Hokage: I Can Hear The Beep

Chapter 313 Renji Bankai! (Seeking Subscription)

After the shaking.

A large number of rocks collapsed.

In front of Chiba.

I saw countless Guy Luthor doppelgangers suddenly appear again!

But this time.

The doppelgangers actually formed a huge carrier stone pillar by converging with each other.


Guy Ruthor's six special doppelgangers opened their eyes again.

Dazzling beams of light shone on the top of the carrier stone pillar!


The entire floor is covered with huge shadows.


Always huge fists burrowed out of the shadows.

Rush in the direction of Chiba's group!

Feel the unusual pressure in front of you.

Chiba's group sped away.

And Renji.

This time, he didn't dodge or dodge, and directly drew his sword and carried it hard!


A loud bang.

Zabimaru and Guy Ruthor's giant fist collide!

A gust of wind and sand blew through.

Guy Ruthor's huge body has emerged from the shadows.

And Renji.

A stream of powerful Reiatsu also burst out from his body 853 times!

Renji is seen blocking Guy Ruther's attack.

Ichigo was about to step in to help.

But Renji suddenly extended a hand.

Stop Chiba and Ichigo, who are coming to help.

"It's not bad to fight side by side. But as Mr. Urahara said, I also know that you can't always go head-on.

But lately it's been this all the time, and I don't think I've become a little negligent!"

Hear Renji's words.

Ichigo's brow furrowed.

"Why do you suddenly say such a thing!"

And Renji.

Just turned his head and shook his head with Ichigo's smile.

"I remembered! Our approach... Fight at will, defeat is death! Anyway, if you die, you will die magnificently in battle!

I couldn't even protect a child, and I thought if someone would help me.

It was because of this that that child was put in danger!

(bgfj) If I had been negligent, I might not even have gone down the Soul Society!

Ichigo, Chiba, I'm going to fight this battle alone, don't move!"

Finish speaking.

Renji jerked hard.

Bounced off Guy Ruthor in front of him.

Next second.

Reiatsu's body exploded instantly!

"Bankai! Baboon King Zabimaru!"

I don't know when.

Renji already had an extra pink fur cape on his body.

And around himself.

There is even a huge python!

This python is Renji's soul slashing knife Zabimaru!

Huge body, every joint is controlled by Renji's spiritual power.

It's not only easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At the same time, it is varied and extremely aggressive!

Face the sudden appearance of the baboon king Zabimaru.

Guy Ruthor in front of him was not afraid in the slightest.

I saw Guy Ruthor roaring loudly like an orangutan, constantly beating his own body.

Next second.

The huge fist hit Zabimaru's body!

It didn't just beat Zabimaru to a stumbling halt.

It even broke Zabimaru's body to pieces!

See this scene.

Ichigo on the side couldn't sit still.

Just about to go up and help.

Chiba stopped him.

shook his head.

Chiba left Ichigo alone.

Chiba knows.

Before putting in Byakuya Kuchiki.

Renji is actually a member of Team Eleven!

and Renji, who was personally trained by Zaraki Kenpachi.

The imprint of Team Eleven in the body will not disappear.

Although it seems quite mature.

But Renji is still a battle maniac in his bones!

Since Renji just said not to meddle.

Chiba then had no intention of helping.


That's an insult to Renji!

The aftermath of the battle turned out to be as Chiba expected.

Zabimaru turned into a pile of racks.

In a previous life, this was all done by Renji on purpose.

Just as Guy Ruthor was about to take advantage of the victory in pursuit.

The body of Zabimaru, scattered beside him, suddenly rose into the air!

Next second.

Renji's spiritual power exploded again!

Zabimaru's bodies immediately turned into spear-like beings.

Speeding towards Guy Ruthor's body!

"Roar, roar!"

Guy Ruthor's screams rang out.


Usaki's painful voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"What's going on with Guy Ruthor! Don't panic at my command!"

It's just a pity.

No matter how much U Persimmon ordered.

The Guy in front of him Ruthor didn't care as if he was crazy!

While frantically hitting the wall, he is constantly looking for the location of Yu Persimmon.


Guy Ruthor has gone crazy and is ready to devour the Lord!

It was at this time.

Uki's voice suddenly reached Chiba's ears clearly.

Looked for Upersimmon for so long.

Chiba didn't expect that the distance of Uki's voice was so close to him!

A Shunpo came to a stone wall!

Next second.

The soul slashing knife in Chiba's hand was quickly chopped out!

"Brush" a few times.

The stone wall in front of him was easily cut off by Chiba like tofu!

And U Persimmon, sitting in the stone wall, anxiously ordered his Guy Ruther!

"What... What the! How did you find me!"

See Chiba.

U Persimmon's face froze.

Just about to order Usaki to come and escort.

But before Usaki could speak.

He was actually grabbed directly by his own Guy Ruthor!.

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