[Dear Mr. Black, hello]


You are right, Grindelwald, you are too narrow-minded.

…, ….

Regarding the greatest emperors in the world, you disdain to lash out at the four monarchs I proposed: Napoleon, Caesar, Alexander, and Hannibal.

You also refuted people like Constantine who combined politics and religion.

You only admire the first emperor of China in the East.

This week, I read a lot of Chinese history translated into English, and even asked someone to go to the British Museum to copy many rare books that were passed on to China, which are not recorded by the Chinese official.

After careful reading and research, I found that you are right.

There is no Qin Shihuang in Europe.

Even though Napoleon almost unified the European land, he did not unify the hearts of the people in European countries.

Europe now has many large and small countries. It is true that there has not been a man of great talent and strategy in history who has fundamentally eliminated the cultural barriers in people's hearts.

Not only that, I admire the magnanimity of the First Emperor, even though he was a Muggle emperor.

Not only those contributions such as the same writing system and the same wheel gauge.

The First Emperor was consistent for the China he created. He had 200,000 elite troops to defend the northern Xiongnu and 500,000 elite troops to defend the southern China. However, the power center in the Central Plains had no soldiers available, allowing some scoundrels to steal the country's prestige. It was a pity that the Qin Dynasty was destroyed.

..., ....

Recently, I had some difficulty reading the "Six Kingdoms Theory" you recommended, but I still learned a lot from the irregular translation.

Forgive an old man who has lived in seclusion for too long. He is a little slow to accept new things. The progress of learning Chinese is not fast. For the time being, I don’t have too many thoughts after watching "Six Kingdoms Theory".


By the way, as an ordinary wizard, I don’t have much experience in the practice of elements exclusive to legends.

So I can only provide you with some of my lifelong insights into magic.

Elements, in today's magic world, the most popular ones are indeed water, fire, wind and earth represented by the four founders of Hogwarts.

Although I don't know the thunder element you practice, you can learn from other elements. When you practice normally...

..., ...

Your dearest fan: Perel Rouge. 】

Shaw put down the letter and smiled knowingly.

Those topics about the rise and fall of dynasties and the achievements of emperors were not brought up by himself. Grindelwald wanted to discuss them, as if he was instilling ambition in Shaw.

Then Shaw criticized him in reverse, and took out the first emperor he admired most to counter-educate Grindelwald.

And he also tricked this old guy into learning Chinese.

It's very interesting to think that Grindelwald, a 100-year-old man, has to learn pinyin and look up dictionaries, and speaks slurred words.

Maybe Dumbledore will be implicated.

After all, his letters always mentioned that the old principal was too idle, and all school affairs were handed over to the vice-principal.

Shaw thought about these nonsense for a while.

What puzzled him was that this old fan had been pretending to be pitiful recently, always saying that he was lonely and miserable.

Is the emperor pitiful?

Shaw shook his head, took out the letter and wrote an interesting reply to Grindelwald.

After sending the letter away by owl.

Shaw took the letter to the common room and sat on the high platform. While supervising everyone's evening self-study, he studied the part of the letter about "ordinary people's research on elements" and read it repeatedly.

To be honest, Shaw also flipped through the Hogwarts library, and he also looked for it himself and asked others to help him find it, but there were too few books about elements, and the few limited books were just a superficial study.

So he could only ask the old fan who was an "ordinary person".

Grindelwald's explanation did benefit Shaw a lot. It gave him a deeper understanding of the research on the element of thunder.

He glanced at the common room and saw that everyone seemed to be more serious today. The young man is teachable.

Hmm? But he also found that many people seemed to be without socks.

And the six male and female students who challenged him were not in the lounge at this time, and their ears moved.

Faintly heard the sound of retching coming from some dormitories, the retching was very miserable, as if they were going to vomit bile.

"Oh, that's it."

Shaw suddenly realized, so he didn't pay much attention to it, just rewarding and punishing.

At this time, Draco, who was all sticky, walked into the common room.

This little brat had no spirit at all, and his platinum hair was drooping. When he passed by the crowd, it was very effective in warding off evil spirits, and the other little snakes pinched their noses and quickly moved away.

"Draco, come here."

Shaw stretched out his hand and called him over.

After Draco came over, he looked at Shaw with resentment, lowered his head and didn't speak.

Shaw wrinkled his nose and quickly gave him a "clean up".

"You look like you have lost your soul, didn't I ask Harry to help you?"Draco felt even more wronged when he heard this.

"Harry might as well not go."

Draco's resentful words almost made Shaw unable to hold back his laughter. He had some guesses in his mind and asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, tell me, what happened."

Draco then began to complain, his small voice was filled with tears.

"I was studying magic well with the dean in the potion office, but I didn't expect Harry to come and yell and say he wanted to help me deal with the slugs. As a result, the dean asked me if I had a good relationship with Harry, so I naturally patted my chest and nodded, and then, I really dealt with the slugs with Harry for two hours, and I almost felt sick to death."

Shor's mouth twitched.

"Oh, then Harry is wrong?"

Draco choked and said with a tangled look.

"Harry, Harry is kind-hearted. I, I don't blame him."

"Okay, don't think too much. Just treat it as free potion materials for you to practice."

Short tidied up Draco's slicked-back hair, comforted Draco with a few words, and then let him go back to wash up.

Nothing happened the next night.

The next day, 6:30 in the morning.

Even though it was not yet 7 o'clock, the common room was already bustling again.

Because the headmaster announced it yesterday before the end of the self-study.

This morning, ten people will be selected again to go to Ravenclaw with him. All the little snakes are shocked. They didn't expect the headmaster to conquer another college again.

So this morning, everyone dressed up as decently as possible, and everyone was a spirited young man.

Although "educating" Ravenclaw is not as enjoyable as "playing" Gryffindor, there are many beautiful girls in Ravenclaw.

So this morning, those adolescent male classmates were howling and started to get up at six o'clock to dress up.

So when Shaw walked into the common room, he saw many pairs of wolf-like eyes.

Shaw came to the high platform with doubts, overlooking all the little snakes below.

"Well, everyone is in good spirits today. Okay, I won't waste my words. Let's stick to the conditions from last time. Hmm. Those with level 4 Disarming Spell will be selected directly. For the others, Alice, you will choose. Remember, you must be able to represent Slytherin."

After seeing more people stand up than last time, Shaw directly handed the task to Alice.

After a selection, Draco still failed. He enviously watched Theodore hold his chest and head high and follow Shaw.

This time it was Draco's turn and he almost dug his nails into his palm, but he was afraid of pain and failed.

He had to turn around and say to the two followers.

"Go to bed an hour later in the future, and we will practice more!"

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