After beating the moonlight wind, like a person who is fine, he pulled Yue Xiyan back to his seat, and chatted about the sky again casually.

However, at this time, the entire classroom was silent, and everyone looked at the knife with surprised and scared eyes.

“Who the hell is this white-haired kid, it’s scary!!!”

This is probably the inner monologue of most people.

Only one person’s eyes lit up and he looked at the knife with slight interest.

Her name is Mitarashi Azuki Bean.

Perhaps, she was also not born a safe person.

After seeing a knife three or five strokes knocked the moonlight to the stomach.

She was originally not very interested in the people in the class, but at this time, she already had a strong interest in Yidao.

“What a little meaning this boy! With gray hair and sharp skills, will it be someone from the Qimu family? ”

Red Bean looked at the knife and thought secretly.

Although Yidao is not like the people of the Qimu family, wearing tight clothing to cover the part below the nose, but at such a young age, he has such a sharp skill, and he has gray hair.

Such characteristics are the only one in the entire Konoha, except for the Senju family. Similarly, only such a family can cultivate such a character, and ordinary people simply cannot cultivate such a genius.

Moreover, now that the thousand hands have declined, there are not many people with white hair, so Hongdou guessed at the first time that a knife came from the Qimu family.

Time doesn’t always stay in one moment.

After beating the moonlight with a knife, when he chatted with Yue Xiyan casually, everyone in the classroom was briefly surprised and afraid.

After glancing pityingly at the moonlight wind lying on the ground.

So he withdrew his gaze and began to do his own business again, talking about his own day.

Although they became much more cautious at this time, they were no longer entangled in the conflict between a knife and the moonlight wind.

And the moonlight storm, after lying on the ground for a full ten minutes.

also stood up, at this time, although he hated a knife, but did not dare to find another knife trouble, after returning to his seat, he kept lying on the table and pretending to be a dead dog.

It didn’t take long.

The teachers of the elite class have finally arrived.

But it was the young ninja who had a conversation with Ichigo at the gate.

“Hello everyone, my name is Yusaku (cameo), and I will be your class teacher in the future!” Before we officially start the course, let’s introduce ourselves. Let the companions get to know each other…”

Such a process is almost an unspoken rule of ninja schools.

Soon, the lean child sitting in the first row stood up and walked to the podium and began to introduce himself…

“Hello everyone, my name is Mitsuhiko Marutani (cameo), I like XX, hate XX, dream XXX”

The kid named Mitsuhiko Marutani introduced himself, and then a beautiful little girl walked up to the podium.

“Hello everyone, my name is Ayumi Yoshida (cameo), I like XX, hate XX, dream XXX.”

After the little girl named Ayumi finished her introduction, another little fat tun walked up to the podium.

“Hello everyone, my name is Motota Kojima…”

Looking at the following self-introductions one by one, I was speechless for a while.

However, the person who soon stepped onto the podium was a familiar figure.

Shenyue Izumo, Gangzi Iron, Iruka, Moonlight Swift Wind, and Yueyue Xiyan all stepped on the scene one by one and introduced themselves.

Soon it was the turn of a knife.

“It’s the one who called a knife!” Yusaku Shikito’s eyes lit up when he saw a knife coming up.

“My name is Qimu Yidao. What you like to keep secret, what you hate is also kept secret, as for dreams and the like, you will naturally know later. ”

“Che, in the end, I only know his name…”

Although many people spit out like this.

However, there are also many people who show an expression of realization after hearing Yidao’s self-introduction.

“He really is from the Qimu family!” Hongdou looked at the knife on the podium and thought secretly. An unknown thought flashed in his eyes.

“Flagwood? No wonder he was so interested, it turned out that he and Kakashi, Konoha’s most genius, were of the same family. ”

Kakashi has only graduated for two years, and now he is only seven years old, and he has already been a shinobi for the past year.

His daimyo, in the eyes of people of his age, is the existence of idols.

Now when he heard the knife, it turned out to be Kakashi’s family, and he was suddenly a little relieved that he had such a benefit.

“I heard that Kakashi graduated at the age of five, and I don’t know when this Kiki will graduate…”

“It’s just, Kakashi is so staked, I just don’t know how his clan is…”

After introducing himself, the following discussion quickly became one.

“Hehe, although I had long expected such a moment, I didn’t expect that a knife had just finished being introduced, and it was discussed like this, how could you be with a knife.” Kudo Yusaku heard the discussion below, and couldn’t help but turn to look at it.

only to find.

Yidao didn’t care about these comments at all, and after the introduction, he returned to his seat without changing his face.

A class of thirty people quickly completed the introduction.

“Very good, now that everyone knows each other, then we will officially start the class…”

Time is turning.

Another few days passed.

After a few days of school, the freshness passed, and the knife began to get bored like in the previous life. There are also cases of late arrivals, early departures, and truancy.

In this regard, as a teacher who leads the class, Kudo also has a great headache.

This morning.

As always, Yi Dao got up early and went to the backyard practice field to practice knife skills, when he was practicing vigorously.

“One knife, it’s not early, it’s time for school!”

A voice, like a plate of cold water, poured out his enthusiasm for cultivation.

“It’s really boring, no wonder Kakashi can’t wait to graduate from school so early, it’s really too boring and a waste of time to go to school.” Yidao pouted, but also had to put away the wooden knife to go to school.

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