Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 154 It Can Only Be You!

Chapter 154 It Can Only Be You!

finally come!

Although Orochimaru's identity reversal was beyond everyone's expectations, and it also inspired some Konoha Shinobi who had fought bloody battles under his command, everyone knew that the Hokage election was the highlight of the day.

And all the contradictions will really usher in an explosive change in the whole Konoha at the moment when Fifth Hokage is born.

"Why, the former Third Generation project still feels sloppy?"

As if feeling the dead silence in the air, Uchiha Jin suddenly joked to Sarutobi Hiruzen again.

"If it wasn't for Fifth Hokage, I wouldn't choose it. It's not impossible for me to be the agent of Hokage for more than ten years!"


One after another strange eyes fell on Uchiha Jin at this moment, and the atmosphere at the scene became hot again at this moment.


Sarutobi Hiruzen directly refuted this proposal without even thinking about it, thinking that Konoha has already turned upside down in just one month, and it would be okay if Uchiha Jin was allowed to continue.

Let alone more than ten years, Sarutobi Hiruzen feels like sitting on pins and needles even for a day!

"Then choose!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a deep breath, and his expression became firm again.

Previously, I just wanted to use Orochimaru as an excuse to fight for some vacillating forces in Konoha again, so that those who are not very firmly aligned with themselves will have a deeper hatred of the Uchiha family.

But unexpectedly, this trick is self-inflicted.

However, although the situation is unfavorable for Sarutobi Hiruzen, it does not make this old man who has been in power in Konoha for decades despair. After all, the efforts of the past month are by no means ineffective.

"I propose Tsunade to be Fifth Hokage!"

It was not Sarutobi Hiruzen or Uchiha Jin who spoke first, but Akamichi who was standing at the front of the Ino–Shika–Chō group at the moment.

Although he knew that he also had the qualifications to run for Fifth Hokage, Akamichi still gave up this unrealistic idea after communicating several times with Nara Shijiu, the wise person in charge.

And although Tsunade is standing not far from the Uchiha clan at this moment, and there seems to be something unclear about the relationship with Uchiha Jin before, but at this moment Tsunade is still the Hokage candidate that best suits the interests of the Ino–Shika–Chō family.

Just like the communication with Sarutobi Hiruzen in the past month, is there really someone in Konoha who can accept a Uchiha as a Hokage?

With the Sarutobi Hiruzen line weakening day by day, the three Ino–Shika–Chō families are unwilling to face the strength of the Uchiha family, and Tsunade’s reputation and strength are the best choices.


At this moment, Akamichi took Feng's tone extremely firmly, and the group of Jōnin behind him, who had obviously passed through the breath, stood firmly behind him at this moment.

"I am not interested!"

But facing the determined eyes of the Ino–Shika–Chō ninjas, Tsunade refused without thinking.

Others want to snatch the position of Hokage, but for Tsunade, who lost his lover and Little Brother because of it, there is only disgust left at this moment.

Even if I was touched by Uchiha Jin's words, but I don't want to be bad anymore, it doesn't mean I have to become Fifth Hokage!

Especially after facing the filth in Konoha's darkness once again during this period, Tsunade has no mind to deal with the future full of intrigues.

In comparison.

Although Uchiha Jin's previous fanatical declaration of war did not fully agree with Tsunade, in a sense it allowed her to see a brand new future.


And Tsunade's actions obviously made Sarutobi Hiruzen angry again, and at this moment he couldn't help scolding in a low voice.

"Do you know what's going on now? Do you know that your willfulness may destroy Konoha!"

Although he had already expected it because of the previous intelligence, but seeing Tsunade's attitude towards the Uchiha clan has changed at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen can't help but raise the determination to activate the backup plan at this moment.

"I propose to make Asuma the Fifth Hokage!"


Although it is clear that Sarutobi day Asuma is not qualified to become Fifth Hokage, but at the moment Sarutobi Hiruzen can't care so much.

Never let Uchiha become Hokage!

Whether it is for Konoha or the Sarutobi family, it must be a devastating result.

Therefore, under the premise that Tsunade, who originally had high hopes, performed so well, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care to tear up the private agreement with those ninjas.


A flash of astonishment flashed in Sarutobi Asuma's eyes, but before he could speak, Sarutobi Hiruzen pressed him down.

"You should know the consequences of a Uchiha becoming a Hokage!"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say the words, but the firm eyes that looked at the chiefs of the ninja clan at the moment expressed it very clearly.

This month is not a waste of time. Almost all the patriarchs of the Konoha Ninja Clan have contact with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although it is known through a series of recent events that this Third Hokage is not as glorious and stalwart as imagined, but it is also clear that once Uchiha is in power, especially the Uchiha clan led by Uchiha Jin is in power...

The entire Konoha will inevitably fall into huge turmoil, and the most serious will even lead to a complete war with Hokage and Uchiha, thus completely destroying this common home for all.

And in comparison...

Sarutobi day Asuma?

"I, Hyuga Hiashi, volunteer to become Fifth Hokage!"

Hyuga Hiashi glanced at Sarutobi Asuma contemptuously. Although there was an agreement with Sarutobi Hiruzen before, the change of plan at this moment gave the Hyuga clan a glimmer of hope.


A gleam flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes when he heard the words, but at this moment the emotions in his heart were firmly suppressed by him. The most important thing at this moment was the attitude of the Uchiha clan.

"Tsunade, Asuma, Hyuga Hiashi..."

There was a playful smile in Uchiha Jin's eyes, and a hint of undeniability in his tone, then he turned and looked down at Uchiha Fugaku, whose face was full of hesitation.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, are you interested in running for Fifth Hokage?"


Although Uchiha Fugaku's heart was agitated as early as when Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, but when things came to an end, he realized that those simple words were so heavy.


As Uchiha Setsu's right hand patted his shoulder, Uchiha Fugaku's complicated mood calmed down again.

"Some things, after looking at yourself clearly, you will find that it is just own obsession. The most suitable person for the Uchiha clan to be Hokage is you!"

Uchiha Fugaku's tone was calm and firm, and Uchiha Setsuna beside him also reconsidered.

"The Uchiha clan elected Uchiha Jin to become the Fifth Hokage!"


(end of this chapter)

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