Kimimaro was shocked by this sudden blow and did not bother to check the injury on his foot.

Kimimaro quickly retreated and distanced himself from Naruto. This attack from the shadow made him feel a little troublesome. He was completely unaware of the signs when Naruto launched the attack.

Seeing Naruto's look of being in control, Kimimaro couldn't find any flaws on the surface.

"What's wrong, are you scared?" Naruto said and shrank into the shadow. The next second, he appeared behind Kimimaro, swung Katen Kyōkotsu and slashed at Kimimaro's back.

As bright red blood splashed out from Kimimaro's back, Naruto said softly in his ear: "It's useless even if you are afraid."

By this time Kimimaro had given up completely and treated Naruto as a normal enemy.

Kimimaro decisively used Dead Bone Pulse·Karamatsu's Dance. The bones in his ribs and arms protruded outward, making him look like a hedgehog.

Naruto looked at Kimimaro's bones and said with a smile: "What an interesting ability, but your body is still your weakness."

Naruto said that and used Shadow Ghost again. This time, he did not see the painful scene of Kimimaro's blood splattering as he thought.

After Katen Kyōkotsu's blade pierced Kimimaro's skin, it was blocked by the white bone-like substance.

Black curse lines also appeared on Kimimaro's face. It turned out that in order to defend himself against Naruto's Shadow Ghost, he chose to build a layer of bone armor in his body.

After Naruto saw the white armor under Kimimaro's skin, he understood what was going on and said calmly.

"It seems that you also know how to use your brain? But if it were me, I would choose to use your Curse Seal 2 state instead of just entering the Curse Seal 1 state, because at this level, I can still Attack at will."

Naruto said as he jumped up high and swung Katen Kyōkotsu to use the new ghost's ability.

Kimimaro did not understand all the abilities of Huatian Kuanggu, but when he saw Naruto jumping high, he felt that Naruto in the air had become a target.

He used Dead Bone Pulse·Ten-finger piercing bullets to shoot, and at the same time, he prepared Dead Bone Pulse·Willow Dance for follow-up pursuit.

But Kimimaro still suffered a loss in intelligence after all. He did not expect Naruto's slash to be so severe.

With just one knife, his chest was cut open, as well as the white armor under his flesh and blood. He never thought that he would be so fragile and vulnerable in the first state of the curse seal.

Kimimaro looked down at the deep scars on his chest and fell into memories, remembering the countless words he had been told before setting off.

"If you meet Uzumaki Naruto, be sure not to be careless and not be deceived by his appearance."

Only then did Kimimaro understand the true meaning of this warning. Unfortunately, he was still too arrogant, and he didn't wake up until he was covered in wounds.

The curse mark on Kimimaro's body gradually began to change, and his skin changed from just normal color. It turned brown and black, and black Madara lines appeared on the face. The back was completely raised and pierced with several giant bones, and a long tail grew out.

"You're right, maybe from the beginning, I should have dealt with you in the Curse Seal 2 state. It was my fault." Kimimaro murmured to himself, as if speaking to Naruto.

Seeing Kimimaro's state, Naruto became a little more serious. Judging from his experience fighting the Curse Seal II, the opponent's physical fitness had at least increased by several orders of magnitude. With the blessing of his already very powerful Dead Bone Pulse, the battle Strength cannot be underestimated.

Kimimaro pulled out his long spine and whipped Naruto quickly like a whip.

Facing Naruto's Katen Kyōkotsu double swords and their airtight sword skills, Kimimaro couldn't feel the slightest chance of breakthrough.

Kimimaro could feel the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. He knew that after suffering those traumas, his body was gradually approaching its limit.

All he could do now was to strike Naruto with all his might.

"Early Fern Dance!"

Countless huge bone spurs rose from the ground, forming a huge and terrifying forest of bones.

But unfortunately, such an attack could not hurt Naruto. With the power of the shadow ghost, Naruto could walk through the bone forest without any pressure.

