Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 181 The Wind And Flowers Are Very Calm

Chapter 181

The storm is very calm

Land of Snow, Daming Mansion.

"Report to Lord Nutao that the location of Princess Xiaoxue has been found."

Spike Avalanche reported.

"Oh? Was it discovered after only a year of escaping? After all, he was just a child..."

Feng Hua Nu Tao was very surprised by this.

From his point of view, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was murdered at a young age, was terrified long ago, so she could only hide her name and steal an existence. I am afraid that she would never dare to set foot in the Snow Country again for the rest of her life.

Although he has ordered his subordinate Xueyin to keep searching for Fenghua Xiaoxue.

But don't hold out too much hope.

After all, the boundless ninja world is so big, how difficult is it to find a child who hides his name?

The most important thing is that Xueyin's ability is limited, so don't bother...

"By the way, I dug three feet in the Daming Mansion, but I didn't find the key to open the treasure of the Snow Country. Maybe the old man put the key in Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand before he died...

Fenghua furiously laughed and said: "Hehe~ God helped me too! As long as you get the treasure of the legendary snow country, you might have the power to compete with the five great powers! Tell me, where is Fenghua Xiaoxue?"

"Konohagakure, the Land of Fire..."

Wolf Fang Avalanche replied.

"Konoha? Tsk~ This is tricky."

Fenghua furrowed his brows tightly, "Damn Konoha! You have to get a hand everywhere. The last time Fenghua Xiaoxue narrowly escaped death, it was because of their obstruction!"

"No, this time we don't need to send someone to catch it. Fenghua Xiaoxue will come to the door by herself, Mr. Nutao, look at this..."

While talking, Spike Avalanche took out a newspaper.

"Huh? Is this...... Konoha News?"

The stormy gaze was quickly attracted by the eye-catching title on the above board, and the veins on his forehead couldn't help popping out!

"How courageous! How dare Fenghua Xiaoxue go to Konoha to sue"?"

"Yes, this is a big trouble! Lord Nutao, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, Konoha, as the number one hidden village in the ninja world, is definitely not something we Xueyin can resist..."

Spike Avalanche expressed concern and authenticity.

"Hmph! You don't need to panic about this. Konoha is not a philanthropist, how could he send troops to attack us with Fenghua Xiaoxue's crying in a few words? It will also get a bad reputation of being bullied politically.

Fenghua Futao explained calmly: "Besides, it will cost a lot of money to hire Konoha Shinobi! How can a poor princess get the money to hire a master of Konoha?"

"I see, so we can sit back and relax?"

Hearing the former's analysis, Spike Fang Xuebing also felt that it made sense, and his expression couldn't help but relax.

"No, if you say that Konoha can't do anything, that's not necessarily true. After all, it's a public request from a princess of a country. Maybe just for the sake of face, he will send a few Chūnin over to perfunctory things. Then we have to do a good job. Be fully prepared so that Konoha knows that we, Xueyin, are not easy to bully!"

The wind and flowers and raging waves think that they have insight into politics and have a well-thought-out plan.


Tianming and Lin took Fenghua Xiaoxue on the sailing boat.

"The Land of Snow is an island country located in the sea off the northeast of the Land of Fire. It will take about three days from here."

Lin held a map in her hand and explained.

"It's okay, just treat it as a short trip."

Tianming leaned back on the railing, raised his head to enjoy the sea breeze blowing in front of him, with a contented expression on his face.

This relaxed posture does not feel the slightest sense of tension.

It's like going on a field trip.....

However, it was this calm attitude that caused Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was originally anxious, to unknowingly let go of her heavy heart.

"Finally, can I go home..."

Fenghua Xiaoxue pinned all her hopes on the two people in front of her.

"That...to assist Feng Xuee...oh no, it was Princess Xiaoyuki who took back the Snow Country, and Konoha sent you two young ninjas, is it really all right?"

The director said worriedly.

After all, she is the guardian who adopted Fenghua Xiaoxue for more than a year, although the original intention was to train her to become a famous actor and act as a cash cow.

"Don't worry, Tianming is very strong!"

Lin replied firmly. .

"Uh, it's hard to see..."

Filmmakers were skeptical.

Regarding this, Tianming didn't bother to explain to the ignorant people, he just said indifferently: "By the way, you idlers, why don't you come along to get promoted?"

"It's for the movie!"

The director's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he said seriously: ".々If Princess Xiaoyuki succeeds in returning to the country, I am afraid that the actor Fuji Fuyuki will disappear...But, for the next movie I decided to change the script and record the whole process of Princess Xiaoxue's return to the country!"

Filmed on-site, and then edited into a new movie through post-production!

I have to say that the director's brain hole is not ordinary!

Lin felt speechless when she heard this, and persuaded: "Mr. Director, ninja fighting is very dangerous, you should not get involved in it..."

There was a gleam in the director's eyes, and he said righteously: "Don't underestimate the awakening of filmmakers! As long as you can make an exciting movie, you will not hesitate to sacrifice your life!"

"The director is right!"

All the staff enthusiastically agreed.

"Hey? Isn't it a little heavy for (Zhao Zhu Zhao) to pay the price of life?"

Lynn expressed incomprehension.

"Heh ~ Lu"

Tianming chuckled lightly, and said flatly: "They can do whatever they want. Anyway, this drama of restoration of the country won't be so interesting..."

The so-called movie, the storyline must be full of ups and downs to be good.

Just like the theatrical version of Xue Ji Ninfa Tie in the original work...

If there is no disturbance and the story is unilaterally crushed, it will only be a bad movie.

Lin seemed to understand Tianming's playful smile, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

My heartfelt condolences to the fanatical director and film crew.

Sorry~ If Tianming plays the role of "Messenger of Justice", this story is doomed to have no suspense.

PS: There won't be many short stories in the theater version, just a few chapters. If you don't like it, you can read it.

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