Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 176: Land Of Fire, Change Of Owner! (Updated)

Chapter 176: Land of Fire, Change of Owner! (updated)

it's over!

Konoha's turmoil, which was enough to affect the entire ninja world, erupted like a gust of wind and rain, and then disappeared like an electric light and flint.

As the Hyuga clan, who once tried to compete with Uchiha for the throne of the richest family, it is absolutely unimaginable for outsiders to have complicated emotions at this moment.

Whether it used to be a branch house or a clan, the Hyuga people at the moment don't know how to face that man who is as domineering as a tyrant.


Even for those few members of the clan, at this moment, their hearts are probably just rejoicing, not the so-called resentment.

Caged Bird is indeed a sharp weapon to protect the blood successors of the Hyuga family, so that the branch house members of the Hyuga family will not be hunted by some blood successor thieves in the Sengoku era.

But this Caged Bird itself is to protect the blood successor. With the passage of time and the rise of the clan class, it has already become a tool for the clan to rule the branch house!

Even if there are some things they didn't have this thought in the first place, but facing the branch house where the life and death of all the people are controlled by their own thoughts, every "honorable" Hyuga clan will feel lucky unconsciously.

Fortunately, I am a clan!

No matter how equal they say they are, how close they are as brothers and sisters in the past.

Hyuga Hiashi, who is the main family of Hyuga, will not hesitate to use Curse Mark: Caged Bird to impose punishment on his Little Brother Hizashi when he shows his murderous intent to Hinata, and then immediately engraved 'Caged Bird' on Neji to cut himself off All thoughts of Little Brother.

This is for the sake of the family, but also for the sake of the clan's position.

The Hyuga clan is the real successor, and the Hyuga branch house is just the guardian!

But facing a Uchiha Jin who also controls the Caged Bird like them, facing the alien ninja who can completely destroy the guardians of the Hyuga family.

In a sense, the Hyuga clan that has lost its guardian is not trapped by the Caged Bird, and it is an evil curse that can destroy all the glory of the entire Hyuga clan.

Become a running dog, or be completely destroyed!

It is also based on this point that when Hyuga Hiashi heard Uchiha Jin's order to sweep Caged Bird into the dust of history, the first thought in his heart was not resentment, but a kind of deep gratitude.

This is how the Hyuga family feels, not to mention those Hyuga branch houses who have gradually become numb to freedom under the comfort of Caged Bird.


Probably more surprises!

That is, such as Hyuga Neji, and some Elder-level characters in the Hyuga branch house, a strange light flashed in their eyes at this moment.

The order was issued in the morning, and the Caged Bird left in the afternoon!

Obviously, only the Hyuga clan itself has the most profound research on Caged Bird, and no one will be surprised by Konoha.

After all, Caged Bird is almost incomprehensible to outsiders, but to the Hyuga family who understand all its structures and operating methods, it is nothing more than an extremely complicated sealing technique!

well known.

The purpose of the seal is to wait for it to be cracked!

From then on, the tragic fate of being a Hyuga branch house, which was determined at birth, was completely cut off by a Uchiha.

But if it is said that the Hyuga clan can't hate Uchiha Jin, then the Sarutobi clan is the head, the Mitomon clan and the Juanzu clan are supplemented. With unimaginable resentment.

Falling from heaven to The Underworld happened in just one day.

Just like what Uchiha Jin said, before the three clans use their military exploits to wash away their own stains, then Konoha can only be regarded as a second-class citizen.

Everything such as mission rewards, ninja benefits, and even various preferential policies owned by ninjas have been cut down to one-third of the original.

Facing the Uchiha clan whose main target is government-driven rebellion, what choice can the Sarutobi, Mitomen, and Zhuanzhu clans have, of course they choose to forgive him!

Although anyone can see the malice in Uchiha Jin's eyes, facing the two sides with different offensive and defensive advantages and disadvantages at this moment, they just ended up like the Uchiha clan before.

For example - clan relocation!

The same order was issued in the morning, and in the afternoon, the Sarutobi, Mitomen, and Zhuanzhu clans were driven by the Uchiha clan to resettle in the southwest corner of Konoha Village.

The main thing here is to thank the Wood Style ninja "Tianzang" for its Three Bedrooms and One Living Room Technique, which also saved the once glorious three clans from ending up in a miserable end without a tile to cover their heads.