It can only be said that the Katen Kyōkotsu used by Naruto happened to restrain Kimimaro in terms of ability. Unfortunately, Kimimaro did not know that the ability of Katen Kyōkotsu can actually be used by both parties.

But obviously, fighting is never fair, and Naruto will not inform his enemies of this rule.

Kimimaro appeared on the bones behind Naruto, his right hand was wrapped in the bones, becoming his most powerful bone spear, ready to launch a fatal blow to Naruto.

Naruto just turned around and calmly swung his Zanpakutō, striking Kimimaro's bone spear.

"There's no time, I'll kill you now!" Kimimaro roared crazily at Naruto, ignoring the blood pouring out of his mouth.

"You, you have to pay attention to the changes in your opponent's abilities, otherwise this will happen." Naruto said, a huge wrist appeared out of thin air, grabbed the huge scourge and slashed at Kimimaro.


Before Kimimaro could react, his head had been completely chopped off by God.

Although Naruto felt that similar effects could be achieved through the ability of Katen Kyōkotsu Yangui.

But Naruto still didn't know whether so many bones could be counted as part of Kimimaro's body, so he finally chose a safer way and killed him with divine punishment.

After cutting off Kimimaro's bone spear, Naruto used the Summoning Technique directly on Kimimaro's headless corpse. The same as when he summoned Yammy before, a large amount of white substance spurted out.

The white substance was quickly used to reshape Kimimaro's corpse into Nnoitra's appearance.

Nnoitra felt her new body and did some simple activities.

"How are you satisfied with your new body?" Naruto asked looking at Nnoitra.

"It's okay, I just don't know what level it is in this world." Nnoitra said while looking at his fist.

"It is also relatively rare in this world. His hard bones should be the rare power called the Blood Succession Limit. It is also a rare power in this world." Naruto explained to Nnoitra.

Naruto crushed his own eyeballs and used the ability of the Kyokai Eye to quickly convey the information of this world to Nnoitra.

Nnoitra breathed in Naruto's eyeball fragments and quickly understood what Naruto had seen and heard in this world during this time.

Naruto thought about it and planned to let Nnoitra learn the Transformation Technique before returning to Konoha. On the one hand, the only thing left to do later was to chase Sasuke. His combat power was not needed. If someone from Konoha caught up later, he would be caught. Discovering the relationship with Espada will also affect his hiding.

Naruto threw Kimimaro's large bone spear to Nnoitra and said, "Bring this to the blacksmith in the village for me."

Nnoitra took the things and asked, "Aren't you going back with me?"

Naruto shook his head slightly and said: "I still need to deal with something. You take the things to the old blacksmith and work with him to find Szayel Aporro and Yammy."

"Understood." Nnoitra tried an unskilled transformation Technique, changing his appearance to be as ordinary as possible and moving quickly towards Konoha.

Naruto also simply patted the dust on his body, sensed Sasuke Reiatsu's position, and then continued to move.

Tayuya moved quickly holding Sasuke's container, feeling the dance of the early fern released by Kimimaro before he died, using up the terrible chakra.

He couldn't help but look back at the forest of bones, and murmured: "Kimimaro is still..."

Tayuya didn't need to confirm, a feeling in her heart told her that Kimimaro had passed away just like his previous companions.

This feeling made her speed up her pace involuntarily. The name Uzumaki Naruto had become synonymous with devil in her mind.

"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has light, divided into six, Bakudō sixty-one, six sticks of light." As the full chant sounded, a huge piece of light penetrated Tayuya's body.

"What!" Before Tayuya realized what happened, his body was restrained uncontrollably.

Naruto's face appeared in front of her eyes. Thinking of Naruto's terrible achievements just now, Tayuya's body trembled uncontrollably.

Looking at Tayuya's expression, Naruto said playfully: "The expression is good, but I usually don't kill women, so there's no need to be so afraid."

The next moment, Naruto walked slowly to Tayuya's side, reached out and grabbed her cheek and said coldly: "But if you dare to reveal my information, that's another matter."

