come too, Wade. Not many people have seen the scene of a little dragon coming out of its shell. I guess you must be interested, right?"

"Of course, thank you for the invitation, Hagrid." Wade smiled and said. He walked in, ignored the awkward looks of the three people, sat on an empty chair nearby, and looked at the dragon eggs on the table with great interest.

——This is a dragon!

Even though it’s a Western lizard dragon, who wouldn’t want to see it?

When he sat down, Wade felt like he had seen something strange. He raised his head and saw a bunch of slender and soft white hair hanging from the ceiling, hanging together with several copper pots, like some ethnic minority decorations.

In Hagrid's messy hut, those white hairs had an unusual smoothness and sanctity.

Hermione couldn't wait to find something to talk about, and immediately asked: "What kind of animal hair is that, Hagrid?"

"Oh, it's unicorn hair. It was pulled from the tail and hung on the branches in the forest." Hagrid didn't pay much attention at first, but seeing Wade staring at it, he said, "Oh, Wade , you are studying alchemy, right? Take it and use it, I still have it if it’s not enough.”

He generously tore off a large handful and gave it directly to Wade.

Vader refused: "It's too expensive, Hagrid! A complete unicorn tail hair costs 10 galleons."

Ron, who had a straight face, almost fell off the chair. He looked at the white hairs that he thought were horse tails in surprise, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

The Weasley family has seven children, and they usually live very hard. When he went to school, he didn't even have anything new - he wore the old robes left by his brothers, held an old wand, used old textbooks, and even his pet was an old mouse that his brothers didn't want.

As long as Ron has grown up, he has never saved more than one galleons of pocket money.

"It's not worth anything." Hagrid shook his head and said nonchalantly: "I often find it in the woods -"

He forced all the unicorn tail hair to Wade.

Hagrid's idea was actually very simple - on the night when the Potters died, it was Hagrid who took the swaddled Harry out of the ruins. At that time, he felt that he had a wonderful sense of responsibility for this weak and soft little life. When Harry was eleven years old, he even went there in person to introduce Harry to the wizarding world.

Hagrid looked at Harry with the feeling of a parent looking at his own child. When he learned that Harry was taken care of by Wade at school and learned a lot of useful spells from him, Hagrid had been thinking about how to repay Harry's parents on behalf of him. At this moment, seeing that Wade had something he liked, and he happened to have it too, he naturally gave it away happily.

Hagrid's complicated thoughts may not be clearly explained by himself, but Wade felt a little bit. He glanced at Harry, who was unaware of it, and accepted it.

- It doesn't matter whether the gift is valuable or not, he will always be able to repay it.

"Look, it's coming out!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed.

The eggshell cracked open with a crackling sound, and a white nose poked out. Then a black baby dragon struggled to squeeze out. Its spurred wings slapped on the table with a "clack", and a few sparks came out of its nose.

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