All kinds of changes in Konoha Village have made all the villagers and ninjas deeply moved, but a new storm is brewing in the Hokage building at this moment.


Konoha, Hokage Building.

Uchiha Jin bold and grandiose sat upright on the main seat, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Moji stared at a pair of Mangekyō lined up on both sides, and there were two Kage-level powerhouses Habara and Tunan guarding the side.

Facing the Uchiha clan who are waiting in such a serious battle, it is natural that they will not be ordinary beings who can be present at the front at this moment.

Except for Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu who had already returned to the new family's greenhouse, all the chiefs of the ninja clan, big and small, were present on the left side.

And the people sitting on the right side are the extremely ugly and complicated Fire Nation daimyo and his party, as well as the three envoys of Ninja Village represented by Chiyo, Huang Tu, and Terumi Mei.

As they witnessed the turmoil in Konoha, the defeat of the Sarutobi Hiruzen lineage and the rise of the Uchiha clan, the emotion in their hearts at this moment is indescribable.

The Konoha turmoil is certainly a good thing for them, but the current Konoha, which seems to have not weakened and appears stronger, makes each of them feel deeply uneasy.

"The vanguard of Cloud Shinobi has entered the Land of Fire!"

Although he could feel the anxious atmosphere in the field, Nara Shijiu still insisted on speaking.

Who would have thought that this news, which should have been used to force the Uchiha clan to compromise, has now become the biggest boost for Uchiha Jin to control the situation strongly.


Why the Sarutobi, Mitomen, and Zhuanban clans didn't take the opportunity to rebel, it was naturally because of Uchiha Jin's threat to fight against the outside world first.

Didn't you see that Jiraiya, who was originally entangled with Orochimaru, had already fled after learning that there was nothing to be done, and then Uchiha Jin took advantage of the opportunity to put a name of rebellion.

If you're too dumb, you're afraid of being stunned, if you're stunned, you're afraid of dying!

Facing the group of Uchiha who had already obtained the essence of 'reckless', at this moment Konoha and the ninjas of all sizes could only helplessly spit out a word of obedience.

What's more.

Although Uchiha Jin's posture is aggressive all the way, what he finally shows is not a real lunatic.

And compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen's boastful will of fire, Uchiha Jin's words are extremely ugly and straightforward, but they are sincere with Uchiha characteristics.

Just like now...

"give it to me!"

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha stood up at the same time, clapped their chests and shouted at Uchiha Jin.

"I will let those barbarians from the Kingdom of Thunder know that the power of the Uchiha clan is not something they can provoke!"

Accompanied by the utterance of these words, Uchiha Fugaku was also deeply moved at the moment, and felt for the first time that he was really not made to be a patriarch.

The self who was indecisive before was really aggrieved, but he didn't expect that after he gave up the so-called forbearance and used the so-called "reckless" word method, the whole world seemed to respond beautifully to him.

Especially when Uchiha Jin ascended the throne of Hokage and drove the Sarutobi clan to the corner of the village, this tough guy with the name of "Evil Eye" even had a feeling of wanting to get wet at the corners of his eyes.

God knows.

When Fugaku made this decision more than three years ago, he felt such pain in his heart.

But obviously want to exchange sincerity for sincerity, but the result is endless persecution by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.

It is precisely because of this.

After watching Uchiha Jin retaliate for the humiliation Uchiha suffered, Uchiha Fugaku completely abandoned the flaws in his past personality.

Learned how to be a smart Uchiha!

That is, you don't need to bring your brains, you just need to bring a knife to kill people and you're done!

Everything will be arranged by Uchiha Jin, and the current Uchiha people are also very satisfied with this.

"very good!"

Uchiha Jin nodded in satisfaction, and was very pleased with Fugaku's changes, but then turned his gaze to the Daimyo of the Fire Country.

"Zhaohe, what's your opinion!"


Calling him by his name in this way obviously made everyone in the field feel astonished again.

Although it was clear from the beginning that Uchiha Jin didn't want to see the daimyo of the Fire Nation, this way of directly arousing the conflict still surprised everyone.

"Is Konoha trying to mess up the dignity?"

If it is said that the daimyo of the land of fire can bear it for a while, but Kazuma, who is the guardian of the twelve warriors of ninja, can't bear it at all.