"No, I definitely won't!" Tayuya promised quickly in horror.

At this time, the container that sealed Sasuke suddenly began to vibrate violently, instantly attracting the attention of the two people.

With a bang, the wooden container suddenly burst open, and Sasuke's figure appeared from it.

"It seems that Sasuke's transformation has been completed?" Naruto murmured to himself?

Seeing Sasuke coming out of the broken barrel, he gradually returned to his normal state from the Curse Seal 2 state.

Sasuke, on the other hand, looked at his hands and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, he also realized Naruto behind him, turned his head and glanced at Naruto and said, "What's wrong, it's you Naruto."

"You seem quite satisfied with the new power Orochimaru gave you?" Naruto asked with a smile on his face.

"This power is exactly what I have dreamed of!" Sasuke replied in the affirmative.

Although Sasuke didn't know it, Naruto had already killed four of the Sound Ninja of the Cursed Seal 2.

"Go back Naruto, don't worry about me anymore, I have my own way to go, no one should tell me what to do anymore!" Sasuke said in an arrogant tone.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh, but with the new power, he had forgotten how he suppressed him before.

"We haven't seen each other for such a short period of time. Is this how you treat me now?" Naruto asked calmly.

As if feeling the coldness in Naruto's tone, Sasuke gradually recalled some memories that Naruto had suppressed.

Sasuke replied: "You can leave, I don't want to stay in Konoha and hang out with you anymore!"

"What is the guy who was easily defeated by Itachi talking about now?" Naruto shook his head slightly.

"Can I become stronger just because I have been living under your protection?" Sasuke expressed his truest feelings, "I want to find Orochimaru, he can give me the power I want."

Naruto waved to Sasuke and said, "Then show me the power you have gained."

Sasuke Sharingan opened his mouth and the curse mark began to spread to his whole face. He suddenly puffed up his mouth and used the Fire Style Phoenix Fire Technique at Naruto.

Naruto waved his Zanpakutō and easily blocked Sasuke's Fire Style Phoenix Fire Technique. He said impatiently: "That's enough, don't use this boring ninjutsu. Now we are in the so-called Cursed Seal 1 state. Hurry up. , quickly enter Cursed Seal 2 and show me, let me see how strong your Cursed Seal 2 is!"

Sasuke did not follow Naruto's command, but rushed towards him and launched a taijutsu attack, launching a roundhouse kick to Naruto's face.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's ankle with one hand and said calmly: "The strength is good, but if it is only to this extent, you are not as good as the guy who used bones before."

After saying that, the false mask instantly appeared on Naruto's face, and Naruto threw Sasuke's entire body heavily and hit it on the rock wall in the distance.

With a bang, a deep hole was made on the rock wall, and Naruto looked at the embarrassed Sasuke.

"I never said that I won't be cruel to you. If your power is only this level, it's better not to talk about revenge and just end it here." Naruto said as he waved Zanpakutō, and the giant hand appeared, The huge scourge slashed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke also finally entered the form of Curse Seal 2. The black Chidori in his hand flashed and he rushed directly towards the Scourge.

The black Chidori flicked the Scourge away. Just when Sasuke was delighted with his strength, the Scourge appeared again, and the huge blade knocked him into the rock wall.

Naruto looked down at Sasuke who fell to the ground and said calmly: "Is this all your strength now?"

To Sasuke, Naruto's strength was like an unreachable peak, so powerful that it was despairing and suffocating.

Obviously Sasuke felt that his strength had changed drastically after entering the second cursed state, but facing Naruto, he was still so insignificant.

But Naruto had to admit that Sasuke's adaptability to the curse seal was indeed superior.

It is obvious that he has just mastered the state of Curse Seal 2, and he is able to master it to this level, and he can feel that this power has really improved Sasuke a lot, to say the least, it is obvious.

Sasuke tried his best to open his eyes and looked at Naruto, with that unyielding look in his eyes.

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