Xijing let out a long breath. This proficiency is still very fast, and one D-level ninjutsu can gain 1 proficiency. And Xijing needed fifty points to rise to the next level of proficiency, and he needed to learn fifty D-level ninjutsu.

Actually, it doesn’t take long.

The next level system will activate the Blood Succession Limit System, and will obtain the Sharingan of the famous Hokage.

Xijing has been waiting for a long time.

In order to write chakra, you must also learn ninjutsu and increase your proficiency.

It’s not that hard.

Xijing is now scrappy.

“Come on, the next ninjutsu.” Nishikyo couldn’t wait to say to Katono.

“Shouldn’t we take a break, learning ninjutsu is very draining, and it’s not good for the body.” Katono said.

“Don’t worry, my body is very strong now, such a little burden is nothing.” Xijing said.

Xijing is now an immortal body, and the strength of the immortal body is indescribable, think that the original Hokage just inherited the immortal body, and it is so powerful that it is invincible in the ninja world.

Xijing certainly doesn’t feel tired.

“Well, since you are not tired, let’s continue to talk, the next ninjutsu is wind attribute ninjutsu, D-level ninjutsu, wind escape: wind blade. This is a knife-shaped chakra formed by the wind attribute Chakra unleashed. Katono continued.

Over time, Nishikyo learned more and more ninjutsu and faster and faster.

“Congratulations to the host for learning the D-grade Ninjutsu Wind Blade”

“Congratulations to the host for increasing his ninjutsu proficiency by 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the host for learning the D-grade ninjutsu wind knife”

“Congratulations to the host for increasing his ninjutsu proficiency by 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the host for learning the C-level ninjutsu wind killing formation”

“Congratulations to the host for the increase in ninjutsu proficiency by 3 points.”

C-level ninjutsu is slower to learn, it takes about an hour to learn, but the proficiency has increased by three points, which is equivalent to three D-level ninjutsu.

In total, Xijing learned eight D-level ninjutsu and three C-level ninjutsu.

After all, Katono is only a middle ninja, and the ninjutsu he knows is also very limited.

Eleven ninjutsu increased Nishikyo’s proficiency by 17 points. It’s not far from fifty.

“I have nothing more to teach you, you are really amazing. In less than one night, you actually learned eleven ninjutsu, you are really a genius among geniuses. “Katono now sincerely admires Nishikyo’s talent.

“It’s just a pity, I can’t see you release, these ninjutsu, these ninjutsu are too powerful, I’m afraid I will tear down this house.” Katono joked.

“Thank you Katono-sensei, I will leave.” Xijing said.

Katono got up to send Saikyo away, and he looked at Nishikyo’s back and was speechless for a long time.

“It’s such a teenager who has such a terrifying Chakra, I hope he can go the right way, otherwise it will really be a disaster for Konoha.” Kato said worriedly.

Nishikyo, who left Katonoya, walked towards the back of the village, which was originally Hokage Rock.

It was still dark at the moment. It was in the second half of the night that everyone slept.

And there happened to be a few shadows that appeared near the Fire Shadow Rock.

These were a few ninjas from Kusanagi Village, which was closest to Konoha, so their scouting force was the first to arrive.

“How does this Konoha village feel changed.” A Kusanagi Ninja whispered.

“I also feel that something is wrong, I have been to this Konoha Village many times, and this time it feels very different.” Kusanagi Murakami Ninja Kurikimaru, who was in charge of this mission, was also frowning at the moment.

“Sir, the Hokage Rock here is gone. Behind Konoha Village is a huge rock with the heads of Hokage carved from previous generations, and now this rock is gone. A ninja whispered.

“What’s going on? Then the huge Fire Shadow Rock just disappeared. It’s really weird, everyone be careful, pay attention to probing the news, don’t expose it, this Konoha village is full of weirdness. Kaminobi Kurikimaru ordered.

“Sir, you said that this time the countless doppelgangers and the water pillar that reached the sky are not related to Konoha Village.” A ninja asked.

Kaminobi Kurikimaru shivered in his heart towards the endless doppelgangers and the water column that led directly to the sun.

“I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with Konoha, otherwise our Kusanagi Village will have a hard time.” Kurikimaru said.

“How’s the other team?” Kurikimaru asked in a low voice.

“Over there, the vice captain personally leads the team, it shouldn’t be a big problem to be careful, after all, we are only investigating the situation, and we don’t enter Konoha Village, just outside to investigate.” The Kusanagi ninja said.

“Why do I always feel uneasy, the closer I get to Konoha Village, the more uneasy it gets.” Kurikimaru said.

“Captain, you probably haven’t been to Konoha for a long time, it’s not a good place. So it’s a little nervous. The Kusanagi Ninja said.

“Hopefully, everyone be careful, I’m feeling very uneasy. I hope I’m overthinking. Kurikimaru issued the order.

At the same time, Xijing had already walked to the vicinity of Hokage Rock.

(It’s cold, let’s move your little hands, vote for recommendations and flowers, so that you can warm your hands.) )

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