It's just that there is no need for Uchiha Jin to refute at this moment, the Mangekyō in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes has already exuded terrifying pupil power, locking on Kazuma with the aura like the abyss of Shura.

"If you are not convinced, fight with our Uchiha clan again."

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

The ferocious expression displayed by Fugaku's "Evil Eye" is enough to make any existence with a long history in the battlefield feel horrified.

"Could it be that Konoha wants to break the covenant with our Fire Nation?"

"We have continuously supported Konoha over the years and given you so much financial support and mission shares. Is this how Konoha repays the Nation of Fire?"

Seeing that He Ma was at a disadvantage, Zhaohe finally spoke at this moment.

Although he understands that Uchiha Jin's will cannot be easily changed through words, but at the moment this is the only card in his hand that can be played.

But it was clear that Uchiha Jin didn't mean that he was too bb at all. Although he didn't show the scarlet Sharingan, but a strong spiritual will was the oppressive Zhaohe once again collapsed on the seat.

"Big name!"

Seeing this, He Ma and others stepped forward to guard, and then watched Uchiha Jin vigilantly in front of him.

"Who gave you the confidence to form an alliance with Konoha? I, Konoha, have always guarded the Kingdom of Fire with absolute strength. Your daimyo is just a moth who enjoys fun behind the scenes!"

No one thought that Uchiha Jin would not even be willing to do superficial kung fu, his fierce aura coupled with that terrifying Killing intent made everyone's hearts jump.

"The Land of Fire can have no Daimyo, but it absolutely can't live without Konoha!"

Uchiha Jin's tone was unprecedentedly cold, staring at Zhaohe Daimyo like a falcon.

"So you have to recognize your own posture. I won't say the same words to you a second time, so tell me what your answer is now!"


Facing Uchiha Jin's words that didn't leave any room for anything, Zhaohe daimyo's forehead was covered with big beads of sweat at this moment, and the veins under the flesh were trembling uncontrollably at the moment.


Unprecedented shame!

But powerlessness, since he became a daimyo, he has never felt powerless.

Zhao's core is very clear that the Uchiha Jin in front of him is completely different from the Sarutobi Hiruzen in the past. In the past, the means of suppressing finances and own Bloodline have no effect on the man in front of him who only recognizes Uchiha Bloodline.

"Zhaohe daimyo!"

Kazuma looks crazy at the moment, and an unprecedented sense of shame spreads in his heart, even completely ignoring Uchiha Fugaku who is staring at him, The next moment is about to rush forward.


Accompanied by a flash of cold light, Uchiha's scarlet eyes flashed a streamline in the air, and then a slender line of blood wet Zhaohe Daimyo's cheek.


Zhaohe daimyo already felt that he had made enough mental preparations and understood Uchiha's pride and arrogance enough.

But it wasn't until the moment He Ma died in front of him that Zhao Xin realized that he was still too naive.

"Zhaohe... is willing to obey Lord Hokage's orders..."

As if he had lost all his strength, Zhaohe daimyo collapsed on the seat at this moment, his eyes were full of emptiness and despair.

The fire country daimyo has inherited the glory and respect of Thousand Years, and it seems that he is about to completely decline in his generation.

How can it be like this!

The patriarchs of the Konoha Shinobi clan who were present at the side also felt their hearts suddenly aroused when the previous conflict broke out. They seemed to have thought of the difficult future when Konoha was targeted by the Fire Nation.

But at this moment, under the strength of Uchiha Jin, they seem to have discovered the whole New World that had never appeared in their consciousness in the past.

The name of the Land of Fire seems to be nothing more than that!

that's true!

It can only be said - as expected of Uchiha!

Only the Uchiha clan, who have always looked at people with their nostrils, can see clearly their weakness and cowardice hidden under that gorgeous coat at a glance.

It's just that this kind of change is not just for Konoha and the Fire Country. At this moment, everyone can already predict what terrible changes will happen in the ninja world in the future.

"Now that you've thought it through, you can go back and prepare all kinds of war supplies. Habara will protect you by your side!"

Uchiha Jin's tone was careless, but at this moment he completely grasped the fate of the Fire Nation.

The Kingdom of Fire has changed hands!


(end of this chapter)

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